{K:61359} 10/2/2006
Very nice capture.. as I like :).. And what I like too, is the title that always have a deep link and a feel to your shot. Nicely seen and done Cheers
mary karimi
{K:10818} 7/9/2006
woooe Len , you spent a lot of time in South-East Asia...you have very good shots from thailand...thank you for your nice comment ;)
Len Webster
{K:25714} 7/8/2006
Interesting idea. Lines, shadows, and mystery..
1301307 60
{K:44058} 6/14/2006
Straight perspective lines, this lone man treading along the shadow line just passed the obstacle. nice pattern seen, the man and the object both in black becomes the focus of attention.. nice composition Mary!
mary karimi
{K:10818} 6/10/2006
thanks again my dear Ferren...you are so kind. take care and have a nice weekend ;)
Ferran Rial
{K:6670} 6/10/2006
Nice street shot Mary, BW fits very well for the mood of the photo. Well done!!
best wishes, ferran
Barat Ali Batoor
{K:169} 5/30/2006
Mary Jan, beautiful B&W. I like your shots. Keep it up...
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 5/29/2006
What a beauty piece from your series, what a lovely composition. Another great work by you, well done! Love the strong contrast and the playing with shadow and tracks. Really original idea! Well done my dear!
Cheers dear Mary! Robert
pan g.
{K:16899} 5/29/2006
Wonderfull lonely figure that adds scale and those wonderfull lines again. Excellent work, i love it!
mary karimi
{K:10818} 5/28/2006
Thank you my caro Roby... thanks for your care and taking the time to analyze this simple shot. you have a great look in photography, I honor your skill. Ciao Mary
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/28/2006
as usual?!? no.. is marvelous and in so simple idea a great realization my dear..the trail lnes palyed ina perfect composition with the shadow-light lines..ver powerful image.. best wishes roby 7+++++
mary karimi
{K:10818} 5/28/2006
nice to read your sweet thought, Thank you for your visit dear sam and also thanks for ask in this kind manner. this shot was taken in Tehran's railway at 8 a.m.
;) again thanks.
mary karimi
{K:10818} 5/28/2006
You are so........ too kind! thank you my dear maryam.
mary karimi
{K:10818} 5/28/2006
wooow...Paolo thank you always I love to read your supprotive comments. gratzie and grande bachio ;)
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 5/28/2006
dear mary if I were u ,I had written some information about the pix any way ....as my opinion personally,It's shows the life.perfect meaning and so thoughtful...with less attraction than perevious pix
Maryam Amiri
{K:754} 5/27/2006
i can't talk about it! just great
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 5/27/2006
Dear Mary great B&W work here !! jo
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 5/27/2006
nice idea , well composed
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 5/27/2006
inlike your comostion ho deep is the message a partial perspective and this man alone well concept ciaoooo ;)
Valdemar Doveiko
{K:203} 5/27/2006
One men-one live :) ? perfekt