Joanne Kissinger
{K:12} 12/31/2022
How my kids look when I tell them to smile.
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 11/26/2006
Hi Edward, just revisiting some of my favourite images. This one never fails to lighten my heart. Hope you are keeping well. The young lads did enjoy your airshow shots. I have been very brave and flew in a big plane to Far North Queensland again. I'm not a happy flyer, but when a mate has a big birthday and invites you across a continent, what's a girl to do? Thoroughly enjoyed the celebrations. I practised and practised my landacape shots. Guess I'll keep trying. Have been chatting with another Canadian on Usefilm, Chris Sitter, discussing the cold wather over there, I hope you are keeping warmer than he is! Talk soon. CC
Edward Ghoti
{K:5514} 9/11/2006
Thank you for your continued encouragement Cathy.
Back home now, getting my Canadian life back in order. I also had issues with my photo editing program so trying out another.
Hopefully your little ones won't be too discouraged by my latest postings; we had an air show on the weekend and I got to those images first.
All the best, Ed
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 9/1/2006
Missing you. CC
Edward Ghoti
{K:5514} 8/18/2006
Thank you for your comment Cathy.
I have no idea how to tell, but I am pretty sure this is an immature male.
All the best, Ed
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 8/11/2006
I just had to have another look at this photograph, it makes me smile.
I notice from the comments this is a female. How does one tell? I thought it was hairy enough to be a male, so I have confused a small group of children. Help. Cathy
Edward Ghoti
{K:5514} 8/8/2006
Thank you for your comment Paul.
All the best, Ed
Edward Ghoti
{K:5514} 8/8/2006
Thank you for your comment Dave.
All the best, Ed
Edward Ghoti
{K:5514} 8/8/2006
Thank you for your comment Shirley.
All the best, Ed
Edward Ghoti
{K:5514} 8/8/2006
Thank you for your comment Gentian.
It wasn't any harder than my other shots, the trip was amazing and so taking the shots was hardly a chore.
All the best, Ed
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/6/2006
Yikes. Moments like that must surely be stark reminders that you are the intruder in HER space.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 8/5/2006
Nice shot of her, Ed! That expression on her face really makes it different from the rest. Dave.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 8/5/2006
I'm glad you were in the truck...this makes me nervous.:)))
Ioannis Tilkas
{K:1023} 8/5/2006
I can imagine that was hard to take this photo wasn't it? it is just great. i love wild photos like this one keep your impressive work Edward
Edward Ghoti
{K:5514} 8/5/2006
Thank you for your comment Cathy.
As per my other photos, I was shooting from the safety of the truck, so I wasn't taking him too serious either. As you can see there were a lot of flies around him and it was a very hot day. This lion was part of a group that we found wandering down the road. We stopped to take some shots and ended up having one of the females repeatedly seek shelter in the shade of our trucks shadow. Every time we moved the vehicle she got up and followed us and laid back down in the shadow. The proximity was a little unnerving so we decided to get some distance after I got some close-up shots of her.
All the best, Ed
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 8/5/2006
This image makes me laugh. I know he looks like he's having hard time, that wrinkled nose says a lot, but he has his arms crossed I can't take him seriously. That's me talking from the other side of the world. I don't know how seriously I would have taken him face to face! Cathy