Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 10/31/2011
beautiful atmosphere here!!.. regards arkadas.
Almax McCoy
{K:6837} 10/26/2011
deniz, This photo is a 7++. The great complimentary colors of yellow and green throughout the image, very nice lighting and very nice use of shutter to catch the actiona and great composition--Wow
Thanx, Almax
Michele Beccia
{K:16550} 10/25/2011
Very beautful capture, regards:)
Michele Beccia
{K:16550} 10/25/2011
Excellent regards:)
Sudeera Karunathilaka
{K:4233} 10/25/2011
Wonderful capture Deniz.
Barbara Socor
{K:13559} 10/25/2011
What a magical moment you have so beautifully captured....How very excellent!
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 10/24/2011
Great scene captured, good timing, and lovely warm tones
Best wishes, Ania
deniz senyesil
{K:4052} 10/24/2011
Hi Richard,Thank you very much for the nice comments:)Greetings
Richard Marks
{K:3809} 10/24/2011
Beautiful composition...well seen and captured.
deniz senyesil
{K:4052} 10/24/2011
Hi Sam,Thank you very much for the nice comments:)Greetings......
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 10/24/2011
perfect and lovely scene deniz well done
deniz senyesil
{K:4052} 10/24/2011
Thank you very much for the nice comments Ryca:) Best Wishes,
Hugo Anis
{K:662} 10/24/2011
Deniz, beautiful scene :)
Ryca C.R.
{K:3895} 10/24/2011
a magnificent image, Deniz!
Indeed the collaboration between u and the nature was perfect! I love the way u interpret and capture the mood of this picture...so peaceful and harmony.. :)
with all the best wishes, Ryca