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Favorites: 3 
 By: Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)  Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) {Karma:21250}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon D50
Categories Photoart
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio TANGO
Lens Nikon  28-70mm f/2.8 ED-IF AF-S
Uploaded 8/12/2006 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1059 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 24 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Argentina   Argentina
About The last of my series of Tango at the urban landscape in Buenos Aires city, here with an autumn backround, melancolic not so saturated whith red or blue colours, not at the night, but the same dream, and other fantasy.- And like some Fellini's film a blaind musician. As always we keep working in the image, never will be finish.-
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Steinberg (EFIAP)





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There are 24 Comments in 1 Pages
Ezequiel Lozada Ezequiel Lozada   {K:17176} 9/1/2006
Genial trabajo.


Gianes Ma Gianes Ma   {K:26069} 8/21/2006
A great series for me.
These are all images particular, of excellent quality, for the scenes and the atmosphere some surreal and so much fascinating.


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 8/15/2006
Thanks Luis, you are right, I'm very traditional, but not a "great" photographer, only an amateur ;) After many years, I'm still learning :) All the best, Max


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 8/15/2006
You know Massimo I also have 57 years like you...and when a great photographer as the old tradition technique make a comment I feel very happy, for me is most value.- Of cours if the critic also, shows a cinema culture (and we know about wich thing we are talking: Fellini...) Well I touch the sky with my hands. Really for me is a pleasure and I be honoured.- We are good friends because we talk the same art language.- Cheers.- LUIS


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 8/14/2006
Yes, it reminds me a Fellini's movie, great atmosphere, I can feel the melancholy of autumn here, but also the sensuality of the dancers. Bye, Max


Joao Sousa Joao Sousa   {K:1796} 8/13/2006
Hola! Gracias por los comentarios! Me encanta esa foto, las fotos tuyas tienen algo de cinematografico, de pintura, etc...abrazos!


Jacek M. Jacek M.   {K:2999} 8/12/2006
Amazing work!Excellent idea and realization!!!


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 8/12/2006
Darling Jeanette thnaks for the commets of this and the others yo are a very good artist and a better friend... Cheers.LUIS


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 8/12/2006
Romantic and passionate - as tango


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 8/12/2006
Beautiful, Luis, just beautiful! Another top notch creation!




Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 8/12/2006
Cathy............Hiiiii... how are you...well you are again with a nice comment.- You know that at the begin we talk by the site about our photos, and I remember your visits...and I love your critics and your sensitive emotions by each one...I'm happy with my friends...THANKS...Cathy an Warms Regards. LUIS


Salvatore Rossignolo   {K:13559} 8/12/2006
Luis.....I don't know if its the romance of the Tango or your emotional presentation thereof.....or a synergy of both, but I'm always given to pause and drink-in and enjoy your Tango pictures. Powerful, beautiful, and emotional! Bravo!


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 8/12/2006
Dearest Luis, I am always sincere in what I tell you. I have not seen the film, but will certainly try to find it now. I am so happy.:)


Cathy Carroll Cathy Carroll   {K:28144} 8/12/2006
Once again you have painted a picture with passion and suspense. particularly in the front pair of dancers. I like the colours you have chosen. Cathy


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 8/12/2006
Yes it's bizarre, but even believable in my mind..of cours like a painter whom believes some of them pics.Thanks by your visit James. Regards. Luis


James Cook James Cook   {K:38068} 8/12/2006
Very believable (even if bizarre) composition. Well done.


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 8/12/2006
Toni...the guy for me is like a Fellinian's fiction blaind, adn even is very or eveb most important than the dancers.- As always thanks Toni.LUIS


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 8/12/2006
My dear friend..then you understand the message of the image...well done by you and thanks for the visit and also by your kindless comment.Warm Regards.LUIS


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 8/12/2006
It's true? Really do like this image? Another fiction style, melancolic, warm a musician like the blaind of Amarcord's (Fellini's film) The floor with autumn leaves and a old build of San Telmo (is a old classic downtown of Buenos Aires, like's Boheme Quartier)even some mysterous fog at the backround.- Yes my dear for me all those atmosphere is passion...I love the comment... I be gratefull and of cours very happy.-In the first hour the image receive 45 visits...We keep in touch by personal email box.-Cheers.LUIS Don't you saw Amarcord Fellini's? Please see it...then you tell me...LUIS


Le Bich Le Bich   {K:973} 8/12/2006
I love the autum asmosphere of the photo !TFS


antoinette ireton antoinette ireton   {K:447} 8/12/2006
Fantastic, I love the guy playing the (cant spell sorry) the musical instrument. Really nice vibe in this one. Gorgeous.


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 8/12/2006
Oh my goodness, dearest Luis...I don't know if I can bear seeing this much passion right now!:) I love the setting you've made very beautiful!


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 8/12/2006
As always my dear friend you are there...thanks Cheers.LUIS


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 8/12/2006
Great Composition!!





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