Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 7/31/2005
Lily, Yes it does thank you for taking the time to answer me, it's always nice to hear how other people do things. I've been using the channel mixer too...thank you again...very much appreciated...:):)Linda
sherif hussein
{K:13815} 7/30/2005
Very nice shot with great composition . It is so nicely captured that I can feel the see waives moving Well done Lily Sherif
Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 7/30/2005
Hi Linda, I think my camera comes with B/W option as well which I have not tried yet. These I converted via software using channels in Photoshop. In channels, I check the monochrome box at the bottom and then pull the three sliders to 40,30,30. I move them up and down to come up with a combination best for the picture, keeping the sum of the three around 100 (watch the darks and highlights closely, it's easy to loose detail in those areas). I used to load preset values into Channels but now I just start from scratch since it's easy enough. There are also several 3rd party software packages which specialize in B/W conversion. If I get into more B/W, I'm thinking I'll switch to one of those. Hope that helps. :-)
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 7/30/2005
Lily this is lovely, I like the composition with her walking into the frame, and a nice diagonal too, the wave action is just beautiful. But the first things that I noticed when I opened this was the clarity and the tones. Very nice, I'm working lately in black and white too, would you mind sharing how you are doing your conversions..I just got the Canon 20D and it even shoots in black and white, though I haven't tried it yet. Does the Rebel XT do that too? This is awesome and would make a nice poster too...:):)Linda
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/30/2005
I'm not sure which of the two versions I like best, Lily! Nice work on both counts. Best regards, Chris
Larry Monserate Piojo
{K:10780} 7/29/2005
love this one better... :)
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 7/29/2005
great nice photo,, full of movement