Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
7/31/2004 5:23:55 AM
That's great, it looks like a double exposure.
Photo By: RC. Dany
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
7/31/2004 5:16:10 AM
Nice effect Anne. I've tried this a few times without any luck.
Photo By: RC. Dany
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
7/31/2004 5:15:13 AM
Michael, I'm not sure what speed the film is, it doesn't say on the box that I can see. I think the grain is actually due to the noise from the scanner & then sharpening. My scans from 35mm film are always a little on the soft side, and need a boost in contrast.
Photo By: Christine Campbell
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
7/20/2004 6:37:25 PM
Home sweet home!
Great picture Dave. There were lots of old abandoned(?) houses like this near where I grew up. I always wondered who had lived in them and where they all disappeared to.
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
7/20/2004 6:23:23 PM
Nice effect!
Photo By: Fabio Keiner
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
7/20/2004 2:43:06 AM
Nicely done Judith. Welcome to Usefilm!
Photo By: Judith Gaunt
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
7/16/2004 11:59:21 PM
Yes, those are the ones. Looks like we both found them at the same time. I just posted a reply with both links at the same time you posted this. :-)
Photo By: Betty Tindle
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
7/16/2004 9:23:19 PM
Fill flash is often needed when you need to light up the front of objects when there is a strong backlight to the subject. In a regular shot, the subject would show up as a silhouette. But using the fill flash correctly, the subject is front lit as well as backlit to get the perfect balance. - That's from a recent contest over at Worth. Take a peek over there, and see if you can find both contests - I'm still looking for the first one :-/
And, take a look through the forums here on UseFilm. I've seen quite a few posts regarding lighting & flash.
Photo By: Betty Tindle
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
7/16/2004 8:10:33 PM
Betty, I think that when the sun sets, it's supposed to get darker. It's called 'night', and when that happens you can just hang out for a few hours and it will start getting lighter again. I haven't figured out a way to change that yet, but I'll keep trying and I'll be sure to let you know what I learn.
But check this out! It's totally cool! When it starts getting darker, and if you happen to be indoors during this time, there are these things called 'lights' and if you turn a few on, they make everything MUCH brighter. Maybe your house has some of these and you could try it too?! If not, then you can do what I did: Invite 5 or 6 friends over to help you screw in these things called 'lightbulbs'. Be careful! If you stick your finger in the socket where the lightbulb goes, you'll get lit up like a Roman Candle! It's fun for a minute and it looks really cool, but it takes weeks to get the static out of your hair.
I like this picture Betty, your film shots turn out really nice. Have you tried using a fill flash to light up the objects in the foreground? If you're close enough to them, that is.
It's Friday... I wonder if this day could go by any slower?
Photo By: Betty Tindle
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
7/9/2004 12:45:25 AM
Thanks for your comments everyone!
When did this get a BIP? Cool ;-)
Photo By: Christine Campbell
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
7/6/2004 5:54:09 PM
Nice job! I like the contrast.
Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/26/2004 4:48:59 PM
This is very nice. I really like the lighting & colors here.
Photo By: Sergey Gawrilow
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/23/2004 1:25:55 PM
This is pretty cool. It's like when I first wake up before my eyes have time to adjust.
Photo By: James Martin
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/22/2004 1:57:06 AM
Hello John, it's nice to see you're back!
As for the scoring, don't worry about it! I don't even know when I bothered looking at one of my scores last. It could be in the negative range and I wouldn't notice nor care ;-) It's probably just a glitch from the upgrade anyway.
Take care!
Photo By: Christine Campbell
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/19/2004 12:05:55 AM
I'll have you know that toy cost me $20... ;-)
I've been pretty pleased with the Holga. I was expecting far less quality and even tried modifying it so I could get some light leaks or something different to happen. It didn't work, so I guess I'm stuck with sharp, well exposed photos (most of the time anyway!)
Thanks for the comments everyone!
Photo By: Christine Campbell
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/18/2004 12:34:19 AM
Very picturesque scene. Nice colors too. :-)
Photo By: Betty Tindle
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/18/2004 12:30:21 AM
Gorgeous, vibrant colors. Very nice macro!
Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/18/2004 12:28:39 AM
Hi Betty, of course you know me! I'm the one who gave you this link ;-)
Photo By: Christine Campbell
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/12/2004 5:46:48 PM
She's beautiful! I really like this portrait as a b&w, it makes her eyes stand out.
Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/4/2004 6:47:15 PM
I like this photo. It reminds me of something out of an old b&w movie or a Twilight Zone episode.
Photo By: Tom Bartell
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/4/2004 6:22:30 PM
Very nicely done! I like the subtlety of the colors and the lighting.
Photo By: Fabio Keiner
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/4/2004 5:44:41 PM
One of my favorites from you :-)
Photo By: Mark Beltran
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/3/2004 9:38:06 PM
I think it's excellent. I really like the IR shots!
Photo By: Chuck Pataky
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
6/3/2004 4:25:54 AM
I like this, it has a nice feeling of solitude & quiet nature. Nice colors & textures as well.
Photo By: Stephen Hickel
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
5/29/2004 5:02:17 AM
Very nice, very colorful!
Photo By: Martin Mora
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
5/29/2004 4:46:04 AM
Wonderful b&w. Nice contrast and sharpness.
I don't think I've ever heard that song before, but it fits nicely with the photo!
Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
5/29/2004 4:42:20 AM
I like this shot, detail is great, nice crop.
Photo By: d. b.
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
5/29/2004 4:30:15 AM
If anyone can tell me what this character is called in Irish folklore, I'd appreciate it.
I know that his purpose was described as being placed on a window sill facing outwards. When evil spirits came by looking to create misery in the home, they would see him sitting there, assume the household was already miserable and pass on to the next.
Photo By: Christine Campbell
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
5/27/2004 5:37:24 PM
I think it's a great photo and the lighting is wonderful.
I was wondering who's shadow that was until I read the description.
Photo By: Jeroen Krol
Critique By:
Christine Campbell (K:2693)
5/27/2004 4:46:13 PM
This is a wonderful image. I like the texture of the rock and the sense of time you get from the ruination of the rock & door frame. The saffron robes add a nice touch of color.
I once read somewhere about certain monks whose doorways were built lower so they always remembered to bow before entering. But I wouldn't doubt the few extra inches in height over a millennia theory either! :-)
Photo By: Jeroen Krol