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Get Off  My Pole
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Image Title:  Get Off My Pole
Favorites: 4 
 By: Marcus Armani  
  Copyright ©2009

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Photographer Marcus Armani  Marcus Armani {Karma:36599}
Project #43 Unusual Vision Camera Model Canon 50D
Categories From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio Bird Portraits
Lens Canon 400mm DO
Uploaded 3/27/2009 Film / Memory Type Sandisk
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 2067 Shutter 1/2000
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 45 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Mountain View
State -  CA
Country - United States   United States
About Mockingbird Trying To Get This Golden Eagle Out Of The Area, Thought this would get a laugh or two...
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There are 45 Comments in 1 Pages
Guido Tweepenninckx Guido Tweepenninckx   {K:20076} 4/30/2010
great nature shot to be proud of.


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 1/13/2010
Hi Larry! Yes as with you UF is for the most part a place of the past. I had much fun here for many years, and your comment was a supprise as I dont get many UF emails anymore. I did post a photo while I was here, Habit I guess :) I also hope all is well with you and you had a wonderful holiday season.


Larry Fosse Larry Fosse   {K:66493} 1/13/2010
Hey Marcus!...I just stopped by to see how old friends are doing and caught this...stupendous as always...I see you haven't posted here in a while and I hope you're doing well


Maryanne Murillo Maryanne Murillo   {K:11617} 12/28/2009
Another fantastic shot -- you are truly amazing.

all the best,



Robert Chin   {K:22282} 12/25/2009
Merry Christmas Marcus & Family.


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 11/14/2009
Hi Asim, Yes It has been a long time, Hope all is well with you! wow seems like only yesterday I recieved my first comment from you, But It has been 4.5 years.. Time really flys :) Miss Ya!


Asim Roy Asim Roy   {K:10051} 11/14/2009
Excellent and outstanding my dear friend, after almost 2 yrs seen your photographs, love, asim, i have not uploaded any photo as too much busy schedule. hope all r well


arijit(ratul) talukder arijit(ratul) talukder   {K:6029} 10/19/2009
hello marcus .... i'm looking forward to buy a eos 7d .... have you used it? .... plz let me know ur take on the camera . egerly aeaiting ur response


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/14/2009
Excellent shot. Best wishes


arijit(ratul) talukder arijit(ratul) talukder   {K:6029} 8/16/2009
amazing !! congrats on getting SC


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 8/1/2009
That is one of the best shots from birds what I have ever seen!The sharpness and the clarity are EXCELLENT!You were ther at the right moment.To see the little one fighting and defending his home is soooo amazing.
CONGRATULATIONS on your VERY WELL deserved SC!!!!!!!!!!
Into my favorites!!
Have a nice weekend,


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 7/29/2009
oh.. excelent..
and favs.. hope you are well marcus..


Maryanne Murillo Maryanne Murillo   {K:11617} 7/25/2009
Fantastic. Congrats on this well deserved award, Marcus.

All the best,



Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 6/1/2009
What a great capture... perfect timing as usual :)


Pawel Kwasnicki Pawel Kwasnicki   {K:9651} 5/29/2009
..another masterpiece Marcus! perfect moment and great quality! best regards, Pawel


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 4/18/2009
Wow, great timing and use of opportunity.:)


A.L Carter A.L Carter   {K:567} 4/17/2009
excellent action shot! enjoyed this one.



atalay karacaorenli atalay karacaorenli   {K:1557} 4/1/2009
Splendid portrait.


Robert Kilgore   {K:2218} 3/31/2009
Marcus, this has outstanding color, detail and pose. In addition to the excellent image qualities, this is a valuable illustration of animal behavior. Little birds harass anything that will eat their eggs. Wonderful capture.


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 3/31/2009
congratulations dear Marcus!!!!
well deserved award!!!!!


Subhash Sen Subhash Sen   {K:11931} 3/31/2009
Great shot ,look what determination can do,size does not matter,love,subhash.CONGRATULATIONS


arijit(ratul) talukder arijit(ratul) talukder   {K:6029} 3/31/2009
superb !!!!! congrats on sc


Robert Chin   {K:22282} 3/31/2009
Congrats on the well deserved award Marcus.
'fly right into the sunlight over my head'...
plus with that 400 monster lens that`s a very difficult shot.


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 3/31/2009
Hi Robbie, I can spend hours watching the little guys defend there area, even if it means I lose the flight shot such as in this case where the little guy made the eagle fly right into the sunlight over my head, though i was hoping he would go left or right...


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 3/31/2009
HI G, really good to hear from you, you little munchkin, Im going to email you shortly...


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 3/31/2009
well thats one way to look at It LOL...
I actually have no reply for that!

UHHHH its not the size of the bird in the fight, but the fight in the bird??


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 3/31/2009
Thanks Andre, yes its always funny to watch, they just never giveup when they have a female and a nest near by...


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 3/31/2009
Thanks Chelsea, This guy was trying so hard to get the eagle off the pole I was rooting for him, he was relentless and flew around him, tugging and pulling for around 30 mins, The eagle did get fedup and flew off, The mockingbird flew proudly to his nest which was right next to the pole joined the female sitting on eggs..


Chelsea Burke   {K:5750} 3/31/2009
Absolutely love this! When I lived in the States, I had great entertainment watching these feisty little guys swoop down on cats and dogs and snakes and anything else they took a dislike to. Wonderful shot.


Robert Chin   {K:22282} 3/30/2009
In my favs.
Killer shot Marcus,beautiful colors and funny image.Those small birds can be pesky.


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 3/30/2009
Wow, Marcus.'s not the size of your beak...but how you use it? LoL!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 3/30/2009
Great shot Marcus!
It's always interesting to watch how birds twenty times smaller can chase these big predators away.


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 3/30/2009
aww come on,you know you shot this inside your atrium...LOL...(read your com about inside your house) ;>

this very night i am working on setting up my online shop for my one of a kind artisan jewelry,photo work and other art items...this freakin' crappola economy made my small local photo biz nose dive,so this shop is hopefully a solution to keeping a roof over my and rivvie pup's head...seriously it is touch and go each month :(

this is a stellar shot and up there with your all time best!

so how you be and how are you surviving this sad economy?

Cookie has forgotten her gurL... haven't heard from her in many moons....last she told me she was shootin' weddings


(you can send me an email at


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 3/30/2009
Thanks bill. Thats very true I have not gotten many nature shots within my house )


bill smith bill smith   {K:5416} 3/30/2009
Wow,what an awesome capture Marcus. Just goes to show you have to get out there!!


Clay Boutin   {K:28722} 3/28/2009
Love the Eagles look, like WTF is this bird trying to do. Great shot! Excellent detail.


Dan   TDFoto Dan  TDFoto   {K:8618} 3/27/2009
WOW...this should be called DAVID and GOLIATH... great moment....fantastic capture.
Dan :)


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 3/27/2009
you have to go profvessional and make money....;) ;) ;) ;)


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 3/27/2009
outstanding!! and bit funny dear MArcus!!!
excellent capture with wonderful details!!!!
warm regards


Atish Sen   {K:6346} 3/27/2009


Brigitte R. Brigitte R.   {K:25989} 3/27/2009
Truly amazing capture, Marcus... you certainly where in the right place at the right time! Absolutely excellent in all ways... 7/7

Warm regards,


Vijay Kurhade   {K:10118} 3/27/2009
lovely moment captured
take care


Kamran Bakhtiari Kamran Bakhtiari   {K:24048} 3/27/2009
great one! Excellent.


gábor gáspár   {K:390} 3/27/2009
hi Marcus !
I like this photo !!!!!!!! Super


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 3/27/2009
hahahahahahah David and Goliath




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