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~Big Hug~
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Image Title:  ~Big Hug~
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 By: Kristina Kohut  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Kristina Kohut {Karma:49990}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon Powershot G5
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Macro
Uploaded 1/5/2004 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 883 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 60 Rating
/ 42 Ratings
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About A big hug to all you friends at Usefilm! (I hope it's not only me who can see the "big hug" in this photo)! ;-)

It looks like some kind of wrapping paper, but it's actually a closeup of a glass bowl.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and that rest of the year will be just as good!
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There are 60 Comments in 1 Pages
Sandor Szollos   {K:7681} 2/27/2004
Very good work!


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 2/25/2004
'Seeing' is what it's all about! And you 'see' so well!
Hugs to you!

Lori :)


Bárbara Masu   {K:1256} 2/15/2004
Very good, and nice details! Regards! ;o)


Hanna Segal Hanna Segal   {K:13469} 2/11/2004
Whoa! So beautiful and intriguing... magic light and colors


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 1/25/2004


Govert Nieuwland Govert Nieuwland   {K:674} 1/22/2004
great picture! it looks like a wrapping foil indeed. or aluminum foil in shampoo . strnage and abstract, but the title matches is perfectly!


charlie f. kohn   {K:25919} 1/19/2004
dear kristina,
a wonderful idea and view for an abstract. very well seen and perfectly captured!
btw i wouldn't even have needed an explanation. like in this one it can narrow the imagination of the spectator by dragging him/her down to the factual information. my opinion of course.
thank you very much for all your good wishes. all the best for you too. like so many others of your uf friends i posted my christmas and new years wishes by a composition well before christmas.

thank you very much for your fine comment on 'natural park 'la prediza'
best regards // madrid


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 1/17/2004
An excellent close-up with great colors and details. Perfects abstracts Kristina.
Regards, Hayri.


Shiv Kumar Surya Shiv Kumar Surya   {K:17362} 1/16/2004
Happy New Year.


Marusnik Bela   {K:11611} 1/14/2004
Excellent work, creative and artistic phot with incredible colours and tones!Congrats!


Marcio Cabral   {K:12496} 1/13/2004
Excellent colors and quality!! Very nice abstract Kristina!! Regards from Brazil!


Veríssimo Dias   {K:1531} 1/13/2004
Lovely abstract Kristina.
Stay well.

Great picture making to you.



David Yates   {K:4698} 1/12/2004
Lovely abstract- I would not know what it was without your explanation, but I like what you have seen in it.
Welcome back from England. I hope you had a good time and took lots of pictures.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well- by now you are hopefully recovered and ready to go skiing again (I am going to northern Vermont to ski for 3 days next weekend- it's supposed to be very cold- around minus 20 degrees C- so please send warm thoughts).
Wishing you well, David


Andri Gurnita   {K:6} 1/12/2004
wonderful :)) Regards


Cherie Spike   {K:-21959} 1/11/2004
You made me laugh so much Kristina!! I can't believe you would wear that Llama hat teehee! Yes I feel the hug in this photo and am sending you BIG ones
Look forward to more of your images
p.s. your abstract is beautiful!


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 1/11/2004
Sorry that you don't have enough time for your much loved photography but working comes before pleasure unless you can do both at the same time.
Thanks for your comments on my pictures. They are valued very much. About the holes in the cactus. They are mostly made by woodpeckers & other kinds of birds making nests etc., then after that some of them are taken over by owls.
Take care. Don.


Naty Z   {K:16436} 1/11/2004
i see the big hug, and i like it! :)
have a wonderful year!


Gaetan Chevalier   {K:4188} 1/10/2004
Great abstracts with superb colors.


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 1/10/2004
Hallo Kristina! Nice to see new shot from you! Great abstract! Superb colour composition. Well.... yes, I can see the big hug! Very big one! :) My best regards!


Mirko Saviane   {K:4588} 1/10/2004
Great eye for detail here... nice colors too... compliments for your portfolio... i like your way to compose... but, maybe, in this pic i would cut a little in the upper side for remove the dark part in the upper left... However nice one.


Alex Teller   {K:8286} 1/9/2004
Another perfect example of a great picture. Fantastic close-up, great colors, the idea of this picture belongs to a genius of beauty.


davide lupo-pasini davide lupo-pasini   {K:8079} 1/9/2004 a mogu cushion.....


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 1/9/2004
I love it, Kristina.
It's a wonderful abstract with beautiful colours. Yeah, I can imagine a big hug when I look at this photo.
Thank you
Superb work


Alexey Sapa   {K:27174} 1/8/2004
Hi, Kristina! Very interesting abstract, like it very much, espwcially colours ... Great! My best wishes! ALexey


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 1/8/2004
very beautiful.. *big hug* :)


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 1/8/2004
I am sorry for your fever (I understood why there is not the extra hug ;))) ), nothing of serious I hope, it will pass soon, you are young and strong and you will return to take many beautiful photos and to ski too!! You are right, you know, an object or some other thing would have been good on the steps, I could have tried to put something, but I confess you that it was very cold that day, like in Sweden!!!, and I only wanted to take the shot and to run in a pub to drink a hot coffee ;))) Bye my friend, a kiss.... don't worry, I never take the fever ;)))


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 1/8/2004
Very well seen and composed, Kristina
And thank you for the hug
Best wishes for the new year, Jan


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 1/7/2004
Thanks Kris for your kind and sweet words, you are so dear to me, you moved me too, maybe I am an old teacher and I am starting to becoming too sentimental! ;))) Seriously, I try to do my best and to help others when I can, but often I learn more from the photos that I comment than the others from the comments I write :) A great and special hug for you! Max


. .   {K:1787} 1/7/2004
Happy New Year you too , Kristina. hej då


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 1/7/2004
Great Kristina!!!
Fantastic work and great idea!
Great creativity!!
My best regards and happy new year!!



ilan Amihai   {K:1835} 1/7/2004
nice colour and form


Daniel Knutsen   {K:3871} 1/7/2004
Haha... I see the hug!!! So cool Kristina!!! It's so cool to look at your new photos!


Tiro Leander   {K:19060} 1/7/2004
Happy new year .-)


John Chiu   {K:6250} 1/6/2004
A very nice image.
Wishing you best for the coming year too.


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 1/6/2004
Stunning radient beauty, lovely creation.


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 1/6/2004
And a big hug to you.I wish you ahappy new year also.I loved your picture too.I'll be looking forward to yuor next one


xy x   {K:41915} 1/6/2004
nice abstract with vivid colours, intersting and originality work, congrats, best regards


Mr. Arrey   {K:11516} 1/6/2004
a nice and lovely abstract picture. I also like the choise of colours, it gives this picture a more attractive look and increases the contrast..


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 1/6/2004
hi my dear Kriss.. your holiday on snow is a the end???
how are you???
also to you a big hug!!


Geza Farkas   {K:12412} 1/6/2004
Happy New Year and a lot of love and smiles for you and your family. I still trying to see that hag in shot :-)))).


Bill Ciavarra   {K:10216} 1/5/2004
Cool abstract, good color.


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 1/5/2004
I see a person with the open arms, are you? ;)) Great creativity and good eye too, thanks for this big and beautiful hug, the colors and the shades are excellent, you were also able to avoid most of the unwanted reflections, very good work indeed! Bye Max :)


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 1/5/2004
Bellissimi colori per un magnifico astratto!
ciao donato


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 1/5/2004
wonderful colors!


José Eduardo Cruz   {K:13180} 1/5/2004
Very beautifull work!!!!


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 1/5/2004
Kristina, great colour in Glass
Have an good New Year


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 1/5/2004
A beautiful abstract. Lovely colors. A big Hug to you for the New Year. Great work. Don.


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 1/5/2004
Very clever creation, Kristina! A big hug to you too, have a wonderful 2004!
Best regards ..... Lucas


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 1/5/2004
Thank you Kriss. All the best for you in 2004, too. I hope you had a fantastic holiday in England.


Barry Walthall   {K:5312} 1/5/2004
Kriss....I see the little hugger.....I mean big excelllent image and I'm glad you told us it's a bowl....I would have leaned towards cellophane paper too...consider the hug reciprocated!


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 1/5/2004
Fabolous abstract, Kristina. I like a lot! Happy 2004 to you too.
regards, Tommaso


B:)liana    {K:30945} 1/5/2004
Wow.. I love it. something I do and understand. very unusual colors. a lot of everything you need in 2004. kiss, biliana


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 1/5/2004
..magnific my dear


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 1/5/2004
magnific my dear


Richard Marriner   {K:6657} 1/5/2004
That is a great abstract! I thought you had used Photoshop to alter some wrapping paper so this a great "natural" result. Well spotted... I can also see the hug! Still not quite sure what the bowl would really look like... (although I can see a tiny corner of brown in the top right - but that's just being waaay too picky, yeah?!) Have been at a cricket competition all week so still way behind with my New Year's wishes!!


Graham Mulrooney   {K:15728} 1/5/2004
Very original abstract Kriss with good shiny colours. Yes I can see the Hug OK, but one eye?


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 1/5/2004
Well seen, yes i see hug too....nice mixture of colors, and creative....happy new year.


NN  NN     {K:26787} 1/5/2004
Well seen and captured Kristina! Fantastic colours & details! *HUGS*


Roger Cotgreave   {K:15892} 1/5/2004
looks good kristina...I fink I can see it 2 arms and a head...r


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 1/5/2004
PERFECT work!!!!! I like so much it.
Best regards.




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