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Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 11:07:46 PM

This earlier shot is even more spectacular than the latter which I posted a comment on previously. Sometimes I just do things in reverse (haha) The colours in his one are striking. Again the diagonal composition gives a strong difference and bold mood which is quite painterly like. I love the textures in the sky. Beautiful shot.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Mireille Heirendt  (K:7258)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 11:03:40 PM

Nice diagonals and lovely colours here. An unusual composition that works beautifully here. Very creative and beautifully presented in excellent framing. Nice use of negative space. Great work Mireille.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Mireille Heirendt  (K:7258)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 10:58:36 PM

I love these trees. They are the signature tree of Africa. Can't be mistaken for anywhere else. This is excellent on the open plain like this with the nice clouds in there for added interest. Lovely details. Great shot Mireille.

Cheers from Ann
        Photo By: Mireille Heirendt  (K:7258)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 10:49:04 PM

Your Melbourne by night shots are all top shelf Jason. The lights and composition of this one is excellent. Superb quality and razor sharp image. Gorgeous colours and I love the rich deep blue sky. Beautiful night shot.

Cheers from Ann
        Photo By: Jason Mckeown  (K:22200)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 10:43:08 PM

Congratulations for the DOD award Peta. I love lizards. they make for such wonderful subjects cause they stand so still for you. Wonderful DOF in this image and great lighting on his face. Such superb details. Excellent work. Nice to ee you on the front page.

Cheers - Ann

        Photo By: p e t a .  (K:18700)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 10:31:40 PM

Thank you Melisa for dropping by and for your good wishes. I appreciate your kind comments on my images. Will catch up when I return.

Cheers from Ann
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 9:46:15 PM

Another about being in the right place at the right time to get this shot. Amazing. Good job to have your camera with you for this one. Great work. Very impressive.

Cheers from Ann
        Photo By: GianniMa - Gianni Mattera  (K:2213)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 9:36:45 PM

Beautiful Rob. I love the starbursts of light and the light reflections in the water. Lovely soft tones. Very well captured. Great shot.

Cheers from Ann
        Photo By: Rob Graziano  (K:6678) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 9:28:22 PM

OK I'm back...had to check the front page. Nothing to report. LOL

A beautiful tulip with lovely lighting here. I never would have known it was a tulip if you didn't tell us that. The reds are gorgeous and the ruffles are lovely. Nice work Petal.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Petal Wijnen  (K:50989) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 9:23:57 PM

Hi Petal...hang on a right back....
        Photo By: Petal Wijnen  (K:50989) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 9:21:47 PM

Ahhh....the Ghost and Mrs Muir. Why is that so many of your images remind me of movies?

This one particularly reminds me of that movie as she wore the same era of clothing and the scenes were cold and the fog depicts the ghost of Captain Gregg to me. I like how the path of snow carries me into the forest. It's almost like the woman is contmeplating whether to take the path or go the other way. Perfect tones for such a scene. Very moody and yesteryear. Great work Ina.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Ina Nicolae  (K:44481)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 8:47:13 PM

AHA...Miss Flappy of the day.....or at least this 15 minutes as they change so fast. Anyway...the FRONT PAGE is where I found this image so you are Miss Flappy again. I concede defeat here Kelly. I can't compete for the crown any longer. LOL (haha)

Oh yeah the image.....nice.

No really... it's beautiful with a very pretty sky and I love how it draws my eyes right into the horizon and that boat right in the light of the sun makes for a lovely silhouette. A very tranquil scene Miss Flappy.

Cheers from Ann

PS...I'm so happy I could get one more in before I leave. (haha)
        Photo By: Kelly Duntley  (K:13889) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 8:37:10 PM

Hi Al,

WOW it took me all these years to see one of your images on the front page. I guess you've been there before and I've always missed them. Always a day late and a dollar short. LOL

Beautiful lines, textures and tones here Al. Very nice image.

I'm going on the road again in a few days so will see you again when I am settled somewhere again in some more months.

Also congratulations on the HUGE success of the site Al. It's grown in leaps and bounds over the years. Wonderful to see.

Cheers for now (again) from Ann
        Photo By: al shaikh  (K:15790) Donor

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 7:42:56 PM

Just found this wonderful image on the front page Congratulations for the EC award Jeanette. It's a very creative and ingenious idea that has worked beautifully. I love it.

Cheers from Ann
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 7:28:18 PM

We already have a GPS system and I use Streets and Trips so OK in that department. Thanks Michael.
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 7:26:11 PM

Ahhh...another potential new summer home for me to consider. Is it for sale?

Of all the barn shots I like this one best Michael. I guess I enjoy colour in my world although I do like your most recent with the sky perspective very much also. I See you used avery wide angled lens which cause the distortion. I'm thinking it's intentional to add effect to the collapsing effect. It works well here to have the water tower leaning in towards the barn. A great scene.

Thanks for dropping by my farewell image. Yes I would like more info about the Sprint system you mentioned there. I'm leaving in a about a week.

Cheers from Ann
        Photo By: Michael Kanemoto  (K:22115)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 7:11:46 PM

Hi Michael, I odn't know anything about that system. Right now I use a wireless Belkin Card in my laptop and have a wireless router set up to the main house computer and I get high speed wireless in my motorhome (the one pictured here - hehe). When I'm on the road I usually jsut try to find Hot Spots but I am certainly open to any suggestions. We do need to get a new phone system as we want to get 2 cell phones. My question is would I be using the cell phone as as some sort of mobile high speed DSL connection and would I be charged for the minutes I use on the internet? Can you direct me to where I could get more information about this please? Perhaps you could email me some info as I like to have internet more often than not.

Thank you for dropping by and yes I can be convinced if the price is right.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 4:49:45 PM

Sorry Petal...the house is mine. My deposit has secured it but I know Ina will be looking for a replacement for me when I leave. If you are interested in the position (of making a lot of funny posts on occasional threads but not actually saying anything productive) then please appply to Ina...Oh....and how do you look in a fur-kini? (one of the prerequisites you know) LOL

Creak??? You heard my house creak??? =:O

        Photo By: Ina Nicolae  (K:44481)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 4:44:42 PM

Oh J...that tree is the main bathroom for everyone's use. I was going to plant special private bathrooms for each of the Furkini Group with rose bushes so your bathrooms always smell like roses. LOL As for the kids....bring 'em on...I'll throw them a Mcpack and a soda once in a while so they don't go hungry. LOL
        Photo By: Ina Nicolae  (K:44481)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 4:38:37 PM

Gayle, Hammocks and cushions - yeah....and I know Rod has an old army parachute laying around so I'll put that up in case I miss a leak somewhere. Please BYO can of paint. LOL
        Photo By: Ina Nicolae  (K:44481)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 3:54:49 PM

A very apt title Robin. I imagine it would have been a lovely in its blooming days but you've still given it a great quality as you've immortalised it. Great DOF and razor sharp. Lovely earthy tones too.

Cheers from Ann
        Photo By: Robin W  (K:16308)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 3:43:21 PM

Ha ha... You remember my previous profesion Sai. I was a talk show radio host. I'm a professional. I've had lot of practice at talking but not actually saying much. haha

        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 3:36:40 PM

Sometimes typos can be so annoying.

tot = in too funny
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 3:35:32 PM

Oh're tot funny. I've always thought you had great Karma...and you want to talk about your aura well...oh you mean those silly little numbers at the top - karma?! LOL I don't do ratings but drop in any time to raise your numbers Sai. I may not be around but feel free to lurk. Just don't make too much of a mess.

Cheer from Ann
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 3:28:11 PM

Thanks for dropping by Elisa. Will catch up again on my return.

Cheers for now from Ann
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 3:27:03 PM

Thank you for dropping by n.j and for your good wishes. I've enjoyed our dialogues through our comments to each other. Will hopefully catch up again on my return.

Cheers for now from Ann
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 3:25:00 PM

Thank you for dropping by Mark and for your well wishes. Will hopefully catch up again on my return.

Cheers - Ann
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 3:23:13 PM

Hi Sai, Great to touch base again before I leave. Thanks for dropping by and for your good wishes. Will "see" you again when I slink quietly back in here again....whenever that may be....again.

Cheers for now - Ann
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 3:19:53 PM

Thank you for droppping by Fatemah. Will catch up again when I return I hope.

Cheers for now from Ann
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)  
2/22/2006 5:27:44 AM

Hi Petal - Guess where I found this one? Front PAGE Photographer of the Day. Congratulations....whether you belive me or not. LOL

Sorry I can't help with the title. I'm still trying to get past your knockers. LOL

Love the greens and super details in the ladybug. Great shot and well deserving of the award....even if you missed it on the front page.

Cheers - Ann

        Photo By: Petal Wijnen  (K:50989) Donor

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