AJ Miller
{K:49168} 3/4/2006
Hi Ken. I'm not a big floral fan but I do like this. I like the softness (which I assume is entirely intentional) although I would perhaps prefer a little more sharpness to have been retained in the centre of the flower. You might consider adding a frame of some sort to help the image stand out against the UF background. John
eleonora frago
{K:2472} 2/28/2006
il like it very much. soft focus gives to flower a dreamy taste. lovely color composition between flower and background. great work, ken :-)
best regards, eleonora
ken osborn
{K:2997} 2/27/2006
thank you, Mary. I did some PS processing to acheive the pastel appearance. As John Pitman pointed out, the sepals/petals are in soft focus (but not the labellum - the modified petal with the red dots). I posted the original in a response to John. You can see more shots from the tabletop workshop at www.flickr.com/photos/misterken
Mister Ken
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 2/27/2006
I know this is in CC, but I don't kow enough about floral photography to offer any real critique. I was just drawn to this as I have been trying to get a good picture of an orchid with no success. So, I wanted to have a closer look at yours. It is beautiful emerging from the soft background. Your colours are vibrant, yet gentle. This is very lovley. MAry
ken osborn
{K:2997} 2/27/2006
Thanks John. The soft focus is mostly from the post-processing. Here is the unretouched original.
Mister Ken
 Orchid - No Soft Focus |
John Pitman
{K:8473} 2/27/2006
Like the colour and detail. It could be sharper. John
ken osborn
{K:2997} 2/27/2006
Thank you Lori. I did some post camera processing (Photoshop) to get the pastels and the background is from a daffodil. You can see the daffodil and some other shots from the macro workshop at www.flickr.com/photos/misterken
ken osborn
{K:2997} 2/27/2006
thanks Susie. I was not too pleased with the original until I gave it a tight crop and played with the background. You can see some other shots from the tabletop workshop at www.flickr.com/photos/misterken
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 2/27/2006
Very beautiful image Ken. I love the tight crop and the soft romantic colors and tones. The lighting is very good too, it accentuates the dof. The image looks almost 3-D. You did a really good job.
Lorri Shank
{K:214} 2/26/2006
It's lovely, Ken. The soft pastels and the background profile of the other orchid make it for me. Nice crop, too.