Greg Katsoulis
{K:1096} 9/17/2003
I applaud your patience! Nice work!
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 6/23/2001
well done Chris......framed really well...nice light and mood and tension........
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 6/22/2001
Thanks for the advice and comments everybody....Debbie...where I was shooting from was at 8,000 feet. It was the highest ground in that area for miles and miles so I was able to go wide and catch a large section of the sky. I set up my tripod, focused on the area I saw the lighting striking, stood up to view the sky, and as soon as I saw lightning I hit the shutter.....thinking about it later I should have used bulb mode so I could open and close the shutter on command and catch the trailing bolts...but I got lucky and caught this in about 10 shots.
Debbie Groff
{K:9569} 6/22/2001
Really nice colors. My husband has been out trying to get lightning bolts and so far he's had the same problem as Lalitha. He does alot of night time shooting, so... how long did you leave your lens open and such....I know this kind of picture takes alot of patience and time and probably some film?
Joe Blow
{K:1918} 6/22/2001
Nice composition with a fickle subject! I bet this would look nice as a B&W too. Well done.
Christine Huie
{K:63} 6/22/2001
WOW! ... way to go!