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Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
7/6/2005 12:12:34 PM

Larissa, This is an excellent shot, beautifully cropped. The way you have captured the buildings and the fireworks is really on the money.

I like the detail in the foreground - especially the highlights on the Enterprise from the West Side drive.

The soft-focus reflections and motion of the water are appealing.

However, my personal preference would be to correct the yellow cast and have the buildings and smoke stand out against a bluer sky. This also brings out more of the reds - particularly in the Empire State building and the smoke plumes.

Perhaps you saw it differently. I hope you do not mind that I have attached a thumbnail in case you want to try this effect.

Regards, Bill

        Photo By: Larissa Nazarova  (K:12118)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
5/30/2005 2:20:41 PM

Interesting abstract.

I would certainly agree with the rainbow effect.

Nice work, Bill.
        Photo By: AJ Miller  (K:49168) Donor

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
5/30/2005 2:14:23 PM

.................. WONDERMENT ...............

I have been searching for a word that best describes what this photo means to me ...

I think what you have captured here is the essence of the learning process, which I feel is a very elusive quality when one is photographing children.

While I am sure there are technical issues in capturing an image like this - that no one knows better than yourself - for me it has a mystical and indelible quality.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Cindi Czaja  (K:5314)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
11/12/2004 4:21:04 PM

Alberto, This is something like a Rorschach test for me. You are right, you can see a lot of different things.

Certainly an interesting perspective. I am willing to bet you could ask 10 different people to identify it and get 10 different answers.

I think from this angle what you can really get a feel for is the strength, graphic detail, and complexity of the construction.

And the layering of the lighting gives it a kind of iconic quality.

Awesome image, Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Alberto Pfeifer  (K:617)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
11/10/2004 4:51:08 PM

The dynamic of the collective energy here is remarkable. But you are also seeing so many distinct individuals all focusing their energy in the same direction.

I am sure a wonderful moment for both you and them. Definitely a stand out photo.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Yasir Dubai  (K:1183)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
11/9/2004 1:48:05 AM

This is a powerful image. It's like primal scream in 3D.

I think myself and everyone I know has been at this stress level at one time or another.

This says a lot for the medium format cameras and Ektachrome film. Outstanding detail and color quality to back up a great concept. One of the best "Kodak Moments" I've ever seen. Your skill level here is very impressive.

Regards, Bill

        Photo By: Siddharth Siva  (K:3327)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
11/8/2004 4:09:16 AM

So comfy. It's a dog's life.
        Photo By: Timothy Schirmer  (K:7201)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
11/8/2004 4:05:43 AM

Nice lighting. BW film rules.
        Photo By: Frank Beer  (K:10112)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
11/3/2004 3:49:14 PM

This is a great shot. What you did to enhance it is beautiful.

I have shot videos for the Bridgehampton Sportscar Rally on Long Island and if you want a great photo op - it takes place every October.

Or if anyone is interested in more vintage cars go to the website of the Bridgehampton Historical Society: for some fun. Their entries often include Bentleys, Cords, Bugatis, Mercers, Mercedes Benz, Ford Roadsters and sometimes a Lagonda Rapide.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Jim Christensen  (K:18843)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
11/3/2004 2:54:56 PM

Robert, impressive PS skills.

You have a great sense of humor and maybe you should think of think of taking your portfolio over to Industrial Light and Magic. George Lucas loves this kind of stuff and it is profitable.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Robert Staeck  (K:919)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
11/3/2004 2:32:21 PM

Excellent perspective. A picture within a picture.

Strangely enough, not the first time I have seen this clock on Usefilm - but I was not aware of the cityscape which makes it so impressive.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Alberto Pfeifer  (K:617)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/29/2004 5:44:19 PM

Awesome compilation - looks like you did great for your 72 hours - a real feeling for the city - next time you might try the subways, too.

Regards, Bill

P.S. Great advice, especially the "tripod" and "have fun."
        Photo By: Stan Pustylnik  (K:6768)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/29/2004 3:47:13 PM

Excellent Image
        Photo By: Miguel Torres  (K:3998)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/29/2004 3:14:49 PM

Good choice in the Avedon category - it has the quality of character and personality that Avedon would have tried to achieve in this graphic manner.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Anthony Gargani  (K:4527)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/29/2004 3:09:26 PM

At first from the thumbnail I thought the sky might be too light.

However, after I saw the detail in the reflection I changed my mind. Maybe you should submit this to the Reflections Project.

Overall it is a beautiful scene with great tonal value.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: The Armed Eye  (K:3563)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/29/2004 3:02:29 PM

You have captured all the subtleties of this beautiful scene, including the activity in the background.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: The Armed Eye  (K:3563)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/29/2004 2:53:37 PM

I like night shots. This one has subtleties of lighting and depth in perspective.

But, what I especially like about the photo is it appeals to my curiosity - where does the open door lead?

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: The Armed Eye  (K:3563)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/29/2004 1:42:24 PM

I like the diagonal flow to this one. I guess it actually creates a sense of motion which I find compelling.

As for the experimentation - it is exactly the way Picasso worked - many variations on the same process. So there would be an evolution that the viewers can see for themselves. The explanation becomes less important to the theme.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Stefan Engström  (K:24473)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/29/2004 1:33:50 PM

Great action shot. Wonderful tones and motion.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Edin Dzeko  (K:543)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/29/2004 1:23:38 PM

This creates a nice sense of serenity and depth of imagery.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Edin Dzeko  (K:543)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/27/2004 12:39:12 PM

Thanks Tahsin, great to hear from you.

Peace, Leora
        Photo By: Leora Long  (K:11135)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/27/2004 12:36:04 PM

I think the imagery is awesome. It really establishes an atmosphere of romance and adverture.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Leora Long  (K:11135)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/4/2004 10:05:01 PM

A beautiful photo, that is for sure, Serdar.

Very nostalgic feeling.

Best regards, Bill
        Photo By: SERDAR SAGKAN  (K:4764)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/4/2004 9:55:29 PM

Burak, Absolutely classic quality.

When I first opened it, I thought that it looked like it could have been shot in the '30's.

Great mood and perspective.

Best regards, Bill

        Photo By: bur is  (K:1596)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
10/4/2004 9:44:25 PM

Great commentary. Us watching them watching whatever they are watching ...

I like the surrealistic feeling of BW with the silhouettes against the hint of color in the background.

And I like that you included the additional space around the figures. You really got that on the money.

Wonderful image, Bill
        Photo By: bur is  (K:1596)

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
9/29/2004 3:49:13 PM

The possibilities are endless, Max.

You are a great communicator.

Peace, Leora
        Photo By: Massimo Di Maggio  (K:36342) Donor

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
9/29/2004 3:47:09 PM

Wow, those clouds and the mirror image.

That end of day feeling ...

Peace, Leora
        Photo By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
9/29/2004 3:44:48 PM

Great to hear from you again, Paul, and to see your new work, particularly this reality moment in San Antonio.

Especially interesting, the short man guiding the tall goddess type.

Cheers, Leora
        Photo By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
8/24/2004 2:53:09 AM

I get a feeling of Nonna being a true matriarch and giving her blessing.

I just love the way you caught her hands in mid-sentance.

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: audra  erin  (K:3837) Donor

Critique By: Bill Long  (K:3306)  
8/23/2004 5:02:50 PM

Thanks, Cindi, for your comment.

I guess it has a retro feel, but I was thinking more David Bowie - ala Ziggie Stardust.

"Ground control to Major Tom ... can you hear me ..."

Regards, Bill
        Photo By: Bill Long  (K:3306)

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