Nicole Marcisz
{K:10268} 1/17/2006
lovely work Judi! I really like the muted tones in this image.
cheers, nicole
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 8/19/2005
Thanks Dottie. I am pleased you do.
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 8/19/2005
Lovely Judi, I don't see any problem with the horizon. :) I like it just the way it is. WOnderful tones & coontrast here. Dottie
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 8/19/2005
Tracy...please take this discussion offline...here is my email addy judigraphics@dodo.com.au
{K:226} 8/19/2005
Again - that was for Robert or Marcus - whatever you call himmm facts are there... seems like the veil is lifting here - who is the man behind the curtain... got your red shoes on? People are going to wonder what's going on...you can only hide so much Judi. And again - WHO IS THIS KELLY? Another name? Is that your image on the other site?? What's going on, my head hurts.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 8/19/2005
Excuse me Tracy...what on earth are you talking about. I am JUDI LIOSATOS!! I am not Margaret Sturgess. I am 37 years old and I live in Australia.
Please get your facts right....read my about on that mining image before throwing allegations. I accepted your critique...I didn't have a go at you.
{K:226} 8/19/2005
Everything seems rediculas to you huh? Like - having 2 personalities? http://www.usefilm.com/image/850939.html Nice signature...
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 5/3/2005
Thanks Janine. Yes, she is excellent. She will go far.
I hope we get some rain soon too.
Janine White
{K:336} 5/3/2005
Hi again Judi,
Funny you should mention Kelly...she was one of the first photographers that I discovered on here. Her portfolio is fantastic.
Hope you get some rain soon too.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 5/1/2005
Thanks Janine. We haven't been getting rain but this is normal. We watch it rain all around us, but not on us.
I live in Emerald...which means you are my closest fellow UF member...yippeee....!
I am so pleased there is somebody else that understands the conditions out here.
I would recommend looking up Kelly Munce on UF. She lives in Muswellbrook...fantastic portrait photographer and one to definitely follow.
Janine White
{K:336} 5/1/2005
Hi Judi, Where in Queensland are you? I am in Roma, Queensland. We have heaps "Bottle Trees" here. They are very similar in shape to the Boab Trees.
This is a beautiful, evocative landscape that I can relate to. Nice one mate.
Janine. P.S You had any rain lately? We have not had any for soooo long...getting desperate now.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/1/2005
No worries Sarah. Your image was a beauty. Thankyou so much for your comment.
Sarah Moustafa
{K:4456} 4/1/2005
Wonderful shot Judi as usual, well done. thank you for your quick comment.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/30/2005
Thankyou Murat. This one seems to have been so popular.
Murat Ēabuk
{K:2495} 3/30/2005
Beautiful selection of color, tremendous sky very good composition of trees..
Love it..
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/28/2005
Wow...thankyou so much Andree.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/28/2005
Hi. I am a huge Neil Diamond fan and that gets me some very weird looks at times...LOL! I didn't know he was touring Australia. I don't worry about finding out who is touring this country as we don't get them up this way...unfortunately. So it is no pointed me getting excited over things like that as I won't be able to see them anyway...phooey!!
I have a few of his CD's but don't get to play them too much....they aren't the most popular of the household.
andree lerat
{K:17476} 3/28/2005
Stuning......Hard to put in words what I feel when I look at the image. Andree
Allen .
{K:-667} 3/28/2005
You're after my heart Judi, I absolutely love this kind of photography. I know it wasn't shot in IR, but it has that IR other-world look to it. Really nice. This is totally off topic, but something just occured to me. I have a question. I am a *HUGE* Neil Diamond fan and I know he's been touring Australia By any chance are you a fan and if so, did you get to see his concert? I also realize you may not like him at all :) . . . but I had to ask.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/27/2005
Ahh that is very interesting. Thankyou for that Luis.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/27/2005
Yes, that is the name of the trees. Rather unique to this country. Thanks Lazza.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/27/2005
Thankyou so much Randy. I put the original amongst the comments for viewing.
Luķs Lobo Henriques
{K:9002} 3/27/2005
In my Angola, the name is Embomdeiro! The same as Boabį! BEAUTIFUL!
Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 3/27/2005
Well now that I read all 78 prior comments, what is boaboa? The name of the kind of trees these are?? just curious my friend..:-))
Tint or what you used is very nice, but once again I really like the color orginial, don't fret buddy, it's just me.........:-))
The vastness of it all is breathtaking actually!!
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 3/26/2005
This is a beautiful stunning image Judi! I love the tones and texture of the grass in foreground. ~7~
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/26/2005
I am so very pleased that you do Burak.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/26/2005
Thanks Dave. I uploaded the original in the comments. So you can see what it looks like.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/26/2005
Thankyou so much for your comment on my image.
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 3/25/2005
this is so surreal and beautiful.the tone is superb,I like it very much,best regards
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 3/25/2005
Very nice composition, Judi! I like your three trees and the dark and unsettled sky. Dave.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 3/25/2005
We believe you. The composition and soft toning make this a wonderful picture. I like the way the positioning of the trees draws one's eye from the foreground, through the smaller tree to who knows what's over the horizon. Mary -
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Heck yeah....They can really make an image just like clouds. Thanks sweetie.
{K:30945} 3/25/2005
oh, I love those trees. DId I tell you dear Judi, that from this winter I am in love with trees?? are you too? Kiss Scorpio dear! biliana
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 3/25/2005
just waiting for the bus !! be there soon !! put the kettle on wont be long !!!! hee hee hee !!!! hope my bus fare isnt more than £5 .. cheers .. marky
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Hehehehehe.....chickennnnnn!!! cluck, cluck.
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 3/25/2005
If not i will put my angel wings on and fly back to northumberland !! as fast as i could !! but making sure i took photos of them stunning skies where you live !! hee hee hee !! cheers judi , have a great day .. marky .
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Ahhh.....but could you handle me....that is the question.
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 3/25/2005
hee hee hee !!! stick by me judi and you will do alright !! tee hee hee !!!!!!!!! thats very nice of bruce .. cheers .
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Thankyou so very much my friend. I am so pleased you liked it.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 3/25/2005
So simple, so well composed, so beautiful, dear Judi. Thank you for your kind, encouraging words about my "Maket scnes." Best regards, Rafi
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Wow...you flatter me. Thankyou so much.
{K:5595} 3/25/2005
i tuoi scatti mi lasciano senza fiato,questo lo trovo stupendo per la bellezza della profonditą di campo,bello,bello. massimo
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Thanks Ori. Here is the original.

Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
The country can give you so many different scenes. It is endless the range of them.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
I am so very pleased that you do. Thankyou.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Thanks Dottie.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Aww thanks Marco.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Hey Marky. Read the comment on this image from Bruce Wallace....hmmm!! I was very flattered.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Thanks so much Dino.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Wow...thankyou so much Giorgio.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Thanks Romy. This was simply the orginal layer duplicated three times. Each layer was given a different filter and then changed to a different blend mode. Flattened and the border was added....or as they said....the rubbish frame.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Thanks Jan. I am sorry you had to read all the crap that went on. But that is life, I suppose. We take the good with the bad.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Oh my....that is funny. I actually spelt this wrong but it was too late to change it. It is actually Boaboa trees. Oh wells.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Awww thanks so very much Nancy.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Thankyou so very much my friend.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Oh wow....thankyou so much Robert. I may still upload that image again in the future. I will see. I was actually born in Perth and lived there for many years before moving here. It is a beautiful state....one that loves their parks.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Oh wow...now that is one heck of a compliment. Thankyou so much Bruce.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Ahhh yes...the fourth one. I wondered who might see that one. This was actually taken on a friends farm last week. I am so pleased you like it.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Thanks sweetie.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Thankyou so very much Roberto.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/25/2005
Thankyou so very much Menno.
Alison Webb
{K:1779} 3/25/2005
what beauty Jud, wonderful composition & so moody. Al.
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 3/25/2005
Love the colors! Nice silhouettes and clouds!
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 3/25/2005
Very pretty. Dottie
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 3/24/2005
Spectacular landscape!!!!! Great atmosphere!! Beautiful tones!! Top quality work! A kiss..:-) Marco. 7+++++
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 3/24/2005
fantastic compostion with a stunning sky !! looks great judi , well done .. marky .
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 3/24/2005
Eccellenti composizione e tonalitą, grande senso di profonditą, congrats! Ciao
giorgio ruffinengo
{K:10623} 3/24/2005
i love it. great imagine, big shot!! ciao giorgio
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 3/24/2005
very beautiful scene and even better composition. Somewho it shows strength how those trees seem to stand their ground. Very interesting color choice.
Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 3/24/2005
Judi. PS effect o Sony effect ? At any rate a fantastic job. My rate 7 / 7 Congrats Romy
Jan .
{K:8693} 3/24/2005
WOW!!! What fun "reading" this has been!! lol...Not to mention, your image is GORGEOUS! Fantastic composition, Judi, and I love the tones, regardless of how they got there!!
Cheers, my friend... Jan
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 3/24/2005
Excellent landscape!!! Super color/tone and composition!!! Great subject as well...I've always liked those 'bottle' trees, and when I traveled to Australia it was with a travel organisation called: Baobab... ;-D go figure....
Al Ungar
{K:4626} 3/24/2005
Impressive image
nancy steele
{K:373} 3/24/2005
your landscape photography is something else
Boguslaw Sypien
{K:55} 3/24/2005
Exellent, perfect composition
{K:185} 3/24/2005
great scene andi love the toning !!
groetjes, Monique
Larry Quigley
{K:12887} 3/24/2005
Great landscape, Judi. The blue tone gives it an almost surreal feeling. Nicley done! Larry
Ori Vidra
{K:3214} 3/24/2005
Impressive work Judi, like the colors. I'll be glad to see the original. Ori.
{K:668} 3/24/2005
Another excellent landscape, remember we live on a ball nothings level, sorry you felt you had to remove your other picture, was view another picture went back to open yours and couldnt fine it. Keep up your good work, enjoyed my short stay in Perth your photos bring back memories of you beautiful country.
parvin dabas
{K:2652} 3/24/2005
love everything about it,a real winner,cheers
waleed montasser
{K:2569} 3/24/2005
Wonderful tones and composition, congrats!
Bruce Wallace
{K:668} 3/24/2005
Oh Judi, I love this one. Your moody landscapes are as good as another "associate" Mark Evan's moody landscapes. Bruce
G-`FerRo GF
{K:676} 3/24/2005
Beautifully compose shot! good exposure. very nice.
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 3/24/2005
I like it Judi. But you forgot to mention the fourth chap in the background. You could have titled it like my last post (Quadrophonia) then.
Cheers, Markus
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 3/24/2005
very nice one! ;-)
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 3/24/2005
Excellent landscape Judi!! Very beautiful composition! Congrats! Roberto.
RJ !
{K:543} 3/24/2005
You have just made the most rediculous comment I have ever heard! I have just looked at your portfolio and you should just be quiet and learn to work on your own pictures, dont be jealous of others work. We all Use PS here to some extent and It is welcomed and excepted. The illision that the horizon is croked has nothing to do with the lens or user error, Its normal when you have clouds in a distant horizon for it to look pincushend when it is not, take a closer look its the clouds against the landscape that are normal cause of this, next time you view a nice landscape you can twist your head all over until you see it the way you want. Idiot..... I will post this message on one of you photos as to not dispute this on Judi's photo please.....
Menno Naber
{K:3570} 3/24/2005
Awesome Judi! great point of view Menno
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/24/2005
Thanks Kel. Now you can do me a favour please. Look at this image and tell me is the horizon distorted solely due to the camera lens. I know it isn't straight to the human eye in real life.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/24/2005
Thankyou I am really pleased.
{K:20268} 3/24/2005
i love it Jud, and i also love those trees too, they are gorgeous in real life too.... cheers kel
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/24/2005
Wow...thankyou so much Marcus.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/24/2005
The horizon does seem to be uneven, but where we are in the central highlands of queensland, the area is undulating between hills and extinct volcanoes. Therefore it is very rare to get any straight horizons out here both with the naked eye and with the camera.
Rutger van Soelen
{K:1337} 3/24/2005
No need to prove for me. But you could have mentioned an extreme makeover though of the original in PS or whatever. It doesn't alter my verdict, but I think it's fair to mention. On the technical matter, I think the lens of your camera isn't all too well for the chosen focal length as is deforms the horizon (should be a straight line) too much in my opinion. Maybe a smaller aperture can help to correct this lens aberration, but I doubt it.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/24/2005
Thankyou so much Pawel. At least you found something that you liked in the image. And yes, you are entitled to your own opinion.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/24/2005
woowwwwwwwwwwww i like it.. the perfect composition! kisse roby
Luigi Parisi
{K:1167} 3/24/2005
Another great work Judi, very very beauty landscape. Congrats
Pawel Palkus
{K:99} 3/24/2005
This one is a lot better, i specialy like the composition,and the tone of the foto, only the frame is rubbish ... in my opinion
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 3/24/2005
This is a outstanding landscpe Judi, the wonderful colors of moody clouds and sky are beautiful, the nice tones and detail of the forground are a perfect match, this belongs on my wall...
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/24/2005
Thankyou so very much Samual. I am really pleased you like this image.
RJ !
{K:543} 3/24/2005
Wow Judi, You have the most wonderful landscapes, the beautiful soft clouds and contrasting detailed landscape are perfect. another wonderful shot.
Samuel Robinson
{K:1851} 3/24/2005
Nice composition and presentation. Well done.