Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 1/4/2010
Trato de jugar lo que vi en estas imágenes, con mi alma y mi pensamiento, que también son tortuosos. Horrorosas estas muńecas, que parecen ser una única, pero con de si diferentes miradas ......tantas almas condenados.... Y más horrible todavía el protagonista, que me parece diabólico maestro titiritero..... Es una buena metáfora de nuestro inquietud espiritual..... un abrazo, Gabriella
Gianes Ma
{K:26069} 8/31/2006
Like a painting... an excellent collage of faces and expressions... very suggestive result. Congratulations, G.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 8/27/2006
Excelente trabajo! Foto, pintura, quien sabe.... Me gusta mucho. Un abrazo!
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 8/26/2006
Excellent work with those strong expressions, Luis!
pinar üründül
{K:2740} 8/25/2006
wonderful photo...wow:)
Quix Photography
{K:20204} 8/25/2006
Fantastic!!!! Though think this one will give me a few nightmares!!!! x
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 8/25/2006
Well, no wonder I have not heard from you, Dearest!...You are waaaayyyy tooo busy for your own good!:);)
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 8/25/2006
Hahahahahaha...yes I'm alive..but tomorrow I go far from Buenos Aires I'm a judge of a photo contest..I return Sunday's. And at the night again to the last nigth of the Tango's Championship coup...I don't how I'll process 800 images...hahahaha.LUIS
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 8/25/2006
Well, it is most fascinating, and at least I know you're still alive!:)
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 8/25/2006
Thanks...and welcome to the site.LUIS
Mohammad Hossein Jafari
{K:81} 8/25/2006
It's Nice.