Thanks Hugo for your precious suggestions. Now my monitor is ok... and now i see images like all of you :) This night i'll post it again following your comment... i'd like to have another your comment about it. Thanks again an excuse me for my English
Hi Giovanni, I think I've opened this photo for the tenth time now, and I'm quite surprised no-one has commented on it yet.
I like the atmosphere you create with the B&W toning and the scene; rather moody, gloomy and somewhat scary. The tones works well, and also the grey, dull weather seems to work in your advantage here.
I also like the tonal range in the far end and the right of the image. The dark areas, specifically in the lower left lack a bit of details, making the area rather dominant, but also empty. I think that's a bit too much, and is more of a distraction than an addition.
On the other hand, the contrast in the tower could've been a bit stronger, even though that would reduce the atmosphere. Other than that, the photo has a certain appeal (I've opened it ten times!), and presents the viewer with an interesting theme, leaving the story behind it to the viewers imagination. Nice touch!