hdw Photography
{K:6630} 3/8/2006
I would have believed you that it is a Stalactite....well done Gary.Thks for your comments aswell Best wishes Hilton
Gary Dyck
{K:12834} 3/8/2006
hahaha Kelly... sorry, guess i am still in hibernation mode?? Not enough sunlight you know? Get that lack of vitamin D and end up sleeping the winter away... Well, I do have a couple undeveloped rolls of slides taken recently... hopefully get them done up on Friday. Thanks for the tip.... um, i just might pass on that!! hahaha... Talk to you later and hopefully have a few new pics soon!! Cheers, Gary (o:
Kelly Duntley
{K:13889} 3/8/2006
Where are your new pictures????? Has the photo bug got you down? Go get some good antibiotics, eat lots of spinach and gargle 3 times a day with salt water, that aughta get you going. Miss your posts!!! Kelly
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 3/6/2006
wow fantastic shot gary ..wonderful detail against the black backdrop.best wishes nessa
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 2/27/2006
Extraordinary detail!... Great capture.
Inji Amer
{K:22997} 2/27/2006
This looks amazing indeed !! I thought it a part of a coral skeleton under the see !! An interesting work my dear .
Inji Amer
Kelly Duntley
{K:13889} 2/24/2006
What are you doing inside mines besides taking pictures, watch out for those vampire bats. They are sneaky. Look for elongating teeth in the mirror. Thlis is pretty cool. Wonderful details of the crystals. Nice macro. Kelly
Weston Dru
{K:3243} 2/21/2006
Excellent image Gary! Maybe you could do more from this one in photoshop but is still very beautiful anyway. Best regards and good light!
{K:26787} 2/16/2006
Hi Gary! Beautiful ice crystals; well seen and taken!
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 2/14/2006
Oops...my mistake. I'm getting my mites and tites mixed up. So there is no adjustment of the eyes to that kind of dark then. Reminds me of a scene in a movie when Eddie Murphy "had" to make love to Eartha Kit and it was pitch black. He asked her to turn out the lights and when she did so it was pitch black and he said "Can you make it just a little bit darker". (haha - I guess you had to see it to appreciate the humour. :) Sounds like a good experience.
Cheers - Ann :)
Gary Dyck
{K:12834} 2/14/2006
You are right, Ann. I know it's not techincally a stalactite (stalagmites are those ones that grow up from the floor). But it is a multi-year accumulation of frost... Any moisture in the air, seeing how the rock/metal in the mine is so cold, would go straight from vapour to it's solid state without passing through the liquid phase.
As for lighting conditions... what light?? hahaha... With out a head lamp, one can't even see the nose on ones face down there!! So it is a bit of a challenge setting up the pic and getting the focus etc in the pitch black... (and then walking around without adding extra light to the scene from that of the flash). But it was very fun... wish I had that chance again...
Thanks for all the comments. Cheers, Gary
Gary Dyck
{K:12834} 2/14/2006
Thanks for the comment, Alicia!! Not all that cold, only about -12°C or so. Sure made for some very neat photo opportunities though!! Cheers, Gary
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 2/14/2006
Yes Gary it's more like an accumulation of frost cause the stalagtite is formed from accumulation of the dripping of mineral-rich water from the ceiling and they are usually smooth to the touch whereas this is very textured. No doubt would melt to the touch. I love these frosty images. So pretty. Must have been pretty darned cold down there but nothing you couldn't handle. Great shot and I'll bet the lighting conditions were rather challenging in the belly of a mine. Well done.
Cheers - Ann :)
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 2/14/2006
Brrrr... muy frío! igualmente bella composición. Felicitaciones