Hing Wong
{K:2545} 10/14/2010
beautiful moment
Maryam Sahafzadeh
{K:3380} 3/19/2008
Amayzing timing,,,you know I love the site too. Cong's steve, Impressive natural Photos you have created!
Nur Listyo
{K:87} 3/19/2008
very interesting DOF
Sharrie Shaw
{K:944} 3/12/2006
The finest! The Japanese cranes are truly beautiful, aren't they?! I'm hoping to get a picture of such images one day. Thanks for the inspiration!
Sergio Leal
{K:1468} 7/3/2004
Great!!! This one could go straigt to the National Geographic Magazine.
Henk-Jan Kooiman
{K:-129} 7/3/2004
Congrats for "Photo of the day", wonderfull picture, but it's a little bit small. I can't read the www-adress on the picture...
Odelia Shalev
{K:132} 7/2/2004
What a wonderful image. Great capture of the moment. One of a kind.
Anne Bogardus
{K:2875} 7/2/2004
magnificent. what an experience it must have been to witness this. Anne
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 7/2/2004
woow, wonderful capture.
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 7/2/2004
Congrats for "Photo of the day"...it's wonderful!!!!!!!
{K:30945} 7/2/2004
oh, so lovely dance ;-) beautiful. congratulations Kisses, Biliana
{K:4149} 11/11/2003
Great shot. Color and light condition very nice. Regards.
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 9/29/2003
Karen Siebert
{K:12076} 8/28/2003
INCREDIBLE. An awesome capture. Top marks from me.
{K:24} 6/28/2003
mindboggling moment !!
Talat Khalid
{K:-313} 5/21/2003
great moment captured, good composition. IMO the photograph could have been improved by photographing from a little higher(dont know if that was possible) since it would have removed the black area and given the black heads of these birds a white background. hope i am right.
Peter Ounjai
{K:1309} 4/25/2003
very great moment ::::::::: so nice
Neia Frank
{K:478} 12/30/2002
Very hard to do this one.Beautiful timing (those heads up that way)and exposition(perfect the white in their bodies).Just loove those colors Steve!
Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 12/22/2002
Wonderful catch! Nothing to improve on this jewel.
Steve Kaufman
{K:2748} 11/17/2002
Jeff Cable asked about prints of this image. Usefilm used to have a print sales outlet....don't see it anymore on the "shopping" link. I suspect it wasn't a very profitable undertaking. So, what I'll offer is this: If anyone would like a print of any image in my portfolio on this site, I will print them on my Epson 1280, at either 11X17 or 13X19. For the 11 X 17 (signed) I'll charge $100/print (which includes shipping) or $125 for the 13 X 19. I will donate 33% of any sale to Usefilm to help pay for this site.
Greg Summers
{K:1115} 11/16/2002
The two birds in the foreground - wow - would like the background without the division between light and dark - thoiugh I imagine it was impossible - still very much a winner
Lee Horn
{K:256} 11/16/2002
My gawd this is so very beautiful.. something I can only dream of ever seeing... this is the very best next thing to it.. bravo on all counts!
Jeff Cable
{K:3599} 11/16/2002
Outstanding shot Steve and all with a mere 700mm worth of lens. Please tell me that you did not hand hold this one. Is this picture available as a print?
Where is Altaf with those blue ribbons when you need him? 8>
Cheers! Jeff
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 11/16/2002
wow! fantastic capture, and thank you for sharing all these wonderful images!