Critique By:
Christine Huie (K:63)
1/8/2003 7:54:23 PM
Rather sad if you look at this image for a while. Great shot, though!
Photo By: Phillip Cohen
Critique By:
Christine Huie (K:63)
5/11/2002 7:11:45 AM
This is an interesting shot. I agree with the others in that there are several things that could be done to "improve" this shot, BUT I also find it very metaphorical. Water is a no-frills beverage .... pure and simple - just as you have captured it here. In some way the horizontal seam of the background works for me as well. I'm a huge fan of using negative space in photography and this is a fantastic example.
Photo By: Vizal
Critique By:
Christine Huie (K:63)
4/24/2002 6:52:35 AM
I like this shot but I find the paper and plastic coffee cup somewhat distracting.
Photo By: John Lee
Critique By:
Christine Huie (K:63)
4/24/2002 6:51:27 AM
It's really not particularly difficult:
Open your document in Photoshop, create a new layer (I create a new one for each color), select "color" from the layer type menu, reduce the opacity and then just play!
Photo By: Christine Huie
Critique By:
Christine Huie (K:63)
4/23/2002 3:13:59 PM
Must be an English hamster!
Photo By: Ingrid Mathews
Critique By:
Christine Huie (K:63)
7/7/2001 10:23:47 PM
More often than not, I don't care for pictures of statues ... somehow it's stealing someone elses art/vision. This, however, is an exception. You picked just the right time of day which enhances the texture beautifully. The light statue against the dark background is very powerful. I miss the top of the left arm a little but with the light fall-off it's not the end of the world. Good Job!
Photo By: Bill Lange
Critique By:
Christine Huie (K:63)
6/22/2001 5:31:59 PM
WOW! ... way to go!
Photo By: Chris Whaley
Critique By:
Christine Huie (K:63)
6/21/2001 9:31:34 PM
Nanette: Wish I had my own darkroom - I don't at this point 
Sai: That's CAC Leslie in Photoshop
Thank you all for your time and comments!
Photo By: Christine Huie
Critique By:
Christine Huie (K:63)
6/19/2001 7:20:58 PM
Couldn't find an email address for you so I'll post the reply here. I vaguely remember trying Kodak's Pmax Art RC paper. If I remember correctly, I decided it had too much "tooth" to the surface. I color primarily on Agfa fiber paper.
I'm always willing to show off my handcolored work and will be posting more :-)
Thanks to all of you for your comments!
Photo By: Christine Huie
Critique By:
Christine Huie (K:63)
6/18/2001 8:31:44 PM
Maybe crop off the reflection below the branches?
Photo By: sameer
Critique By:
Christine Huie (K:63)
6/18/2001 8:28:54 PM
Great image. Makes me homesick for spring in Virginia. Just FYI ... locals refer to these as Cherry Blossoms.
Photo By: sameer