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Stars in the day???
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Image Title:  Stars in the day???
Favorites: 1 
 By: Kim Culbert  
  Copyright ©2002

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Photographer  Kim Culbert {Karma:37070}
Project #19 Above Your Head Camera Model Nikon FG
Categories Film Format
Portfolio Lens 50mm
Uploaded 4/8/2002 Film / Memory Type 200 Agfa
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1201 Shutter bulb
Favorites Aperture f 4
Critiques 7 Rating Critique Only Image
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About I took my camera out last week and tried to get some interesting star trails. I think I have learned quite a lot from my mistakes. I used 200 ISO... I think what I really needed was 400 or 800. As well, for this shot, the moon was out... so no wonder it looks like broad daylight! I was out on some land at least 20 mins from the closest city (which is only 30,000 people anyways) and the sky was dark. I never expected this result.
I will post some more that I took out at the cabin and the next few days.
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There are 7 Comments in 1 Pages
John Charlton   {K:5595} 10/1/2003
Hey Kim, this is pretty cool. somebody even liked it enough to make it a favourite. Just goes to show, we don't always see the value in our own work.


Megan Forbes   {K:4617} 9/24/2003

This is quite a cool effect actually (although others might not agree with me!), and useful as an experiment. I recently got this star trail shot in Sweden - luckily for me it was new moon: . Thanks for the comment on my moonlight shot. I probably should have mentioned that I have others which are better exposed, but look all greenish. I wonder if other films would have had that greenish effect as well - most unpleasant. Thanks for the time :).


Steve Kompier   {K:4629} 4/8/2002

Remember, moonlight is sunlight and that's what caused the blue sky in this photo. Shoot when no moon is out and as dark of a location as possible.

Any sky glow will lessen the black sky you're looking for. Also, the smaller the aperture, the thinner the star trails will be, but F22 maybe too small.


Dan Sanford   {K:300} 4/8/2002
Experiment with f22 and it might come out darker. It is amazing how it looks like daylight, I like it.


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 4/8/2002
Thank you Steve and Sean for your comments... this is something that I would like to learn more about and the comments really help.
Steve... I was looking at a webpage of astronomy pictures and all the pictures were on 400 or 800 ISO film... and the sky was black for all of those. I took some more night images which I will post in the next few days, when the moon wasn't out yet, and I was curious as to why my sky isn't black in any of them. I'll attach one right now actually. If it isn't the film speed I'm not sure what it would be. I am also going to try a few with f5.6 to see if maybe I was getting too much light from the stars? (is that possible??)
The attached photo is a 8 min exposure.
Any help???


Steve Kompier   {K:4629} 4/8/2002
Wow..this looks like a daylight shot. Neat.


You really don't need a faster film like 400 because your doing a long exposure. You have nothing to gain except more grain.


sean slavin   {K:3488} 4/8/2002
amazing how much light the moon throws out. looking forward to seeing what else you tried. 8)




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