Érico Salutti
{K:884} 5/30/2003
Bela foto, parabéns.
Érico Salutti, São Paulo - Brasil.
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 3/17/2003
Congrats, a little late! I just found this. I really like the texture of the stone in the image. I agree with Artie's comment. Be very careful about how far you push the contrast. But this was so long ago, I'm sure that statement is quite out of place now! You caught some real nice clouds, very important in the image. Please email me. I have a question for you.
lucio brando
{K:2295} 3/1/2003
i like it
Jeremy Guzman
{K:119} 1/23/2003
very nicely shot. Nice black and white useage and contrast.
Dan Salter
{K:2} 7/22/2002
Wow! This is a haunting image. Dark enough to create real atmosphere with out losing any definition. Great image.
Barry Tipping
{K:959} 5/8/2002
Lovely tonal range and composition! Fine work!
David N. VanMeter
{K:552} 5/2/2002
This would have been really interesting on IR film.
Trevor Hare
{K:222} 1/21/2002
I like this shot
I have been to this spot (or very near it.) in St. Agnes. Looks like its near to the Blue Hills tin streams museum.
Nice image without being a postcard cliche. Temptation to doctor the sky has been resisted also which gives a nice natural feel without being either a tourist board photo or a gothic nightmare!
If I remember to, I will post one of my St Agnes photos one day.
good bye!
{K:-694} 1/16/2002
splendid, I wish one day I could go visit these places Cornwall, Wales, Ireland.. pictures like this one heatens up this haunting desire.. once more, awesome!
Joe McCary
{K:3235} 8/26/2001
Lovely! When I first saw the image I knew it was the Cornish Coast. What a place! The road from Lands End to St Ives is filled with such beauty. Thank you for reminding me.
Joe McCary
al shaikh
{K:15790} 6/24/2001
I really do enjoy this image a lot.
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 5/27/2001
Lots of unseen images I am enjoying this morning....the refinements have already been stated....very nice job.
Deleted User
{K:2231} 5/14/2001
I like this shot alot, my suggestion is that you might have gotten a little closer to bring the tower behind the chimney to go above horizon line, and enhance the look of depth.
Also, a green or red filter would have created a little better separation in the grass, which I personally prefer.
Good job!
al shaikh
{K:15790} 5/14/2001
Really beautiful sylvia, a little green filter and the grass would have popped a bit more but other than that its very nice.
Joe Blow
{K:1918} 5/14/2001
A great image for B&W. I like how the road directs you past the structure. Nice "rule of thirds" placement on the chimney.
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 5/13/2001
good texture and use of space.........watch the sky it is close to burnt.........
Kevin Salter
{K:649} 5/13/2001
so this is what you did on the way back from Barry's. very atmospheric beautifully printed (as always) wouldn't have worked as well in colour. Shirley says B&W format v.dramatic.