Not the normal stuff that I usually post. This was taken way back when in school for a commercial assignment.(The subject being food). I chose something that wouldn't melt under the lights. A little cropping was done. The neg was slightly underexposed so I adjusted contrast and saturation in ps. Back in school using "plus" paper seemed to do the trick.
Thanks for comments and advice. I used a soft box in front of the lights. I think the harsh lighting you see could be from contrast and saturation in ps. As far as the crop I was trying for more of an abstract look by cropping in. I probably should have used a "snoot"(as they called it in school) to light the bowl more. Believe it or not this actually won in a school competition. I'm glad you weren't a judge.(Just kidding.)Thanks for taking the time.
Marc Gougenheim{K:5398} 12/3/2002
Good concept, and therfore above average, but the execution lacks a few things...
1) light too harsh
2) Strawberries not selected carefully enough at the "casting" level...:-)
3) To little strowberries
4) The coice of a black plate has darkened the strawberries (plate acted as black reflector): you would have needed to add light on them.
5) Napkin not very nice.
6) The geometry, which was a great idea, was not carried through 100%... Why crop the plate ? Why crop the triangle of the napkin ? What about a squared composition ?
Not bad, but all these details do matter. Best regards.