it's about reflections, what is inside, what's outside, what's real, what's not .. .. how light behaves in reflective surfaces .. etc.. and then it's about the image in the end, and non of the things just mentioned.. it's about the emotional impact the image has, what you may see in this frame as a whole after having taken in all its elements ..
i love this john, the reflections are amazing and i love the way the city in the background almost looks like a series of artwork and not a window....very cool.
Thank you for the inspirational comments on my work. I think yours is some of the best street photography that I've seen in a while. Recieving positive critique from someone whos work I admire, is encouraging. Unfortunately so many photographers today have fallen into the trap of being nothing more than equipment operators. Their eyes are not open to the world that they are recording. There is something that I always try to remember not only when making photographs, but also when viewing them. It is that every photograph is in some small way a self portrait of the artist. I look forward to seeing your work as you post it.
The reflectons are both a plus and a minus. The image lacks a strong black and white and any element of crispness. Good try for concept, but not wholly successful