PK- Photos
{K:13099} 9/17/2005
What a creative idea, I like it very much
best regards, Pia
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 9/15/2005
congratulation for this amazing B&W work
well done
Telmo Domingues
{K:9639} 7/22/2005
As always... ahead... Opening new approaches about any issue... I like the rough look of edition, assuming the overlaying between frames... And, of course, the records os the numbers of the images... Good... Veeery good! ;-)
Aira Manna
{K:11187} 7/7/2005
super cute and super creative. definitely a winner!
ryan winton
{K:3027} 7/1/2005
this is awsome, i love it, all of it, the tones and movement, its just great
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 6/14/2005
Excellent shot! and congrats for SC.
I have the same camera but till now I am not able to use it in a good way :-( I gave I returned it to its ok and hide it away from me!
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{K:6282} 6/14/2005
Tack själv! Kommer definitivt tillbaka. Det är upptagenhet och idétorka och inte leda vid UF. Har sett, funnit och fått mycket värdefullt här.
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 6/14/2005
Hej Hansi - tack för utbytet här. Jag ser på ditt svar till Jeanette (på din egen senaste bild) andra bra skäl att koncentrera sig på fotografin i sig och balansera det mot funderingar på teknik och alla andra saker som man kan lägga hur mycket tid på som helst. Jag hoppas vi ses här igen... -Stefan
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{K:6282} 6/12/2005
3 top ten - that's a nice coincidence! To finish my own associations concerning emulsion markers and this image, I understand what you mean completely - and that's just it for me: The medium comes to the fore and the mechanical tic-tac that goes with it. I guess I feel (because it's an emotional rather than an intellectual point of view) it runs counter to the work, which is not a Muybridgean precision study but something very much alive etc. etc.
Hope I'm not boring you with these dissertations!
Cheers Hansi
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 6/12/2005
Hi Hansi, thanks for commenting - I think it may be the first time I include the emulsion markings in my shot and of course I get called on it :-) You are right that it is maybe a little overused (although I haven't seen much of it recently for some reason), but then again, a little bit can be too much too sometimes. I also agree with you that one should question why it is there. My initial reason here was to visually convey the information to the viewer that this is a multiple exposure, done in-camera. Another thing that occurred to me after I was done with the scan was that the numbers on top made me associate with film (as in moving pictures) and a couple of the comments did pick up on that. It was interesting to see what three shots you chose to comment on in my portfolio. What you picked are definitely in my personal top-ten list out of my own work. Cheers, -S.
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{K:6282} 6/12/2005
Utterly charming. A complete winner!
Personally though I find emulsion markings used too often. To me they are an image element and should be subjected to the Q of what purpose they could serve etc. Here I would have chopped them out.
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 6/8/2005
very nice work for these picture.congratulations for SC.best wishes
Terry McCully
{K:9221} 6/8/2005
BRAVO.. and congrats onthe staff choice!!!
Paolo Grusovin
{K:3344} 6/7/2005
great work! Congrats
{K:12969} 6/7/2005
a lovely arrangement Stefan. A fine idea, perfectly delivered.
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 6/7/2005
!!!Masterpiece!!! To manage the procedure in the way that it actually looks like a movie is breathtaking. EXCELLENT!!! CB
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 6/7/2005
Congrats on s.c. It's because you haven't lost the ability to play Stefan.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 6/7/2005
and now.. CONGRATULATIONS my friend! just well deserved it! cheers roby
emily savva
{K:21113} 6/7/2005
absolutely wonderful!!!!!! unconditional love can be so inspiring... love her danse for a person she really loves!!!! needless to add anything more for your work... quite apparent ;) the quality!!!! really glad to see it... emy :)
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 6/7/2005
Congratulations on the staff choice award! Theres no doubt what so ever! The image is perfect and deserves the award! Brilliant work!
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 6/7/2005
Congrats on the staff choice award... well deserved!
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 6/7/2005
congrats for the award!
very well deserved in here...
Cheers, Verena
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 6/7/2005
Very well done Stefan....Congratulations....:):)Linda
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 6/7/2005
Stefan, A perfect use for this type of image! Congrats on the Staff Choice award. Andre
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 6/6/2005
Wonderful and creative indeed, very well done, Regards,
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 6/6/2005
L O V E L Y and so fantastic idea!
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 6/6/2005
Just noticed that these are wider than 1/4th 6x6 fram - It was eight clicks but it seems it takes less to advance a frame later in the roll...
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 6/6/2005
Beautiful Stefan! I like how some of the forms are more see-through than others... it's like her spirit dancing in the forest. She's such a great participant as well... I can see those ballet lessons are paying off! *smile* Thanks for taking a look at my website and letting me know about my email link. You should go back and look on the list of links... I had to add one more photographer!
Zannoni Matteo
{K:12211} 6/6/2005
bella sequenzam,
Pace e salute, M.
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 6/6/2005
Hi Stefan,
it's a definitve maybe ;-)
the viewfinder is kind of crap, but hey: that's part of the concept =)
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 6/6/2005
I did eight "clicks" for each frame, a little more than a quarter of a regular frame for 6x6. I was using a black backdrop but it seems that I got some stuff on the right of it as well. Maybe the viewfinder isn't super accurate :-)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 6/6/2005
another magnific and impressive idea-compoiostion! my best wishes, roby
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 6/6/2005
Hi Stefan,
VERY VERY coll stuff. In fact, I also did some multiple exposures with the Holga over the weekend ;-)
how did you transport the film to get that tight outcome? less than one?
best wishes and I see some award
Christian Lehner
{K:1247} 6/6/2005
Cool superb idea !
I see - working with holga MF will push the kind of creativity and kind of capturing the world
I love this way of work,
cheers christian
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 6/6/2005
Excellent work.. each one of the images is great..nicely done
Phil M
{K:11526} 6/6/2005
Muybridge would be proud :)
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 6/6/2005
Im speechless! Straight into my favorites!
Femke de Wit
{K:6020} 6/6/2005
Nice idea and nice picture, very well done, perfect in B&W. Femke
Girish Chonkar
{K:6903} 6/6/2005
Very nice sequence and a very thoughtful picture.
vito lentini
{K:13130} 6/6/2005
nice crop inte multiple exposure well done congrt ciao vito++++++++++
Barry Wakelin
{K:7838} 6/6/2005
Brilliant composite. Really lovely image.
Mik Teige
{K:2311} 6/6/2005
Unusual Holga's style. Very nice expression (rhythm). Mik
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 6/6/2005
Great work. All the leaves merge so well! Very natural.
Siddharth Siva
{K:3327} 6/6/2005
thats fabulous!
Ori Vidra
{K:3214} 6/6/2005
Very nice idea and well executed. Ori.
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 6/6/2005
Inspiring. I like this very much.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 6/6/2005
magnificent. great 10.