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Lunch Invitation!
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Image Title:  Lunch Invitation!
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 By: Regina Rianelli  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Regina Rianelli {Karma:24147}
Project #22 Friendship Camera Model HP PhotoSmart 215
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio FriendLy Smile
Art in pixels
Lens regular lens
Uploaded 10/30/2004 Film / Memory Type Sandisk CompactFlash Memory Card 16K
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2943 Shutter 1s
Favorites Aperture f/2.0
Critiques 29 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
Country - Brazil   Brazil
About this is a repost.

i take this opportunity to invite You for a UF Family lunch with me: the Cook!
...while the camera's on tripod.

we have a lot to catch up with about Your latest Photographs and fabulous ideas that i Love so much!

this Lunch is dedicated to YOU, dearest UF Friend, as my Best Friend, my Fellow Traveler on the road of Life.

You are my best Friend as we change and grow with each other and learn through one another's experiences and lessons...

You are my best Friend as we
can share the most insignificant
and the most shining parts
of ourselves...
with the same degree of joy and openness!

best Friends, are friends for a Lifetime - like You and me: Thank YOU for Your FriendShip!!!

Please take a seat... and enjoy the view and the food!
on the Menu: black beans, french fries, Italian food and looots of Veggies ... *wink*
stew, chicken, fish and red beef grilled as BBQ type!
... can't wait to serve You the sweet Deserts!!!
Oh... the recipe?!?
it's a non-sophisticated Cuisine, but i humbly say, it's cooked with lots of LOVE in a wood oven that gives special flavour to food...and You know, Friendship is the best bond ever: Cheers!!!
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There are 29 Comments in 1 Pages
Amitava Banerjea   {K:7088} 1/21/2005
Buon giorno!

Happened to see this just at lunch time. Now my keyboard is in danger from drowning from my salivating! Memories of the food in the Brazilian restaurants here in New York, Newark and Washington as well of all the great meals I had in Italy last summer are rushing into my head. Gotta run and grab some real food.

Thanks for your comments on my pics.


Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 11/9/2004
Oh no! This looks so yummy Regina. Great smile once again my dear friend.Cheers.


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 11/2/2004
Another invitation? THANK YOU!!!!
Oh Regina, you're absolutely wonderful and you look great also a a cook.
That food you cooked for us must be delicious. I can smell it from here. Yummi!!!!!
Pic, is really great and the mood is very very pleasant. You have a great smile
Thanks for sharing this lovely photo
Hugs - Emgy


Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 11/2/2004
Hi Regina,
Looks like delicious lunch, thanx for the invitation.
I look forward to visiting Brasil and may be then I may be able to visit you.
Nice idea Regina, I like the way you present your photos, Great work my dear friend, regards.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 11/1/2004
wow. dear Regina. .. now I am hungry ha ha.. smells good too.
Kisses, Biliana


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 11/1/2004
Yes please ... can I have the chair nearest the food ? lol

Super to see you Regi :-)

I can only imagine how wonderful the smell must be.

Best wishes,


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 11/1/2004
I am on a plane now Regina to join you for lunch. What a wonderful invitation from someone I would especially love to meet and talk to. You and your exemplary attitude, personality and humour make my day.


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 10/31/2004
Thank you Regina for the nice complimnt, I am going to keep my eye on your work. Alison


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 10/31/2004
What a great table of food.. and she looks so happy! =) Friendship suits well for sure! Wow im getting hungry.. hehe.. Looks delicious! =)


Patrick J


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 10/31/2004
Dearest Chris,

Thanks for visiting us... no storm this time!
Rio de Janeiro has a beautiful blue sky... hot, heat, sunshine... all waiting on YOU and Carole!


Yes, i agree it would be nice to have a worldwide meeting...

my Compliments for the wonderful "Race" Serie, my Friend!

kind regards,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 10/31/2004
Ciao, Pat!

Aspetto volentieri, cara Mia!
Grazie per suo apprezzadissimo Commento...
sei molto gentile!

Complimenti per "Autumn's atmosphere":



Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 10/31/2004
Complimenti,non sapevo che eri così brava a cucinare,se vengo in Brasile so,di trovare un'amica che mi fa mangiare ottimamente.
Un abbraccio...Orazio


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 10/31/2004
Dearest Gilberto,

i'm soo happy that You came!
Thanks, my Friend!
Hope You enjoy the variety meal this Sunday here at this POrtfolio...
what may i bring You and Your folks to drink?
pls feel at Home... *wink*

Ahhhhhhhhh............ soo happy You can make arrangements to come visit with me at my Individual Art Show, my Friend!
i will be honored to get to meet You and Your Family members and be able to share my paintings with You guys!

Yes, Gilberto, SEAERJ's building is historical and still holds that ancient machines and attract viewers so much! it overlooks the Marine and we can get to see the Sugar Loaf mountain at the Botafogo Bay... it's easily located at the Gloria Outeiro's subway exit.

Thank YOU in advance, my Friend!!!
i look forward to meeting You and your son...
pls let me know when You intend to visit the show so i can make arrangements to meet You there:

Thanks again!

my Compliments for the amazing Cereus Serie!
itt's amazingly beautiful, Gilberto!
This goes to my Favorite!

with Gratitude,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 10/31/2004
Hi there, ALison!

Nice meeting YOU, my new Friend!
Thanks for visiting this POrtfolio...
it's a honor to have YOU, Dear!

my Compliments for the magnificent POrtfolio of Yours! ... You menthion Artists in Your Family... but YOU are a natural born Artist yourself, Alison!

my Compliments for "Down bellow..."

my Best,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 10/31/2004
WOW........... Elisa!

YOU are such a nice Lady!
Thank YOU for accepting my Invitation!!!

i always enjoy when You are around...

WOEEE..... You have such a way with Poetry in Pictures, Elisa: my Compliments!
i fell in love with the place...Thank YOU!

my Best,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 10/31/2004
Shalom, Zeev!

Thanks for visiting this Portfolio...

i wished You could join us for some food-tasting here with me... Brazilian cuisine can be Yummy!

my Compliments for the wonderful "From Brooklyn with Love": it's a Favorite!

my Best,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 10/31/2004
hiya, Saeed!

nice to meet You, my Friend!
Thanks for accepting my Invitation!!!
pls take Your time.... we will be here waiting for Your arrival!

Happy Ramadan!

my Compliments for MoonLit at the Desert!
superb capture, Saeed!

my Best,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 10/31/2004
Ciao Roberto!

Grazie per suo aprezzadissimo Commento!!!
sei aspettato, Roberto...

Complimenti per "i take You"



Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 10/31/2004
hi there, Patrick Stetson!!!

nice meeting YOU!!!
Thank YOU for accepting this Lunch Invitation!!!
it's ready... any time now!
pls take a seat and let me know what i can i bring You to drink.... food is served, pls help Yourself! *wink*
i'm so happy i was able to gather all UF Family Friends!
Thank YOU for taking the time off Your Life to come join us!

i am in Love with Your photograph with the friendly Manatee!
WOW.......... you got to swim with one!
what a great feeling that might have been!
the photograph is fabulous!
my Compliments!

i once visited Manatee Sanctuary in Florida when i went to Sea World, i guess, or it was at Assateague Island... and i also visited two times a Manatee Sanctuary when i took a trip to northern Brazil too.

they are amazing HUGE animals!
i was able to feed a baby one once.... unforgetable Friendly experience, Patrick, as Yours might have been!

Thanks for sharing!!!

my Best,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 10/30/2004
Hey, Regi , looks like you're cooking up a storm!! ;-))
Thanks for the invitation ~ if only I could get there!
Wouldn't it be cool to have a massive worldwide UF party!!
You wouldn't be able to see anyone for the flashguns going off!!! ;-))
Have a great Sunday my friend!
Best regards, Chris


Patty Morena   {K:16598} 10/30/2004
sto arrivando!!!!
Accetto immediatamente l'invito .
Prendo l'aereo e arrivo. Aspettami!!!


Gilberto Santa Rosa   {K:11147} 10/30/2004
Muito apetitoso!
Embora quase não saia de casa, estou projetando uma ida à tua vernissage. Procuro combinar minhas disponibilidades com as de meu filho mais novo para irmos junto. Desde a infância tenho a curiosidade de ver aquele prédio por dentro. Era algo de misterioso, muito britânico, cheio de máquinas enormes...Agora, com a tua exposição não posso perder a oportunidade.


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 10/30/2004
Great shot and a beautiful about. You defenitly look the professional with this spread. Looks very good. great photo and I love how you are enveloped in the smoke of you labor. Alison


NN  NN     {K:26787} 10/30/2004
Many thanks for your kind invitation Regina! *sniff* ... smells just delicious ;-) You are such a wonderful fellow traveller on the road of Life, radiating so much joy and happiness!!! *hugs*


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 10/30/2004
Hi Regina nice to see you again,sorry culdn"t
taste your cooking
Best regards dear friend


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 10/30/2004
I know its a tasty food, but I?ll join you after 6 hours from now, am fasting, enjoy the meal and please leave a small portion :) take care, hope every goes well, ma alsalama ,regards,Saeed


Roberto Carli   {K:13689} 10/30/2004
It seems u are very able in cooking,i wish to be there......many thks for ur invitation,very good shot,well composed!!
Best wishes Regina.


Patrick Barbary   {K:572} 10/30/2004
When is lunch??? I can smell the food and the wood burning. (Stetson)


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 10/30/2004
pls not to worry... Ricky Martin, my Siberian Husky is veeery Friendly!




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