Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/8/2003 1:00:29 PM
She looks like someone I know and just had a dream about last night. It is amazing how a photo can stir up such emotion. Very nice work.
Photo By: Reynaldo Guimaraes
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/8/2003 12:09:03 PM
Brittany, is that you? Seriously, nice composition here and yes, very good illumination.
Photo By: Allan Gordon
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/8/2003 11:41:22 AM
Maybe this photo was not meant to be humerous, but it is somewhat. It is also nicely composed. The shadow doesn't bother me and in fact I think it adds some interest to the overall composition. If it were all well lit it would be a little bland, i believe.
Photo By: Richard Wells
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/8/2003 11:32:17 AM
Cool exposure. Wish I could get a shot like this. Can't even get it with a tripod. :-)
Photo By: Greg Smereczynski
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/8/2003 11:12:25 AM
What a precious photograph! I think I would like to have seen the mother here too, but what an intense look from the baby and the photo is so sharp. Very nice job indeed
Photo By: Thomas Paul
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 6:48:15 PM
This photo is very interesting. I like the expression on her face. "Precious Moments" is right. How did you get the color and black and white mixed so well? Is this in Photoshop, or...? Also, I checked out your homepage -- pretty cool, but very small print :-)
Photo By: samantha marie
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 6:33:59 PM
I like the mood of this photo. Yes, he does look lonely. Sorry it took me so long to respond to the photo, I've only started posting on this site and looking at your work. I like it.
Photo By: samantha marie
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 6:32:35 PM
Very cool shot -- really cool. I like how you were able to get yourself in the shot so easily. I have difficulty doing this, plus I am not as good of a subject. :-) (no, that wasn't meant weird -- I'm married! )
Photo By: samantha marie
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 6:30:38 PM
I like the perspective of this photo. I think it is so interesting how you have lined up the two "boys" and how you are looking up at them. I really like this photo and can't believe it had received a low rating. What a total rip off.
Photo By: samantha marie
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 6:26:19 PM
How do you get these amazing shots? Is this at a zoo or somewhere natural? Just amazing! I love the lion's stare!
Photo By: Uncle Frank
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 6:15:04 PM
I rated this photo rather high because I do like it. However, I would like to see more of the babies face in this photo. However again, that would probably take away from the cuteness of her shoulder -- well, it is an idea anyhow.
Photo By: Candida Pais
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 6:11:19 PM
Don't know what I like -- I just do. Very interesting photo. I like the background and the statue off to the side.
Photo By: James Crawford
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 4:27:39 PM
The light behind the officers is a little distracting, but I really like the composition.
Photo By: Christopher Chen
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 3:37:07 PM
Okay, there are some really bizarre photos on this website and people keep writing how amazing they are and then there is one like this, which to me is fine-- it is a little bright and it is not necessarily as artistic or as exotic as some of the photos on this website, but I really do not see why it had a rating of "2." I really respect the people who comment on this site, but I think some people are a bit arrogant --- Sorry..I don't mean to be mean, but not everyone can be as good as some of the best photographers on here. Everyone has their level and I think this is a pretty good level, Aaron. Keep up the good work and I think you will develop as a photographer.
Photo By: Aaron Smith
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 1:21:40 PM
First of all, the date should go, that detracts from the photo. Second, your sons expression is adorable and should be highlighted in this photo. I think you should have cropped in a little closer to get his expression as the center of the photo. Here is an idea for a crop...just an idea....
Otherwise I like this photo.
Photo By: Aaron Smith
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 1:06:53 PM
I like his mischevious little smile. The lighting is attractive with this photo. I also like the closeness of the photo.
Photo By: Suhaila SAHMARANI
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 1:05:37 PM
It works. :-) I like this photo and the title. Her smile is the best. I think if it were a little brighter it might be better, but that could be my computer too. I like close shots myself. Sometimes they seem so much more personal.
Photo By: J. Alberto Abreu
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 12:32:05 PM
Sarah, When Andrew suggested the idea I didn't think I would like that photo in black and white because I really thought Jenny's coloring is what added to it. However, after looking at the photo in black and white, I've decided its not so bad after all. Jenny's face, beauty and small smile is what makes the photo, not necessarily the coloring.
Photo By: Sarah Needham
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 12:30:36 PM
Wow -- what a trip on the eyes this photo is. Very interesting capture of the motion. Is the tree really falling? At first I thought the photo looked out of focus and not so good, but a closer look made me realize the complexity of it. Very fascinating.
Photo By: Terry King
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 12:06:32 PM
Thank you for the explaination. I can imagine photos from here do not disappoint. As I said before the intensity of this photo is what is most captivating about it.
Photo By: Scott Taylor
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 11:44:33 AM
I took a photo similar to this one time, but your lighting is much better and your background is as well. Very nice lighting and great job centering this image.
Photo By: J. Alberto Abreu
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 11:38:36 AM
What is Speakers Corner, for this naive American girl? Also, I think this a great journalistic shot that describes a scene by itself. A little more sharpness might have added to the photo, but it is really a nice expression of an intense moment.
Photo By: Scott Taylor
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 11:36:26 AM
I was sort of wondering that too.. how did you get this shot without getting dragged underwater? Guess you can tell I'm not a Navy girl. It is a pretty incredible photo, but to be honest, it doesn't matter what the people on here say -- you captured a part of your life and something that means something to you. That is all that matters in the long run. Still -- I can tell you that the photo is awesome, in this very less-that-perfect photographers mind.
Photo By: James Weber
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 11:33:54 AM
I think I would like this photo more if the foot wasn't cut off and the person were a little more centered. Still I like the idea of it, and actually had a similar idea, but didn't have the subject! :-)
Photo By: Alex Avilov
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 11:27:22 AM
That is extremely disturbing and inventive. Not really one for digital work, but this is rather unique and interesting.
Photo By: Erik Hansen
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/7/2003 10:15:37 AM
I was getting ready to comment on how much I love this photo and saw the name of the photographer right before I started to write -- it is the real Bill Ennis from Towanda, Pa. Wow! I've seen your sports shots, but never a portrait from you. Ed's right -- you're awesome! (I work with Ed, by the way and have been downloading photos that are not nearly as good as your photos or Ed's) Sorry to gush, but I really like this photo. A tighter crop might have been neat, but I think it would have taken away from the entire layout. I would love to see some of the other shots you took for your niece's husband. Cool, now I can look at some of your shots and Ed's! Yeah!
Photo By: Bill Ennis
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/6/2003 2:29:02 PM
I love this photo! This is coming from someone who enjoys taking photographs of kitties, but this is just a lovely capture of a cats personality.
Photo By: Reidar Olsen
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/6/2003 2:06:05 PM
This is a fascinating photo. The imagery is very cool and I wonder how you were able to get it -- it looks like a shadow. Very cool.
Photo By: Jacek Jedrzejczak Konrad
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/6/2003 1:53:12 PM
I think I would crop in on this photo a little more to make it more appealing to the eye. I like the idea though and actually this kid looks like a cousin of mine!
Photo By: Rusty Key
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
1/6/2003 1:52:08 PM
I revisted this photo while looking at the pet category and just wanted to amend what I said before. I believe the pulled back version is better -- obviously you know that.I think my previous comment was a bit naive. This photo, with the background, is much more interesting than a simple close up of her face.
Photo By: Robert L Major