Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/14/2006 3:02:37 AM
WOW Gary, you never disappoint with your shots. A most unusual scene with the thick frost covered walls and to capture it with such a unique lighting technique. Looks like an ice tunnel and I suppose in effect it is. Fascinating. Great job.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Gary Dyck
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/14/2006 2:59:17 AM
Yes Gary it's more like an accumulation of frost cause the stalagtite is formed from accumulation of the dripping of mineral-rich water from the ceiling and they are usually smooth to the touch whereas this is very textured. No doubt would melt to the touch. I love these frosty images. So pretty. Must have been pretty darned cold down there but nothing you couldn't handle. Great shot and I'll bet the lighting conditions were rather challenging in the belly of a mine. Well done.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Gary Dyck
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/14/2006 2:40:13 AM
Stunning flow and lovely blending of tones. Superb movement like a beautifully tuned symphony. See I never would have guessed it was smoke if you hadn't written that. Brilliant abstract. Gorgeous.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Laurie Gould
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/14/2006 2:31:46 AM
Stunning colours Gustavo. Beautiful layers showing varying tones. Lovely lighting on the water. Very nice iamge.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Gustavo Scheverin
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/14/2006 2:28:39 AM
A very deep and heartfelt image. An excellent portrait evoking much emotion from the soldier. My heart goes out to him as he reflects. His thoughts and feelings are wonderfully captured here with sombre mood. Great job Chuck.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Johancharles Boers
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/14/2006 2:22:34 AM
Very clever Jason. At first I didn't see her but as I looked through the image at the various elements I saw this ghostly image towards the right side. Looks like the transportation beam wasn't completed succesfully. Beam her back up Scotty. Great work. Very well hidden like one of those "find the..." cartoons. If you had titled it otherwise I wonder how many people would have found her. Super job Jason and great hiding on Peta's part.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Jason Mckeown
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/14/2006 2:04:39 AM
A beautiful and tranquil scene Rob. The fresh white snow and calm water makes for a beautiful feeling of solitude and the snow covered trees add to the peacful ambience. Great composition. Must have been so nice. A breathtaking scene. Lovely.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Rob Graziano
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/14/2006 1:57:40 AM
Wonderful lighting here Gustavo. A nice natural portrait. Lovely soft smile and great framing. Very well shot.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Gustavo Scheverin
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/14/2006 1:55:41 AM
Yeah baby. It reminds me of an Austin Powers bed. All furry and psychodelic. I hope you have a wonderful day of L-O-V-E.
OK I have to go find a bucket now. Need dramamine.
Great work Kelly.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Kelly Duntley
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/14/2006 1:49:18 AM
Super shot Kelly. Yes that's England by jove. I recognise it by the weather. Very English with all those church steeples. They seem to be everywhere over there. Razor sharp image. Nice splashes of colours in the roofs and trees. Very high density isn't it. I loved drives in the country over there and all those little *hic* pubs that just seems to jump out of nowhere. Good one Kelly.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Kelly Duntley
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/13/2006 11:28:04 PM
For me an interesting cityscape Larry as I haven't been to this city in the states. I haven't been to the east side yet but I expect we'll work our way over there eventually. That one building really stands head and shoulders above the rest. I like the composition putting that one off centre like that. Also by the looks of some roofs in the foreground buildings you were already up off the ground so that one building must be quite high. Nice splashes of colour with the new and the older red buildings inthere too. Good shot.
Cheers- Ann
Photo By: Larry Hammond
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/13/2006 4:54:39 PM
Lovely Photoart Robin. agree with Susie that this would make a very nice greeting card. I like the stark white background. Very fresh and clean making a great contrast for the flower. Good creative job.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Robin W
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/13/2006 4:49:44 PM
Lovely and colourful. I'm sure if all graffittiists (is there such a word? - looks like a lot of i's - haha) were allowed to paint murals on ugly walls their talents would be put to a much better and productive use. They did a nice job on this one. Great capture Robin and a beaut collage.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Robin W
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/13/2006 4:38:43 PM
Super DOF here Susie. Razor sharp from front to back. Lovely rich colours and nice framing of the mountain through the swing. A lovely scene and to think you climbed to the top. WOW! I climbed a mountian once but it was less than 3,000 feet and I couldn't walk for days after that. In my defense it was a stepp 3,000 feet though pulling myself up with chains along the track for a lot of the way. No snow like this one though. Good job on both the beautiful photo and the climb Susie.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Susie OConnor
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/13/2006 4:31:51 PM
A lovely scene Kathy. Nice perspective and excellent composition. I like how the bridge comes out of the bushes to take us to the other side of the river. Nice keeping some of the thorny bushes in the foreground. Makes for a nice lead in. Very nice Kathy.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Kathy Hillard
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/13/2006 4:21:51 PM
Oh yeah she'd have my number on this one and I'd give her whatever she wanted. I wouldn't be able to resist this face. Oh she's a real piece of work. (haha) Adorbale shot Janet and so natural looking at it. She must have rehearsed this look very well. I love it.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Janet B
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/13/2006 4:14:27 PM
PS...just had to have this one in my favourites. I really like it.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Ina Nicolae
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/13/2006 4:10:51 PM
Oooh I love this. Shades of genie in a bottle with treasures such as these washing up on the beach. Takes my thoughts to years gone by with memories of my grandmother (she lived near the beach and I could hear the waves crashing from her place) insisting we always dry the cutlery to a polished shine after washing the dishes (pre dishwasher days - LOL) so it wouldn't get water stains. Way to go to blow out the old memory cobwebs and draw out emotion from an image Ina. She always kept candy on a similar platter in a glass cabinet and all her grandkids used to open the cabinet and take the candy from the platter. She used to get such a kick out of even the smallest child knowing where to go for those goodies. Ahhh..the memories. Very nice and for me a moving image. Lovely.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Ina Nicolae
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/13/2006 3:56:11 PM
Now why am I reminded of Halloween and a rotting pumkin? I sure hope a giant lizard didn't leap out at you to get to that fruit. LOL
An excellent and very creative still life Ina. It has a mixture of old and new here. The tones and dried roses in the vase are quite nostalgic in theme yet the full colour of the melon (oh and just to throw another alternative into the mix we call that a rockmelon in Australia) to me along with the shell gives a quite modern look to the image. Yes for me it has a tropical meets romatic mood to it. I enjoy the nice play on lines here with soft flowing curves in the round shapes and strong verticles in the vase, bold horizontals in the shell and let's just throw in some great textures for good measure. All great ingredients for a delicious recipe to create the masterful image you have here. Well done Ina.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Ina Nicolae
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/13/2006 3:26:56 PM
You certainly achieved yor objective here Gayle. It's used, abused, scratched and run over with the family van full of little leaguers. Yes I would say it worked very well. It looks like a photo I would find in my great great grandmothers collection of old photos. Your deteriroation techniques worked a treat here. good natural tones. Great work.
Footnote...we spend years and a lot of money to lear how to restore photos from this to today's standards and here wea re trying to achieve the nostalgic effect intentionally. IT's also ironic how all we had for years was B&W and the world was WOWed when we got colour TV and film and now it's like we got we wanted and don't want what we got. LOL
I really like what you've done here and how you've done it.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/11/2006 6:22:46 AM
I love it! The composition and placement of all these animals is super with all of the in different positions and facing different directions. I love the way each image takes me to the next one and around the zoo we go. The colours and wonderful and the clarity and details in each photos is excellent Susie. Fantastic idea for a collage and beautifully done. A super image. Great work.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Susie OConnor
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/11/2006 6:16:48 AM
What? No chocolate? Just doing a quick fly by of some images and came to a screeching halt at the snack bar here. I see we're doing the balanced diet tonight with the diet coke and a boiled egg. Even the candy is sugar free. Hard on the teeth though so I think I'll pass on those even if they do look like jelly beans. LOL This image is so razor sharp it looks 3D. The details and clarity are amazing Ina. Already went to Rina's for the rum balls so will wash it down with coke here. I'll save the egg for a midnight snack. Love the lighting here and wonderful composition. OK will toddle off with my egg now. Thanks for the snack and great still life Ina. Love it.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Ina Nicolae
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/11/2006 6:10:15 AM
Great catch Kathy. Another rainfall and the grass might have grown right over this one and obscured it from your view. I think I'll call it a barn anyway even if it's not. Looks like it might have been a hunter's cabin perhaps?. It has a Grizzly Adams feel about it from days gone by. I don't think I've seen a roof quite like that one before. It almost looks like rusted squares of some sort of metal to me. Most unsual. Very well seen and captured with lovely colours too. Great shot.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Kathy Hillard
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/11/2006 5:46:56 AM
Super shot Gayle. I've often seen similar sights with the bare tree in the fog like this and I really enjoy looking at it when I see it. This tree looks like the delicate remnants of leaves are crying the way they droop down like that. Against the fog it looks quite sad...but that could just be my state of mind tonight. I like the solitude and love the monotone. Really makes the mood. Love it.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/10/2006 11:43:23 PM
Hey Kelly...guess where I found this image Miss Flappy X 4? You guessed it - On the front page. LOL (haha) I don't care if this isn't on the front page by the time you receive this email notification because you're on there now and I caught you there as Ms Flappy Mouth so I just had to let you kow. Even if you are only there for 15 seconds at least I was there to see you.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Kelly Duntley
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/10/2006 6:09:21 AM
A lovely scene. Very peaceful with the mood further enhanced by the swimming ducks and twisted array of bare branches waiting to bloom with the first signs of spring. OK we've had enough cold now. Come on Spring. This must be very colourful with flowers when all in bloom. Great shot and lovely composition Yoshiyuki.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Yoshiyuki Tanaka
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/10/2006 6:03:26 AM
Looks sharp as a tack to me Lyle. As for the car...*grunts like Tim the Toolman*.
Great shot and good strong composition.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Lyle
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/10/2006 5:58:11 AM
Thanks for the tips Winston. I've been told about these neutral density filters before and am going to look into them. I did get this shot (hope you don't mind me attaching it here on your thread.) This was a 5 second shutter speed as is straight out of the camera. No Photoshop except for resize. It was nice even light in the dense forest so no bright sky and there was so much water flowing over the falls at the time it was actually this white. Also the strange thing is that I also took this same shot at 1, 2, 3 and 4 seconds and every one came out the same in the water. The only variation in the shutter speeds was the surrounding vegetation colours and exposure. I'm still nutting out the numbers side of things. Thank you again for your tips and advice.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Winston Hawke
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/10/2006 5:48:24 AM
They look like downside up spiralling piano keys...and I don't have a problem seeing them this way cause I'm a downunderer. It all looks quite normal to me. Very well seen Ms Upside Down Petal. Great shot.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Petal Wijnen
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/10/2006 5:37:27 AM
Yes we do share a love of waterfalls Winston. I just can't get enough of waterfall images and yours are really spectacular. This is gorgeous with the ever so sheer ribboning veils of water beside the main body flow. Nice splashes of green in the ferns and surrounding vegetation and sweet sparkles of light catching on the rocks. Do you take the time to swim in these places when you photograph the falls or do you shoot and go? I can't swim in the falls I photograph here in the states cause they are all freezing....and some are really frozen (haha). I like the composition used here showing a nice balance of the top and pool sections. Beautiful and very enticing.
Thank you for your lovely ocmment on my waterfall image also. I can't often get exposure much longer than 1 second due to sky overexposing but with practice I'm getting better. I use very little P/S now apart from resizing and sharpening. Sometimes a slight bump in contrast but I try to get my photos as best as I can in camera. If my whites are too bright I use P/S to tone down any burnt patches but the more I shoot the less P/Shop I need to use.
Next time I visit OZ I'll have to make a point of going to some waterfalls. They've been so dry for so long it's wonderful to see so many flowing again.
Cheers from Ann
Photo By: Winston Hawke