If only all adults could retain some of the innocence of youth (such as these Islamic and Chinese boys) - their "blindness" to colour, race, creed or religion - then maybe we would not have to witness such inhumanity that has unfolded, and continues to unfold, in New York these past few hours. My heart, as with those of so many people around the globe, is with the families, relatives and friends, of those who have died in the tragedy and with the American public in general.
We also hope and pray that patience will replace the anger, which has itself replaced shock and disbelief, in ensuring that only those responsible for perpetrating such an abomination are sought and swiftly bought to justice without the sacifice of even a single further innocent life.
This picture is not intended for critical photographical appraisal, but just as my tribute to those who have needlessly suffered man's inhumanity to fellow man over so many centuries.