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amargosa sunrise
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Image Title:  amargosa sunrise
Favorites: 2 
 By: tom rumland  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer tom rumland  tom rumland {Karma:14874}
Project #20 Classic Landscape Camera Model Nikon D100
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio night & low-light
from the road
death valley
Lens Nikon  12-24mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S DX
Uploaded 12/12/2004 Film / Memory Type Digital ISO 200
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1422 Shutter 1/15
Favorites Aperture f/22
Critiques 24 Rating
/ 10 Ratings
Location City -  Death Valley
Country - United States   United States
About this is a severe rework of "amargosa sunrise". it resulted from an intense lesson in PS over a couple of days by both hugo de wolf and micheal kanemoto. i received tips, advice, technique, and even some handholding from hugo in order to produce this. there is no way i could've brought this photo out without their help and encouragement. these guys truly are masters of the art. thank you both!

see the previous photo "sunrise..." for the full about regarding where/when/etc. actual data: 1/4 @ f/22, ISO200, timer, anti-shock.

hope you like it. any and all comments/suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated by all three of us.

2005.04.20: previously titled "ps bootcamp"
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There are 24 Comments in 1 Pages
Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 5/29/2006
dramatic and powerful image, very coooolll.. very well exposed, great one again, is a very sin don't see your new photo-work..
have all the best, and i hope all is ok my friend tom..
take care..


Luis Diogo   {K:6019} 7/7/2005
Great composition, sunset.. great perspective.


Hakan AKIRMAK Hakan AKIRMAK   {K:15913} 6/8/2005
Absolutely excellent work Tom! Congratulations!


Todd Miller   {K:16464} 4/29/2005


Todd Miller   {K:16464} 4/29/2005
ok....i know LMAO....but what is ROM????

great tones on this on 'BTW'!


Chiara Sam   {K:2505} 1/1/2005
Very, very excellent


tom rumland tom rumland   {K:14874} 12/18/2004
chris, thanks for the pointer. i'll give it a read prior to my next attempt. btw, i do usually shoot 3 frames when i think i'll need it. when i shot this it was so early and relatively dark that i didn't think i'd need multiples. live and learn ;^) i did start shooting multiples later in the day as the light got brighter.

thanks again,


Chris Hunter Chris Hunter   {K:25634} 12/16/2004
Sorry, here's the link to the instruction on adjustment layers -


Chris Hunter Chris Hunter   {K:25634} 12/16/2004
Hi Tom - the method seems kind of complicated, but it's really easy. PS6 and newer has adjustment layers - it's the little half-black half-white circle at the bottom of the layers palette. Here's a link to a forum post a made w/ all the instructions and screen caps. It really opens up some pretty quick fixes to exposure problems that were too hard on site.

But if you really want some incredible low-light landscape shots - I always take at least 3 exposures every time I lock up the head on my tripod, so later on I combine them in PS & get natural exposures for the light and dark parts of the image, without any manipulating the levels or curves = way less noise and truer colors. Write me at for more on the multiple exposures - it's worth trying!!



Butch Jones   {K:24} 12/16/2004
Great shot! Good job pulling the white of the salt up from such low light. Both the top and bottom attract the eye...too bad about the boot print though. Really awesome.


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 12/16/2004
Excellent work Tom, the result speaks for itself - superb !!

Two excellent tutors also :-)

Best wishes,


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 12/15/2004
I know what we learn in ps and know now we can go back and make our images better. I like the CS in raw at 16 bit. Image looks fine like the white and well the sky is great. Excellent composiiton.


Lee Harris   {K:14694} 12/15/2004
O'man I got dizzy bouncing back and forth from this image and the other....
I do like what you have done here, In most shots I take where I add a long stretch in front of my background it just don't work.
The detail and shadows in the snow adds much to this image and then what a beautiful bg with awesome colors.
Well done Tom.


tom rumland tom rumland   {K:14874} 12/14/2004
hugo, sounds like you're up for a pretty cool experience. can i assume we'll be seeing lots of pictures when you return? btw, glad your internet connection worked ;^) have a good time....

take care,

ps - thanks for all your help on this one. esp. that frame from hell ;^) but i got the concept down and the next one should work much better ;^)


tom rumland tom rumland   {K:14874} 12/14/2004
chris, thanks! glad you like it. and you're right, i was trying not overdo it and create too much contrast between the sky and the salt. looking at your changes, i'd have to say i could've gone a bit further in brightening the salt. i like what you did to it. for my edification, what exactly did you do?

take care,


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 12/14/2004
Hi Tom, what is there left to say...:) I think you did great here, and it even shows in the rating, heheheheh.

As this message proves, I do have Internet access in China, but I'm working round the clock. We're located north of HK in a compound / enclosure of internationally operating production plants. Bloody huge and totally without atmosphere. The entire workforce is works, lives, eats, breathes and sleep at this facility. Haven't seen anything like this before. No wonder Chinese economy is booming.

Having a ball, though....:)

Very well done, and thanks for your help in keeping me online...:)

Cheers from China,



Chris Hunter Chris Hunter   {K:25634} 12/14/2004
Very nice shot, has a real unique feeling - the bright colored sky against the pure white of the foreground. Good framing and a really unique landscape shot.

I suppose that if you're going to PS pics, you could have gone a little bit farther here, but regardless - well captured scene.

If this came through my department for publication in a magazine, my tonal adjustments would be as follows,



Kimmy Magino Kimmy Magino   {K:2457} 12/13/2004
It makes me feel I want to be there!
You're great!


Mark Beltran   {K:32612} 12/13/2004
Tom, this is 100% better. There is detail in the mtn range, whereas before, it was muddy. The foreground is just great, a much more subtle blue. The depth of field is more apparent. A significant improvement on an already spectacular composition.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 12/13/2004
This is beautiful. Such great colors. I will take a look at original post. Nice work. Don.


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 12/12/2004
not only is the sunset great but your foreground is also equally suportive and without detracting from the overall power of your image.
Great PS work help or not!


R Pike R Pike   {K:1242} 12/12/2004
Absolutely awsome landscape. the colours in the sky are great. Well done.


Konstantin Yudintsev   {K:3253} 12/12/2004
7! Very, very MUCH to my liking!


Howie Mudge Howie Mudge   {K:27933} 12/12/2004
Very nice capture and I think it works well :)




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