Aurore Lynch
{K:1687} 7/26/2004
yeah, you got it perfect. because i look at it closely, and i think i shouldn't like it; there's nothing there. But I look at it and i feel it, and it draws me, and it's perfect.
Dave M
{K:9043} 7/9/2004
Magic. An inspiration.
Stefan Rohner
{K:4200} 7/7/2004
and thank you John
Igor Herzyk
{K:1937} 7/3/2004
I appreciate all in this series. I love this series:) So small negative, but so big emotions inside.
Brian T. Ach
{K:1742} 7/3/2004
Yet another stunning variation in your photographic ability. Different than your other work, but having the same emotional content in that small negative is quite an accomplishment. Wonderful mood.
Claude H.
{K:1560} 7/2/2004
Beautiful image. I just love the simplicity. Regards, Claude
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 7/2/2004
beautiful image!!!!
Mark Scheffer
{K:1809} 7/2/2004
It's like an image from a dream... In my favorites, 7.
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 7/2/2004
moody picture - I like it
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 7/2/2004
very moody.. love the image
Kimmy Magino
{K:2457} 7/2/2004
I love working with Minoxs an I love your photo very much.
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 7/2/2004
being all alone in the moment -- seeing, feeling and keeping the image close to our hearts by capturing the image and seeing it again and again...well done. K