Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 3/8/2011
Thank you so much Bill. This kind of photography for me is a huge challenge as I no longer use film and digital cameras (IMHO)are very slow. The camera I use for this work is a borrowed one as I "know" it better than the digital SLR I've purchased. Hopefully when I shoot the next live shows, I will be using my own dig SLR. :)
{K:5783} 3/4/2011
Fantastic handheld photograghy, Aniko.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 2/18/2011
Thank you dear Shirley! They are good people and I Love them... :)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 2/18/2011
Great capture, my dear! They're a tough-looking couple of guys...lol.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 2/17/2011
Hi sweet Michele!
Thank you. It is not "my" quality, but the camera quality (which I don't really like... digital is still a thorn in my side; but this camera is one I "know" as I have borrowed it several times in the past). My own digital camera is still a maze to me, but I'm learning.... lol...
The actual image IS perfectly sharp - but on my screen appears a little soft - other than obvious motion blur. These dudes move FAST! :)I always hand hold, especially for live performances as I need to dodge about a lot and not be knocked (ouch!) in the "mosh pit" or anywhere near the stage while shooting the action. A tripod is not practical in such situations and I have little patience for tri or monopods anyway.
I am proud of all my "children". The CLINT FLICK banner you viewing left was co-created with my eldest son (not part of the band)and I am administrator for CLINT FLICK and basically it's my only real work these days and I enjoy it very much.
No, I haven't heard of Switchfoot and Third Day but I will see if they have anything on youtube.
Thanks very much for your kind words, Michele. If you chance by, you will be seeing much stage photography by me (including support bands to CLINT FLICK etc...)
Wonderful to be in touch again! Warm Hugs, Aniko :)~*~.•*¨`*•♥.•´*.¸.•´*•♥.•´
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 2/17/2011
Hi Luis!
Yes, both of the visible performers are my sons (and I have "children" older than these as well).
These 2 sons formed the band CLINT FLICK back in 2005 and are becoming very popular. Their live shows are spectacular and they have 2 professionally recorded CDs with a 3rd in the works.
It does me good to be "working for" my "children" as I am no longer able to do much other work.
Good for you being chairman of an international photocontest! Why hard times? I wish you all good things, Luis...
Thanks and Hugs, Aniko :)
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 2/17/2011
Hi dear Aniko , WoW !! Glad I stopped by - how cool is this situation with your sons - looks great to me ! I'm impressed with your quality and sharpness as is , AND hand held !! My daughter was a tour manager for a couple bands (Switchfoot - and Third Day ) in case you ever heard of them - and so I was close to being in your shoes - but not qute the same- anyway it's fun but a lot of work- I do know that much . You should and must be very proud of your guys !! This is definitely a 7+ Hugs, Michele~
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 2/17/2011
The front man singer is your son...??? Well is not a child the image is well captured...well i'm happy to find you...in those hard days for me I'm the chairman of an international photocontest http://fotoclubba.org.ar/virtualimage2011/ see it...Hugs....LUIS:)