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Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:52:05 AM

laphael ...
this is really lovely...
I can touch your feeling in this shot.

vey well done.

        Photo By: laphael wang  (K:2318)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:48:20 AM

this shots is so different from the other shots from you.
Excellent details and amazing capture of a family.
Well done My Dear Sam!
just I want to say :
exposing with the limited of movement is enjoyment, but it could be better if you balance the light and color after shooting,it's just a suggestion... please don't be angry ))

take care,
have a good time

        Photo By: Sam Kh  (K:19017)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:40:23 AM

pas chera fluee? have meh gerefte boode?
fekr khoobi poshte akset onvane akset mishe fahmid
Dar kol mishe goft AFARIN Ali
        Photo By: Ali Peyman  (K:1176)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:37:42 AM

This looks like a painting. I adore it.
really great abstract..... I love these contrast of colors in your shot.

very well done

        Photo By: laphael wang  (K:2318)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:35:43 AM

look at this perspective... Very detailed, excellent colors.
All lines, details and perspective direct eyes to the centearl point of this shot (where the man are standing)

***Wonderful work of art!
grande BACHIO

        Photo By: Paolo Corradini  (K:59552) Donor

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:32:50 AM

This is a beauty, Tim! I love the mix of colours in the water, and the reflection give it a very calm and serene atmosphere.
your captured this special mood in a perfect way.
woow you were in WASHINGTON? it seems interesting and you shows you are really busy.

take care,


        Photo By: Tim Morgan  (K:1023)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:29:39 AM

Ciao my caro Paolo

we can see full of life and energy in his eyes....there is a shining in his eyes tht you could find and capyure in your great shot.
bravo my dear professional friend Friend

Take care.

        Photo By: Paolo Corradini  (K:59552) Donor

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:27:33 AM

woooow.... Giuliano
this is really a great street shot...I can hear your shot

very well done

        Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri  (K:36622) Donor

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:25:34 AM

is it a statue? or a real man?...wooow...this is really real
bravo len
        Photo By: Len Webster  (K:25714)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:18:18 AM

this is really are so professional in all of categories
wooow...The location of your shot is... "Where limits has no meaning" woooow this is really lovely....bravo my dear friend.

        Photo By: Shady Adly  (K:7814)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:14:48 AM

woooe Len , you spent a lot of time in South-East have very good shots from thailand...thank you for your nice comment
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/9/2006 5:08:54 AM

ohh......Shady...thank you my dear
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/8/2006 7:40:43 PM

wooow...what a color full shot ....GREAT
        Photo By: giovanni guido marchi  (K:27040)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/8/2006 6:07:34 AM

Thank you dear Mohammad for your suggestion ...
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/8/2006 6:06:20 AM

thank yoiu soooo much dear (Nacho)
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/8/2006 6:01:46 AM

thank you dear Riny ...
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/6/2006 6:20:51 AM

woooow...this is really great one
        Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia  (K:96391)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/6/2006 6:13:50 AM

thank you dear have very good shots from different countries...very great
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/5/2006 8:30:40 PM

oh oh oh ....look at this shot....a shot from "special cholate-wine-boy".

All This Space I'm Taking Up ...mmmm...nice title....I love this texture...very very professinal work...Bravo my dear Pan.

        Photo By: pan g.  (K:16899)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/5/2006 8:22:22 PM


is he Micheal?

very great shot....bravo my Dear are really professinal
say my hello to your nice family.

take care,

        Photo By: Tim Morgan  (K:1023)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/3/2006 5:36:27 AM

mamnoonam Reza jan.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/1/2006 10:37:48 AM

you have great eyes Mohammad jan, congratulation for this good look and analyze,that's more valuable...yes these two shots are different from each others...just for their similarity in location and emotion..... alwaysyour attitude is appreciateable...wooow...Abbas Maroufi...I read just one book from him ... Symphony of dead...five years ago....wooow that book was really superb ...magnificent...oh my god...I forgot it,I rememember just a character from that book, his name was Aydin...I rememember that book was really impressive for me....oh...i can see some blury things about that story and that man(Aydin)I should strat to read this book again... thank you thank you and thank you for this reminder.
and thanks for your nice describe and feeling about these simple shots... that's honor!

        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/1/2006 10:37:13 AM

oh....thank you my dear Mohammad, welcome back thanks for your nice comments....Hope you're fine....
you are always welcome, thanks for share your feeling and always kind words, i'm realy glad that i recieve a comment from one of the real photographers from my country that I admire his skill.
thank you.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/1/2006 10:36:18 AM dear Robert,it makes me realy glad if my photo can impress you.
you are really a reat poet,as always I love your feeling and your comments...They ere very kind and encouraging.
it's so important for me that you talk with your heart...I never forget this lovely comment from a lovely man and this kindness.
thanks you my dear Robert.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
6/29/2006 6:41:33 AM

oh wow lius ... this is magnificent.... keep it up as you can.

        Photo By: lius hanzen  (K:2844)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
6/29/2006 6:39:04 AM

wooow Robert
this is really a great abstract shot....nice shadows, texture and coors go well together...
very GREAT.
take care my dear friend.

        Photo By: Robert Kocs  (K:89085)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
6/29/2006 6:37:15 AM

Very unusal... looks like a painting texture and toning go well together...bravo dear Aram.

        Photo By: Aram Gharib  (K:4656)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
6/29/2006 6:35:03 AM

first add to my favorite
Wonderful capture Paolo, amazing composition, Very well done!

        Photo By: Paolo Corradini  (K:59552) Donor

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
6/29/2006 6:26:53 AM

I missed this one... I love this composition, it's original and creative....

bravo dear Kamran.

        Photo By: Kamran Bakhtiari  (K:24048)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
6/29/2006 6:24:08 AM

Dear Kamran
Lovely portrait with such warmth and wonderful gaze.
she is realy cute...I like the angle and how you framed this girl with her baeutiful eyes
...simply perfect.

        Photo By: Kamran Bakhtiari  (K:24048)

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