Umberto Fortini
{K:3309} 8/17/2009
Congratulazioni Luis, uno scatto emozionante!
Seham Mohammed
{K:96} 8/17/2009
It is truly remarkable .. & Beautiful treatment
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 8/17/2009
Congratulation again, dear Luis!:)
{K:12494} 3/4/2007
WOW, what a creative picture, it is beautiful, excellent job.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 3/3/2007
Congratulations, dear Luis! So wonderful to see your lovely work on the front page.:)
Iman Fouad
{K:12295} 3/3/2007
Exellent movement shot,exellent taken, congratulations Luis for editor's choice, you deserve it. Iman
Roberto Baez Duarte
{K:5317} 7/16/2006
excelente trabajo realizado . lei y vi todas tus fotografías en tu página web y veo que has dedicado tiempo y esfuerzo con tus recompensas también. Tu estilo propio es fantastico. te felicito. excelente,, saludos roberto
txules .
{K:62768} 7/9/2006
felicidades por el premio, bien merecido...jd
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 7/4/2006
Hi Luis,
I come back for another look and you have two shots and two BIG awards!!! Congratulations!!!
It's good to see such very nice use of grain!
All the best, Kes
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 7/3/2006
Dear Cleveland thanks..if you want visite my personal site www.luis-steinberg.com.ar LUIS Do you like this other image?

Cleveland Smith
{K:7006} 7/3/2006
Luis, this series that you have posted are very beautiful and creative. Congratulations on the two awards you have garnered here, they are well deserved.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 7/3/2006
Oh, how nice to see you here, too, Luis! Congratulations on Editor's Choice! Very beautiful image.
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 7/3/2006
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 7/3/2006
Micahel thanks...you see when I upload the image I didn't know about the award... But dont' worry now I know...Thanks again.Luis
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 7/3/2006
Thanks..the EC award... was a surprise...when I upload the photo I didn't know was the award...But dont worry learned now...Wishes and thanks again.Luis
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 7/3/2006
Rachel...lovely comments... only thanks.Luis
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 7/3/2006
Thanks...my friend.Luis
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 7/3/2006
Gracias Alicia... no sabés que alivio es escribirte en castellano...Vi tus fotos realmente muy buenas...no es nada facil hacer fotos de natualeza...y mostrarlas en este sitio que por cierto tiene grandes especialistas.Luis
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/3/2006
hola.. bienevidos Luis.. tu es un grande fotografo.. una foto muy hermosa y fantastica.. como l'altra! roby 7
So Cal Photograhper
{K:18529} 7/3/2006
{K:860} 7/3/2006
Beautiful movement and colors. Very nice photo, looks like a painting.
Yudhistia Sumatra
{K:165} 7/3/2006
Great creative picture. Congrats on EC.
Tabitha Woods
{K:8650} 7/2/2006
Great photo art, very effective, very theatrical Well Done and Congrats! Regards:O)
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, Luis, another stunning image! Two awards for two photos - absolutely amazing!!!! Well deserved!
A beautiful image, again with fabulous colours, comp and lighting! Another incredible creation!
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 7/2/2006
nice creative art work
no longer a member
{K:10557} 7/2/2006
Great work. I like the originality. Congratulations on the EC award.
Many compliments .... Mike
Mitra Nademi-Nassari
{K:28234} 7/2/2006
Awesome! Congratulations on the EC award. Well deserved, indeed!
Rachel Leah
{K:26110} 7/2/2006
WOw... this is a very cool shot! I love the lighting and the coloring is just awesome! The grains look great, this is such a cool shot! Excellent work! :) ~Rachel~
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 7/2/2006
Felicitaciones Luis alberto... una imagen toda dinamismo, color, elegancia y luz. Maravillosa captura. merecido premio!!!
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 7/2/2006
Excellent artistic impression Luis, I like the work you've done here my friend :)
Golboo Fiuzy
{K:2359} 7/2/2006
WOW! Congratulation dear Luise. It's really perfect shot. Golboo
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 7/1/2006
And with his SECOND photo, Luis garners another Usefilm award!
Welcome, welcome welcome, sir. We love to have more quality art and inspiration around here. You really should consider joining, so you can upload FOUR images daily. ;)
Splendid job - good to have you around.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 7/1/2006
beautiful image and very creative , all of the best my friend