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Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/5/2006 9:03:20 AM

what a dreamy shot dear Joćo.

        Photo By: Joćo F * Photography  (K:41945) Donor

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/5/2006 9:02:01 AM

Thank you dear Rob but f I were Mary I do it again ;)
thanks again.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/5/2006 9:01:57 AM

Joćo my dear friend,

it 's really a poitical shot with this greta title... "And if she isn't waiting?" and nice sepia tone.
        Photo By: Joćo F * Photography  (K:41945) Donor

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/5/2006 9:01:56 AM

thank you my dear friend Mohammad, for your suggestions and working on this Alternative version , but as you know (I don't know how ) I don't like this cropping and changing.

"A human in the center of the universe!" maybe we can't believe it but we can feel it.
some times we want to stop and just look at the sky of this road... of this life.
yes some times we need to leave the road and forget everythings on the road....sometimes...sometimes....
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/5/2006 9:01:38 AM

Merci beaucoup ;)
my dear for all of this lovey and supportive comment.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/5/2006 9:01:34 AM

Thank You Dear Saam.
let me think....mmmm
after click this one I took the other shot and after that again I took another one.
mmmm....yes I think she is still alive but so far from me :(
thank again.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/5/2006 7:16:35 AM

Thank you my dear Juan... you are always welcome.
say my hello to your family.
take care.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/5/2006 7:14:11 AM

Hey Juan
wooow You can't imagine how I was happy to see u also in this site.
well come to usefilm and hope to see your great and professional shots(also in usefilm) as soon as possible.
by the way how is your lovely JNTK in Granada?
I'm proud of you.
thanks so much for your comment.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/1/2006 6:15:02 PM

yes I can't ;)
thank you dear for your great and supportive comments...hope to see again on my next shots ;)
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/1/2006 6:14:06 PM

THANK you my dear Fabrice to called it an expressive shot.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/1/2006 9:35:54 AM

Thank you Morad jan for your supportive coment but I don't agree with you about my suicide series, they aren't SO depressing ;)they were just some simple shots about suicide.
yes it seems a good Idea to took another shot with nobody but I didn't it :(
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/1/2006 9:35:14 AM

Wooooow...Look at this comment and his writer>>>> Nima
thank you my dear friend for your lovely coment.
I think you can be a good Poet.

you should thanks from one of my dear friend who adjusted and repaired this shot in PS.(JGPK)
thanks again.
take care,

        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
10/1/2006 9:05:00 AM

Dear Mohsen you are always welcome, I appreciate the time you have taken to critique my simply shot.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/30/2006 11:24:15 AM

very creative and amazing sems you have a very interestin mind ;)

thank you dear Simone for you comment.

Ciao Ciao,

        Photo By: Simone Tagliaferri  (K:28180)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/30/2006 11:17:24 AM

hehehehehehe...I hope too
thank you dear Richard, you have very interesting shots in your gallery let me see them again.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/30/2006 11:16:59 AM

Very dramatic perspective on this one,Ana.
A poetical compsoition and nice shot.
Moody and wonderful!

thank you dear for your nice comment on my last shot,hope to see you again.

        Photo By: Ana Stojanovic  (K:499)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/30/2006 11:16:38 AM

is this a selfshot???
if it is, glad to see you ;)
so unusual angle...with an amayzing gaze.

Bravo dear Ana, you have very good shots in your gallery.

        Photo By: Ana Stojanovic  (K:499)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/30/2006 11:16:35 AM

hehehehhe,,,very creative shot...oh really????on the carglass?
very great shot.
Not only this shot, but the whole series is wondeful. And you have a very interesting portfolio.

        Photo By: Ana Stojanovic  (K:499)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/30/2006 11:16:28 AM

wOOOOw Richard
a way to nowhere ( a title of one of my shots)...
What a lovely place! So nice for eyes... contrast and pose set a calm, sensual atmosphere.


        Photo By: Richard Marks  (K:3809)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/30/2006 11:15:09 AM

Dear Maurizio
Hi! I came to see your photos!you have Very good shots in your pages,
this is really great shot...very interesting composition and nice title.
Thank you also for your comment on my image, hope to see you again ;)
Ciao caia,

        Photo By: Maurizio Massetti  (K:30463)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/30/2006 11:15:00 AM

I can believe it because I'm also thinking of you my dear Paolo.
        Photo By: Paolo Corradini  (K:59552) Donor

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/30/2006 11:14:44 AM

Oh.....Kamran jan...
as always I thouroughly enjoy your amazing comments.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/30/2006 11:14:19 AM

this is valuable for me receive such a supportive comment from a very good photographer and a very good friend like you, my dear always i thouroughly enjoy your comments.
thanks and have a good weekend.

        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/29/2006 9:41:36 PM

merci tannaz jan...vaghean lotf dari.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/29/2006 8:42:23 PM


        Photo By: Kamran Bakhtiari  (K:24048)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/29/2006 8:24:05 PM

hope you come back home soooon ;)

very emotional shot...very well done my dear Paolo.

Ciao Ciao,
        Photo By: Paolo Corradini  (K:59552) Donor

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/29/2006 8:21:51 PM

yes dear Roby this is really orange sky.. so natural....yesssssss you are always a lucky man with grat eyes to captur these beauties ;)

take care,


        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/29/2006 8:20:07 PM

woooow My dear.....what a colorful shot...full of life and energy...
I miss you too much :(

hope to see you sooon my dear Paolo,
grande bachio

        Photo By: Paolo Corradini  (K:59552) Donor

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/29/2006 8:14:11 PM

wooooow...he is Robert ;)
nice to see you :)
very very good selfshot....bravo my dear friend.

        Photo By: Robert Kocs  (K:89085)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
9/29/2006 8:08:15 PM

bebin ki injast !!!!
ghablan ham goftam in akseto doost daram ;)

        Photo By: Sanaz photo  (K:172)

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