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Childhood Fun
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Image Title:  Childhood Fun
Favorites: 1 
 By: Judi Liosatos  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Judi Liosatos  Judi Liosatos {Karma:34047}
Project #51 Silhouettes and Abstracts Camera Model Sony DSC F828
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio People
Lens Carl Zeiss
Uploaded 6/30/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1910 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 108 Rating
/ 33 Ratings
Location City -  Central Queensland
Country - Australia   Australia
The rain finally let up for half a day, enought time for me to be able to get out and take some landscape shots. This is one of the sunset tonight. The colours were incredible and vivid.

My boys were playing with the ball and thought this photo was a good shot. Hmmm...although I am not sure if the ball throwing was such a good shot..LOL!! And yes, it did land where you are thinking.
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There are 108 Comments in 1 Pages
Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 11/12/2005
Wow...thankyou so much Greg.



Greg Scott   {K:1990} 11/11/2005
One of the best photographs I have ever seen.


Francesca May   {K:6877} 11/10/2005
GREAT photo!


Erik Neldner Erik Neldner   {K:10846} 11/10/2005
perfection! i love the energy here and the colors and silhouette don'thurt either. nice work!!


Derek Bair Derek Bair   {K:1530} 9/28/2005
ahh kids, I bet that happy moment turned bad once that ball hit him! But that's the great things about photos, everyone thinks this is beautiful (which it is) but then the little guy on the right is just going to remember the time he got a black eye, haha. Such a cool picture!


Mort Gage   {K:2743} 9/27/2005
just saw this on Home page...excellent! what a beautiful and at the same time funny (ball hitting him in the "mellon") shot! a rare combination indeed.


Luke Luther   {K:14693} 9/23/2005
Well-deserved Judi.


Trish McCoy Trish McCoy   {K:15897} 9/10/2005
this is spectacular. this shot is perfect. congrats on the award. you deserve it. :)


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 8/26/2005
Thankyou so very much Igor. I am pleased you like this one.



Igor Sivjakov Igor Sivjakov   {K:4671} 8/25/2005
Awesome!!! Pure 7/7!
Congrats on BIP!


Hesham Abouzekry   {K:15927} 8/20/2005
vvvvery wonderful image, quite tone, balanced colours & fantastic composition.again bravo.
congratulation Judi!!!!!!!


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 7/25/2005
hehe such a spontainous and colorful image. well deserving of a BIP


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 7/13/2005
for you and for your boys :)
they are the heros..
if they didn't play you can't get the AWARD :P
best regards to you and yours

Sure w perfect work and sure 7'sssssss


Umberto Bazzoni   {K:1384} 7/13/2005
Simply superb! Well done! Congrat!


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 7/11/2005
Very rich in every way...color and moment. The silhouettes are wonderful. Congrats. Antonia


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 7/7/2005
Congrats on well deserved BIP.


Alastair Bell   {K:29571} 7/4/2005
Ouch~!!!! I remember my own two boys doing something similar.....
Lovely shot Judi - the silhouetting works very very well.. Great colours in the sunset too. Superb


Bryan Jarmain   {K:11941} 7/4/2005
Well done Judi for getting another award. Your photos are always pure inspiration.


Markus Scholz Markus Scholz   {K:23722} 7/4/2005
A lovable picture with incredible colors, very intense atmosphere. Heartly congratulations to the BIP, Judi. The project must have been created just for you;)

Cheers, Markus


Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 7/4/2005
Hey Judi,

Congrats on BIP and front page twice in a row. Awesome capture as always...

My Best,

Jr. Martin


Brenda Guiles Brenda Guiles   {K:6128} 7/4/2005
Another beautiful shot with such rich coloring! I have already commented on the other after looking at this one! The ball looks much better in the center, but this one could also tell a story! :)


moataz k. elkateb   {K:4971} 7/3/2005
anther wonderful shot Judi ..very strong composition ..well done.
Congratulations on the BIP award.



Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 7/3/2005
ouch.. :) great capture.. love the colors....nice work.. congrats on the BIP


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 7/2/2005
A beautiful shot, Judi, with great colours and silhouettes. Congrats on the well deserved award!


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/2/2005 cracked me up over that comment. Thanks for all of your comments Angelo.



Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 7/2/2005

I think your sons will grow up disagreeing on this one. One will think it was a great shot. The other will call it a cheap shot.

In the meantime, contrasting will all the hurly burly of infancy, a calm and pleasant sunset blesses nature with beautiful light.


Ann  Van Breemen   {K:13399} 7/2/2005
I knew this one was a winner. Congratulations. Cheers, Ann.


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/2/2005
Wow...thanks so much Asim. I am really pleased that I got a couple of BIP's in this project. Thanks for all of your comments.



Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 7/2/2005
Looks like little Cai's getting a bump on his nose here, (hug and kiss will fix that).

Wow Judi, awards every couple days, beautiful, you got them coming!! I love the sharpness of silhouettes, around the edge and beautiful sunset.

Congrats my Aussie friend!!



Ben Mok   {K:4084} 7/2/2005
Well done Judi! two in one go......

The rain has stopped here :)


patrizio napolitano   {K:13119} 7/1/2005


Asim Roy Asim Roy   {K:10051} 7/1/2005
Excellent my dear Judi, and frankly speaking i am waiting for your photograph which needs marked as a BIP as i had seen your portfolio previously, and thought this special category must be for you, well done, love, asim


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005
Oh my goodness!!! That's a classic. They actually advertised kids crash helmets for when they are learning to walk. LOL!!



Ciprian Ilie   {K:13571} 7/1/2005
Wonderful shot beautiful sky. Great advert for Oz :)



Alison Stroebel   {K:4069} 7/1/2005
lol. When my brother was a little boy my mom used to starp a childs crash helmet on him when he woke up and take it off when he went to bed cause she said he was top heavy if he fall over anywhere any how he landed on his


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005
Thanks so much Liz. I really appreciate that.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005, as I said to someone else. As long as he gets hit in the head, he is okay. If he gets hit have to cover your ears. LOL!! He went through so much pain as a baby with his head that he has a pretty high pain tolerance up there now.



Liz Wallis Liz Wallis   {K:26133} 7/1/2005
Congrats on BIP...very well deserved...Liz


Alison Stroebel   {K:4069} 7/1/2005
Well done on the BIP Judi. Well deserved. A lovely capture. lol Poor little guy did he have an egg on his head from the


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005
Thanks so very much Marian. You are very sweet.



Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 7/1/2005
dearest Judi congratulations again for a well deserved award!!!!!! your work is so fine that deserves more!!!!!!
best regards


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005
Awww...thanks sweetie. I am flattered that you think my work is improving.



Carol Cefalu   {K:8388} 7/1/2005
Girl I have no idea how you can just keep on getting better and better. You amaze me with your creative vision! congrats!


greg collins   {K:12273} 7/1/2005
Very cool photo. Your family album must be amazing. the colour here is awesome and well deserves the award.


Sian    {K:2487} 7/1/2005
Fantastic! He missed but you didn't! Hehehe.


Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 7/1/2005
WOW!!!! Congratulation for the BIP my friend... Great composition... The ball is superb... Awesome colors and great silhouttes...




Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005
Thankyou so much Larry for your congratulations.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005
Thanks Ameed. The shutter was 1/40. I hope that helps.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005
Awww....thanks sweetie.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005
Petal....I have a bone to pick with you my dear friend!!!

Out at the lake there is a particular log that looks just like Nessie. Now, everytime I go out there I see it and you always spring to mind. I keep thinking I must get the right shot of that just for Petal.




Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005
Ahhhh....I hope that means you will get beautiful landscapes with green grasses against the blue skies.

Thanks Jason.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005
Thankyou so very much Roberto for your kind words.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 7/1/2005
I am not too worried if he doesn't grow quickly. He had such a bad start to life....they didn't think he was going to walk or talk. He now runs and jumps and with daily speech work has a huge vocabulary and is slowing starting to become understandable but has a long way to go before he can speak properly.

I am just grateful he is here.



Larry Quigley Larry Quigley   {K:12887} 7/1/2005
This is a wonderful shot, Judi. The sunset and the boy are all outstanding. Congratulations on the well earned BIP, Larry


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 7/1/2005
Congratulation for the Award :) well deserved,
Excellent capture Judi, I just wonder what was the shutter speed in here?
Very well done, regards,


Bryan Steffy Bryan Steffy   {K:4910} 7/1/2005
what a great shot! well i guess at least the ball wasnt aimed "lower"... :) congrats on the Award! you really do deserve it...



Debarshi Duttagupta Debarshi Duttagupta   {K:26815} 7/1/2005
Another BIP award. Excellent work Didi.


Toshi  Toshi    {K:11924} 6/30/2005
Wonderful silhouette against a beautiful backdrop. Amazing work as usual Judi, great capture :)


z z   {K:7231} 6/30/2005
Too funny - perfect timing! Adorable moment


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 6/30/2005
Judi congrats on BIP


Kadir Erten &kadoo Kadir Erten &kadoo   {K:2757} 6/30/2005


Petal Wijnen Petal Wijnen   {K:50989} 6/30/2005
Great shot!!! Super colors, reflection and silhouettes.... well timed (can't say well caught 'cause that could be misunderstood.... LOL)!!! BTW with those rains your 'favorite spot' (and Nessie) will be 'filling up again'...??!!


Mark Evans Mark Evans   {K:17428} 6/30/2005
Superb as always !! a very well earned BIP award for you judi !! well done .. cheers .. marky .


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 6/30/2005
Congrats for the BIP award my friend! =))


Patrick J


Carolyn Wiesbrock   {K:14051} 6/30/2005
Perfect timing here and congratulations
on your BIP!


Jason Mckeown Jason Mckeown   {K:22200} 6/30/2005
great shot Judi, i look ourside this morning to see blue skies


Fabio Ficola   {K:10466} 6/30/2005
Wonderful silouette Judi,
I glad to see weather is getting better,
even if you've showed us your're able to catch beautiful picture in house.

Congrats. Fabio


sergio rotondo   {K:1690} 6/30/2005
molto bella


Thomas P   {K:1732} 6/30/2005
Great shot Judi and appropriate for your project.You can't beat the subject matter with this composition.Good work.




Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 6/30/2005


milan  milan    {K:254} 6/30/2005
What amazing background you have got there! And love the Silhouettes.


Larry Fosse Larry Fosse   {K:66493} 6/30/2005
Wonderful childhood silhouette Judi...looks like the little one is about to take it in the eye


Erdinç KIRATLI   {K:164} 6/30/2005
great composition,

wonderful colors & beautiful capture,



Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 6/30/2005
What i meant was.. their poses is super.. just move the ball! hehe.. =) Aye.. he isnt tall! But then again.. i was the second shortest in my class and after a summer (and a whole lot of growth pain) i was the second tallest instead! hehe


Patrick J


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/30/2005
Of course Linda. I know you will do well with your new camera and just ask if you have any questions. That is what we are here for.



Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 6/30/2005
Yes, you are the master for sure..I'm getting a new camera and I'm sure that's going to help me a lot...and if not maybe I can call on you for help...:):)Linda


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/30/2005
Hehehehe.....thanks Mark. Yes, I think we have all caught with the nose at times.



Mark Kresl Mark Kresl   {K:9434} 6/30/2005
The first thing I thought of when I saw this is that the boy catching the ball was doing so with his nose. I seem to remember a catch or two like that from my early years.

Beautiful sunset, Judi. Sunsets over water are just a little more dramatic. Well done.



Roberto Bertone   {K:13239} 6/30/2005
Fantastica cattura Judi, bellissimo scatto, composizione e colore!!!!



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/30/2005
Thanks so much Linda. We do actually get quite a bit of wind, but with the right settings I can usually stop the movement...well except for tennis balls...LOL!! Although I did manage to stop that in a few of the images too.



Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 6/30/2005
Judi love these wonderful silhouettes, the grass is my favorite part along the waters edge so glad you included that, as always the colors are fabulous, the still water just gorgeous. You must not have a lot wind there to deal with, I notice the still water in so many of your images...lucky...but then it probably gets a little hot least that's one benefit that we have here it does cool it off, but wreaks havoc for picture well done Judi as always....:):)Linda


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/30/2005
Hehehe...yes, it was only a tennis ball. Thanks sweetie.



Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 6/30/2005
Perfect timing, that's a bit like me- hands not where the ball is LOL [hope it was a soft ball] really great silhouettes and wonderful colours


Ann  Van Breemen   {K:13399} 6/30/2005
Beautiful sunset. Your son should keep his eye on the ball, not the other way around.(hee hee). At least you had a sunset. We're still in fog, but it has stopped raining and the floods are going down. I haven't been able to get to work for two days. Good weather for indoor photos. Cheers, Ann.


Alison Webb   {K:1779} 6/30/2005
Gorgeous Judi, love those colours.
Cheers Al.


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/30/2005
Awww thanks Stephen. I expect more rain in the next few days. Hopefully you won't lose your power too soon.



Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 6/30/2005
Wow!! Very beautiful momment and sky colors Judi!
Very well presented!


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 6/30/2005
"On me edd son" ;-)

I hope it wasn't that hard a ball. Lovely capture Judi and the backdrop is awesome.

Sorry about your rain, it is thundering and lightening here as I'm typing - so the power could go off at any moment !

Best wishes,


gio4love . gio4love .   {K:14469} 6/30/2005
that's great! I wish I were there myself..really lovely! See you


Kiarang Alaei Kiarang Alaei   {K:49415} 6/30/2005
Wow, perfect....


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/30/2005
Well, 'Me'.....that little boy is fine with things bouncing off his head. It doesn't bother him. Now, if you tried to bounce it off any other part of his body that would be a different story. That is when you would need ear plugs. Hehehehe....!

Me 2


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 6/30/2005
wow thats terrible to show a pic of a boy bouncing a ball off anothers head? LOL just joking, very nice scene, the background colors are amazing with the sillouhettes, beautifully done as always....


Eduard Nikoliqi Eduard Nikoliqi   {K:556} 6/30/2005
Nice shot Judi, the background colors are just great


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/30/2005
Thankyou so kindly Charles. I look forward to seeing your images.



Charles St.   {K:203} 6/30/2005


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/30/2005 must think I am following you, or are you following me....hmmmm!! Only joking. I appreciate your honesty though Mark.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/30/2005
Hehehe....I do actually have a couple of shots where the ball is in the middle. I was going to upload them another time. But I liked this one better with the pose of the boys and the movement of the ball.

This will actually give you an idea of the little ones height that we were discussing on another image. Nikolas, on the left is 6 years old, whilst little Cai on the right is 4 years old...LOL!!



Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 6/30/2005
Dear Judi, Nice one - lovely colors. (It's so strange cause lately everytime I put a new one up and go on Photo Critique there's a Judi L. shot on the same page) BTW - glad you're goin' for ratings again. I looked at the last one again and it's really good. I find it a bit dark (in feeling - not exposure) so I hope you didn't misunderstand my comments. It's a very strong image. Anyway, take care, Mark 7 / 7


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 6/30/2005
If the ball had been in he middle... then wow! Now it looks like the younger one will get it in his head.. hehe. I love the scenery do and the Silhouettes! Very nice! =)

Patrick J


Hamed Noori   {K:6805} 6/30/2005
Very good shot . Bravo


cesira urzi   {K:1828} 6/30/2005
very very nice


Cihan HIZAR Cihan HIZAR   {K:-234} 6/30/2005


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 6/30/2005
very beautiful capture,wonderful colors and great composition,very best regards..


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 6/30/2005
Hehehehe...thanks Kel. Unfortunately, I am expecting more rain. Which is great, but hopefully I will still be able to go up in the chopper next week.



Gianes Ma Gianes Ma   {K:26069} 6/30/2005
Great, great photo Judi.
Nothing more.



giovanni guido marchi giovanni guido marchi   {K:27040} 6/30/2005
uno spettacolo della natura arricchito dalle silouettes dei tuoi bimbi....ottima!!!!!


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 6/30/2005
very, very beautiful!!!


Kelly    {K:20268} 6/30/2005
hey we couldn't have timed that much great shot jud... we are still POURING here......




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