{K:1466} 3/8/2004
Wonderful! You make me want to come back to Usefilm more often. Suzanne
Mari Mar
{K:11469} 1/7/2004
Bellas y misteriosas, bravo, Jim, hope you are doing fine! :)
Manuela Filip
{K:1657} 11/5/2003
I just discovered your work and I must admit that the surrealistic ones are among my favorites...I also inspire from words...dreams...and also my pics are not necessarily a reality (I hope)
Your name is one I will be looking for while I will be looking on usefilm. Thnks 4 sharing, Manuela
Katia Cutrone
{K:12940} 11/3/2003
Hi Jim,
it's stunning the way you work with your images. Theylook like painting with a great fantasy a big inspiration inside.
Reality and photoghraphy...I think there is infinity to say about.
^j^ .
{K:8554} 10/24/2003
Well... I just realised that coming here and read your bio-comment is just the best idea I've had so far today... Thanks for that, and the rest ! :)
Coolissimo picture btw...
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 10/3/2003
Just read your bio sketch - thanks for adding my name to your list. I am truly in awe of your work and your talent and have learned much from your images as well as your comments.
I wanted to tell you that with your comment on Losing My Religion you tapped at the core of what I was thinking. Mainly the ideas of spirituality versus organized religion. Thanks for the comments.
Jim McNitt
{K:11246} 10/1/2003
Bio Sketch and Mission Statement
After 30 years as a photojournalist (UPI, Time, Sail), an author of technical books (MacMillian, Simon & Schuster), and a special projects editor (Newsweek International), in Jan. 2003 I returned full-time to my first love -- photography.
The object of my affection is the photo composite, an art form that is nearly as old as photography itself. My composite illustrations take their inspiration from photos, paintings and dreams. Art history, especially, is a constant source of new concepts for technique, style, and imagery. Often ideas arrive fully blown at about 4 AM. Sometimes they are bona fide dreams, but just as often they spring from some thought that's been percolating for days or weeks. I keep a notebook by my bed and scribble them down. Some are complete idiocy. Others have a kind of internal logic of their own -- off the wall, but somehow compelling. There are now so many sketches and ideas in the journal that I've taken to organizing and executing them by theme.
I do NOT consciously strive for the weird, bizarre, or especially, fantastic. Rather, I try hard to find and photograph imagery that's associated with the feelings at the core of my ideas. I've been shooting for three decades -- and shooting with composites in mind for more than 10 years. I review my archive constantly and the ideas that bubble up are sometimes related to photos I took many months or many years ago. If the result is weird, bizarre, or fantastic, then so be it. Some of the journal sketches are extremely detailed, and it's surprising how close the final composites can be to the initial concept. If there's a method to this madness, it is the ambition to make thought visible through photography.
I've been uploading my best new work to USEFILM since June. In that time, I've seen a marked improvement, thanks in large part to the inspiration, encouragement and guidance of UF friends like Richard, Peta, Chris, Anna K & P, Carol, Craig, Gregory, Stefan, Patricia, Audrey, Liz, Mary, Marion (come back soon, I miss you), Rhonda, GC, Mari, Ronny, Gaetan, Igor, Adam, Biliana, Ursula, Naty, Kristina, Baldur, Alex, Julien, Alberto, Maciek and many, many others. Thanks guys, you have no idea... --Jim
Lou Verruto
{K:1375} 7/15/2003
........and the EYES have it. Loved this over at that "other" place and I love it here. A very well planned shot. It can be a real bitch getting the eyes perfectly exposed while maintaining the fine detail in the remaining subject matter...especially when using a Canon:)) OK
Richard Blount
{K:8015} 7/9/2003
This is a really wonderful image, the masks are fantastic and the the eyes sparkle, everything is so sharp and clear, the composition is superb, a very accomplished image, well done Jim, it's great - Richard.
In Transit
{K:29432} 7/9/2003
The exchange with VB starts to tell the rest of the story... the selection available of those made in China masks in NOLA is really quite extensive... and they are at such a low cost... that some years ago I purchased dozens... for a planned masquerade... I have yet to have the party... but may be next year... meanwhile can certainly enjoy your effective work with the two pairs...
Gene Zonis
{K:6949} 7/9/2003
Andy Eulass
{K:13435} 2/4/2003
I'd say you captured those subtle colors very successfully Jim. The detail is remarkable, but even the masks can't overcome how striking the eyes are here. This is wonderful. Welcome to Usefilm. I look forward to seeing more of your work down the line.
Greg Smith
{K:99} 2/3/2003
P.S......don't be confused Jim, I am writing from my brothers computer....(Greg Smith) ......Verna :-)
Greg Smith
{K:99} 2/3/2003
Jim wouldn't it be cool to combine my head peice and your mask, we must make a trade or do a merg :-)))
Jim McNitt
{K:11246} 2/3/2003
Hi Verna: The mask photo is my first upload here -- so it was very encouraging to get a near instantaneous welcome from a familar face, so to speak.
The real irony is that Masquerade was directly inspired by your Aztec Princess which deeply impressed me -- along with many others -- on Photo.Net. A couple of days after I critiqued Aztec Princess, I noticed the pheasant Mardi Gras masks in my daughter's room. Not exactly a full Bourbon Street regalia, but they do have a fabulous texture.
Over the weekend I dragged my daughter, her friend and the masks into the studio. True, I probably overdodged the eyes, but I couldn't resist. The more I dodged, the better the eye colors complemented the masks -- pure serendipity, I might add. Thanks again, Jim.
Verna Absolutestockphoto
{K:2836} 2/3/2003
Hi Jim, looks like you have been here at usefilm for a while. I loved this at PN and it's great to see it here at Usefilm...Great Work :-) This would make a great color contact lens add.
Deleted User
{K:4598} 2/3/2003
Stunning and eye appealing. The masks really make the viewer focus on the eyes.