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Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/7/2005 4:34:26 AM

A mini ferris wheel! That's perfect for the kids. Thanks for sharing Galal.
        Photo By: Galal El Missary  (K:84569)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/7/2005 4:32:23 AM

I love the red color and also the carvings on the crystal. Would also qualify for the alternate perspective prjct.
        Photo By: Galal El Missary  (K:84569)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/7/2005 2:01:50 AM

Oh I love this. It's my kind of shot with the mysterious lighting. The reflection is heavenly. Well done indeed.
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/7/2005 2:01:20 AM

Yay! There's an award. Congrats for that. I'm so glad your work is getting the recognition it deserves. Chris, I hope there are sunsets like this in heaven however I did hear Nikons were not allowed over there. Only Canons. Sorry for being the bearer of bad news. :-) By the way, "Mountain Sunset" was really good too. I actually fell for that one as being real!
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/6/2005 9:36:31 PM

Welcome back, Markus! A fine looking resident! Frogs are fun. You should name him. Oscar? Daphne? Anyway, it's a great macro.
        Photo By: Markus Scholz  (K:23722) Donor

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/6/2005 9:27:02 PM

Wow great abstact Sherif. Excellent composition! You may need to rotate it just a little. Is this a crop from a larger picture? Just wondering if you have your camera set on fine jpeg mode.

Well done!

        Photo By: sherif hussein  (K:13815)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/6/2005 6:09:20 AM

Mohamed, If you hadn't said anything about it, I wouldn't have known. It's very good PS work. I like the black border and the poster presentation very much. Perfect for the palms and the pretty tower. You may want to try a little burning on the tower and see if you bring out the details some more. Just a thought. Well done my friend.
        Photo By: Mohamed Banna  (K:34237)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/5/2005 8:04:10 PM

Hi Mora, Nothing fancy, I used flashlights for the lighting. I had a black board for the background. The flowers were on a black surface as well. Thank you very much for your comments on my flowers. If you ask me, your florals beat mine any day.

        Photo By: Tiger Lily    (K:10966)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/5/2005 7:35:02 PM

I think frozen is the wrong word to use. How about crystal clear with magnificient detail. This picture I am guessing (hopefully correctly) is using panning. I love it. Excellent job Marcus.
        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/5/2005 7:32:17 PM

Hi Frank, This was taken in the Portland, Oregon Japanese garden. Thanks for your comment.
        Photo By: Tiger Lily    (K:10966)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/5/2005 7:30:51 PM

Hi Frank, Those are huge personal achievements. Good for you!! I need to lose about 10 Ibs (5 kg) myself but I hate dieting. :-))) Thank you so much for all your kind comments and for adding me to your friends list.
        Photo By: Tiger Lily    (K:10966)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/5/2005 7:28:40 PM

Sometimes we all need a little space! The smart title "Shadow's escape" enforces that feeling you get from the long shadow as if it is trying to get away from the handle. I like the various lines intersecting and diagonaling with each other. It is a great addition to your recent windows image Roby. Thanks for your comment on mine. Hugs. )
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/5/2005 2:23:31 PM

This may be my favorite of your orchid shots. Looks great in b/w.
        Photo By: doug stewart  (K:676)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/5/2005 1:22:20 PM

This creative presentation is the best compliment you could have paid to South Beach. Very well done, I love it.
        Photo By: doug stewart  (K:676)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/5/2005 5:49:04 AM

Oh I hope the electricity is well grounded in those buildings, Lol. Beautiful scenery. Amazed at the architecture and of course engineering that enabled these canal neighborhoods. This is done so well, I placed it in my favorites earlier today and now came back to comment. Ciao!

        Photo By: Paolo Barthelemy  (K:25552)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/5/2005 5:39:41 AM

I don't know if others will get the same feeling but this photo has the unique ability to make you feel as if you are in the photograph! Within that tight space. So it's very effective in that way. Including just a sliver of sky is a nice touch. Paul, You have a good eye for composition.
        Photo By: Paul's Photos  (K:35235)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/4/2005 6:16:01 PM

Wow exquisite details on this orchid. I love the colors and the sage background. The dark vignette is fine but I'd also try a lighter version to see which one works best.

Excellent floral!
        Photo By: doug stewart  (K:676)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/4/2005 2:49:35 PM

Luke, Thank you very much for your wonderful poetic interpretation. It really made me see aspects of the image I hadn't noticed before. Thanks! )
        Photo By: Tiger Lily    (K:10966)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/4/2005 2:48:14 PM

This is amazing considering you took it yourself. The tones look excellent with great contrast. I like how you have the background whited out so well without photoshop. Nice friendly pose. Sharp focus. An excellent self-portrait, Luke. Well done. )
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/3/2005 8:12:55 PM

Yes, it looks like that way Sherif. I heard geese mate for life which is very interesting. Don't know about pelicans. Duck looking on from behind is a nice touch. Well done. )
        Photo By: sherif hussein  (K:13815)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/3/2005 7:22:25 PM

That's a great idea! Thank you, Chris. I will have to try that. My only hurdle will be PS. I'll see if I can make a smooth transition between the two. Thanks again. )
        Photo By: Tiger Lily    (K:10966)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/3/2005 6:40:23 PM

Sorry Angelo it's probably the light going through it which softened it and fooled my eyes. What do you think of having the middle section where the yellow and red intermingle in sharper focus? Just a thought.

Yes, I do appreciate the lovely texture. It's beautiful. You have a good idea going here. :-)

        Photo By: Angelo Villaschi  (K:49617)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/3/2005 6:08:03 PM

At the base of the flower there's a darkish triangle like shape which I assume is a shadow and also part of leftover background. I just meant for that area to gradually fade into the white background instead of having hard edges. I am attaching my flower picture (which still has problems and not the best example) to show you what I mean. I am trying to learn how to shoot these right myself. Best wishes, Lily. :-)

        Photo By: Angelo Villaschi  (K:49617)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/3/2005 6:04:44 AM

You were undecided about the fishing trip. Glad to hear you went. Caught anything good? ) Lovely mist over the river, I like the silhouettes.
        Photo By: In Transit  (K:29432)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/3/2005 5:57:39 AM

I love the clarity and the explosion of colors Ciprian. Well done.
        Photo By: Ciprian Ilie  (K:13571)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/3/2005 5:36:47 AM

Excellent. Love the one in mid-air. The lighting is so pretty in the am. Well done.
        Photo By: Robert Jones  (K:1692)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/3/2005 4:18:45 AM

It reminded me of the old mosaics for some reason. Very nice graffiti. :-) Like your composition.
        Photo By: Simone Tagliaferri  (K:28180)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/3/2005 4:11:01 AM

Their eyes are on their antennas? I didn't know that! Excellent macro. Petal, You might already know this but these can get pretty big. We ran into one as it was crossing a walkway - it was at least 5 inches (12 cm's?) long. About an inch thick.

        Photo By: Petal Wijnen  (K:50989) Donor

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/2/2005 10:42:59 PM

The crop I love, I love. It's great. But my eyes are looking for a focused spot or even the entire petal being in focus. I love the texture and frame.
        Photo By: Angelo Villaschi  (K:49617)

Critique By: Tiger Lily   (K:10966)  
8/2/2005 10:35:01 PM

I like the upper half very much (excellent), but not so sure about the darker, blurred bottom (too much blur?). Can you make the shadow transition to bg more smoothly?
        Photo By: Angelo Villaschi  (K:49617)

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