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Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 10:05:26 PM

What? Just a knee shot? I was hoping for at least a belly shot Ade.

Great composition and very nice tones. Love the smooth water. Usually I always prefer colour images but this works nicely in B&W.

Nice to see you around again.

Cheers - Ann

        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 9:59:58 PM

Oooh it looks really yummy Larry. I hope you have a Very Happy Valentines Day. I could eat those roses. Very nice.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Larry Hammond  (K:16631)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 9:24:00 PM

Surprise Gayle!!!

Looky what Rina found.

You're a beautiful looking woman and you're going to look wonderful in a snow fur bikini with those dark locks and exotic eyes.

Cheers from Ann mwahahahaha
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 4:35:46 PM

A beautiful Valentines Day image Gayle. Another Greeting card shot. Hearts on strings. Faded hearts. Memories of fading feelings. All heartfelt messages. I hope you have a Happy and Peaceful Valentine's Day Gayle. Now go eat chocolate.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 4:26:17 PM

Oh what a beautiful greeting image. so lovely for valentines Day. the heart shaped flowers with all the little soft toys dotted around it is beautiful. Yes I think we can all indulge in a little chocolate today. Best Wishes to You and Gabriela for a Very Happy Valentines Day Yoshiyuki. A beautiful image.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Yoshiyuki Tanaka  (K:13580)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 4:18:40 PM

Ahhh....a beautiful beach scene just when I'm in the middle of all this rain. I enjoy B&W's but there's nothing like a lovely full colour shot to show a beach scene in all it's glory. WOW those trees have all grown a lot but my parents tell me it doesn't hide the view from the unit so that's good. Thank you for the heartfelt dedication Ann. I'm going to go back home later this year probably towards the end of your spring. My visit is way overdue. I'm looking deep into the image recognising the buildings and I can still name most of them. There are new ones there that I can't name and I can still see a crane to the south so they are still building mew ones too. Makes me wonder where they are putting all these high rises. There has been a HUGE empty block of land next to Imperial Surf for years and it's still vacant so I'm surprised not to see something right next door. Glad there isn't cause it would block the Indy Car Race views from the back stretch. (hehe)

Thank you again for the memories and this one goes into my favourites for viewing when I get homesick. Shades of home.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Ann  Van Breemen  (K:13399) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 5:16:58 AM

WOW Kelly this is the stuff that really cool greeting cards are made of. Colourful characters with the grunge mod clothing, tats (I think I've had striped socks and boots like those - years ago of course). A young couple in love busking/pan handling their way around the country getting by on love and music. Look out Madonna!!! A great Valentines Day shot.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Kelly Duntley  (K:13889) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 4:55:26 AM

Wonderful shot and I love the portrait orientation here. The old tree is excellent interest making a great natural frame for the elephants. I love the subtle shadows and the details in the skin textures are so clear. The babies are adorable. Any images with baby animals in them are so very precious. A gorgeous image.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Mireille Heirendt  (K:7258)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 4:51:31 AM

I always love your Tanzania shots Mireille. I love the curves in the background hills here. They make for a beautiful rolling background for these gentle giants. Such a tranquil scene to see them roaming free like this. You'll have to make another trip back there with your new lens now and do this all over again. That would be hard to take wouldn't it. Great iamge Mireille. I love it.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Mireille Heirendt  (K:7258)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 4:08:02 AM

Oh Ann now I'm really homesick. You have taken a photo of my holiday unit. 6th floor north east aspect jsut above the tree line of the tallest building there - Imperial Surf. Lately I've been getting really homesick to go back home and I've been hunting down the Aussie photos to comment just to see shades of home. Great tones in this and a nice twist on all the glitz as you say. Great perspective. Thanks for the memories.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Ann  Van Breemen  (K:13399) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 3:36:22 AM mistake. I'm getting my mites and tites mixed up. So there is no adjustment of the eyes to that kind of dark then. Reminds me of a scene in a movie when Eddie Murphy "had" to make love to Eartha Kit and it was pitch black. He asked her to turn out the lights and when she did so it was pitch black and he said "Can you make it just a little bit darker". (haha - I guess you had to see it to appreciate the humour. Sounds like a good experience.

Cheers - Ann

        Photo By: Gary Dyck  (K:12834)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 3:21:56 AM

-12 !!! Bikini weather huh! Could have got a nice snow tan.

I have always enjoyed cave exploration but ice just seems so much more fragile to me. Intersting info. Thanks.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Gary Dyck  (K:12834)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 3:06:05 AM

Most unusual tones caused by the dust. It seems to settle in layers or certain areas to cause the patterned lines. Great textures. It looks almost quartz like but it's obviously the ice which gives it the sparkle. I think I would have been quite claustrophobic in such enclosed type conditions. Really interesting.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Gary Dyck  (K:12834)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 3:02:37 AM

WOW Gary, you never disappoint with your shots. A most unusual scene with the thick frost covered walls and to capture it with such a unique lighting technique. Looks like an ice tunnel and I suppose in effect it is. Fascinating. Great job.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Gary Dyck  (K:12834)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 2:59:17 AM

Yes Gary it's more like an accumulation of frost cause the stalagtite is formed from accumulation of the dripping of mineral-rich water from the ceiling and they are usually smooth to the touch whereas this is very textured. No doubt would melt to the touch. I love these frosty images. So pretty. Must have been pretty darned cold down there but nothing you couldn't handle. Great shot and I'll bet the lighting conditions were rather challenging in the belly of a mine. Well done.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Gary Dyck  (K:12834)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 2:40:13 AM

Stunning flow and lovely blending of tones. Superb movement like a beautifully tuned symphony. See I never would have guessed it was smoke if you hadn't written that. Brilliant abstract. Gorgeous.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Laurie Gould  (K:11942)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 2:31:46 AM

Stunning colours Gustavo. Beautiful layers showing varying tones. Lovely lighting on the water. Very nice iamge.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Gustavo Scheverin  (K:164501) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 2:28:39 AM

A very deep and heartfelt image. An excellent portrait evoking much emotion from the soldier. My heart goes out to him as he reflects. His thoughts and feelings are wonderfully captured here with sombre mood. Great job Chuck.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 2:22:34 AM

Very clever Jason. At first I didn't see her but as I looked through the image at the various elements I saw this ghostly image towards the right side. Looks like the transportation beam wasn't completed succesfully. Beam her back up Scotty. Great work. Very well hidden like one of those "find the..." cartoons. If you had titled it otherwise I wonder how many people would have found her. Super job Jason and great hiding on Peta's part.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Jason Mckeown  (K:22200)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 2:04:39 AM

A beautiful and tranquil scene Rob. The fresh white snow and calm water makes for a beautiful feeling of solitude and the snow covered trees add to the peacful ambience. Great composition. Must have been so nice. A breathtaking scene. Lovely.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Rob Graziano  (K:6678) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 1:57:40 AM

Wonderful lighting here Gustavo. A nice natural portrait. Lovely soft smile and great framing. Very well shot.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Gustavo Scheverin  (K:164501) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 1:55:41 AM

Yeah baby. It reminds me of an Austin Powers bed. All furry and psychodelic. I hope you have a wonderful day of L-O-V-E.

OK I have to go find a bucket now. Need dramamine.

Great work Kelly.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Kelly Duntley  (K:13889) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/14/2006 1:49:18 AM

Super shot Kelly. Yes that's England by jove. I recognise it by the weather. Very English with all those church steeples. They seem to be everywhere over there. Razor sharp image. Nice splashes of colours in the roofs and trees. Very high density isn't it. I loved drives in the country over there and all those little *hic* pubs that just seems to jump out of nowhere. Good one Kelly.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Kelly Duntley  (K:13889) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/13/2006 11:28:04 PM

For me an interesting cityscape Larry as I haven't been to this city in the states. I haven't been to the east side yet but I expect we'll work our way over there eventually. That one building really stands head and shoulders above the rest. I like the composition putting that one off centre like that. Also by the looks of some roofs in the foreground buildings you were already up off the ground so that one building must be quite high. Nice splashes of colour with the new and the older red buildings inthere too. Good shot.

Cheers- Ann
        Photo By: Larry Hammond  (K:16631)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/13/2006 4:54:39 PM

Lovely Photoart Robin. agree with Susie that this would make a very nice greeting card. I like the stark white background. Very fresh and clean making a great contrast for the flower. Good creative job.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Robin W  (K:16308)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/13/2006 4:49:44 PM

Lovely and colourful. I'm sure if all graffittiists (is there such a word? - looks like a lot of i's - haha) were allowed to paint murals on ugly walls their talents would be put to a much better and productive use. They did a nice job on this one. Great capture Robin and a beaut collage.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Robin W  (K:16308)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/13/2006 4:38:43 PM

Super DOF here Susie. Razor sharp from front to back. Lovely rich colours and nice framing of the mountain through the swing. A lovely scene and to think you climbed to the top. WOW! I climbed a mountian once but it was less than 3,000 feet and I couldn't walk for days after that. In my defense it was a stepp 3,000 feet though pulling myself up with chains along the track for a lot of the way. No snow like this one though. Good job on both the beautiful photo and the climb Susie.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Susie OConnor  (K:34798)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/13/2006 4:31:51 PM

A lovely scene Kathy. Nice perspective and excellent composition. I like how the bridge comes out of the bushes to take us to the other side of the river. Nice keeping some of the thorny bushes in the foreground. Makes for a nice lead in. Very nice Kathy.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Kathy Hillard  (K:25721)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/13/2006 4:21:51 PM

Oh yeah she'd have my number on this one and I'd give her whatever she wanted. I wouldn't be able to resist this face. Oh she's a real piece of work. (haha) Adorbale shot Janet and so natural looking at it. She must have rehearsed this look very well. I love it.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Janet B  (K:16139)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/13/2006 4:14:27 PM

PS...just had to have this one in my favourites. I really like it.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Ina Nicolae  (K:44481)

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