Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
11/14/2002 4:15:00 AM
I like the shadow patterns and the texture in the mounds of snow in the foreground. The tall plant on the left balances the composition and I also like the way the bend of the top echoes the lean of the mountains on the left.
Photo By: Greg Summers
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
10/27/2002 9:16:44 AM
Very nice, Kim. It's a beautiful scene, and your husband works very well as human content. Maybe I'd prefer it just a bit if he were looking more into the scene rather than out of the frame, but that's a small point. And, yeah, and ND grad would have helped. Maybe you could play with curves a bit in the upper portion.
Photo By: Kim Culbert
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
10/26/2002 5:31:19 AM
It's beautiful. The look on the Hunter's face, the colors, the leaves on the ground, the out of focus background, the centered composition are all great. I agree with Kim about the toy, though--I'd prefer it without.
Photo By: Karen L. Hassinger
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
10/22/2002 6:12:40 AM
Thanks, everyone! The crop was enough of a concern that I almost mentioned it originally but I decided to see what people thought of it full-frame without prompting. My other thought was to do it just a bit tighter, with the end of the wall cropped out on the right side. But I like Kim's version, too. Hmmm... . A tripod would have been nice, though the eyes (and the license tag, which is in the same plane) are reasonably sharp in the slide. You're probably right about the scan, Dawna. I had noticed the lighting possibilities at that spot before. It's at the intersection of three window-lit areas and the walls make great reflectors. The dog happened to be there and it was a grab shot. Sarah, she is indeed Kisses' sister. We were baby-sitting both of them for the day.
Thanks to all for your very helpful comments!
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
10/9/2002 6:58:28 AM
You're right, Kim. I'd prefer it with the background more evenly lit, too. I lit it with an Alien Bees monolight near the camera and an SB-28 strobe to the right, pointed at the background and pretty much skimming it. It would have been better at less of an acute angle (or with another flash on the opposite side). Controlling the exact position of the dog was difficult as well. Treats or wearing them out first are good ideas. And nice doggies and picture and you've got there!
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
10/9/2002 6:34:45 AM
Thanks, Sarah. Yep, Kisses is a girl. She and her sister were visiting for the day. My attempts to get a decent shot of them together were a total failure. They were running around like crazy and anything that resembles an actual pose came and went in an instant.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
10/9/2002 5:19:54 AM
A beautiful dog and a great picture. I like the expression on her face and the color of the background.
Photo By: Sarah Needham
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
10/6/2002 2:47:35 PM
That's so funny!
Photo By: Tim Dinofa
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
10/2/2002 12:30:48 PM
Wow, what an unusual image. I don't recall ever seeing anything quite like that. Great job! Now I really want to try some more night shots...
Photo By: Becky V
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
10/2/2002 11:56:26 AM
Thanks, Becky, I'm glad you like it. To get that sort of shot, you just stand next to the sidepod, hold the camera (with a wide-angle lens) on your outstretched arm, point the camera in the right direction (you can't see throught the viewfinder, obviously), and shoot. You just have to be careful not to drop it. And to take the lens cap off. I actually failed to do that once this year, since I popped the lens on and didn't bother looking through the camera before shooting, and one of Tony Kanaan's crewman pointed it out to me. Oops.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
10/2/2002 4:03:39 AM
A striking shot. Getting in close with the 24 and shooting in b&w with the orange filter worked great.
Photo By: Sarah Needham
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
10/2/2002 3:58:01 AM
Thank you, Sarah! Yes, I was sitting there watching on tv and wishing I was there. Strange finish. I'm not quite sure what Michael thought he was doing.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/30/2002 5:27:52 AM
Thanks! It was hand-held, which, as you say, isn't very hard with a wide lens. In general, of course, the slower you go the less the chances of success, but at least some should work and you can go for the percentages. With practice, you can increase your success rate at slower speeds.
I guess I'm a semi-pro. I've sold some stuff and have had shots in a few magazines, though not nearly as much as I'd like. It's a difficult genre to profit at.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/27/2002 9:57:49 AM
Thank you! If I recall, it was probably something in the range of 1/30, so the aperture would have been f/16 or so. It's at the end of a fairly straight and they're braking very hard at that point.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/27/2002 8:54:04 AM
Good shot. I like the side-lighting, the patterns of the curbs, and the low angle with the marbles in the foreground.
Photo By: Danie van Jaarsveld
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/24/2002 11:11:36 AM
Thanks, everyone!
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/23/2002 5:24:03 AM
I cdertainly wouldn't have known it was badly underexposed if you hadn't said so. I like the space above and the texture of the carpet as well as Larry himself. Nice work!
Photo By: Russ Cooper
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/16/2002 6:17:03 PM
I know some of those F1 races are pretty expensive for spectators. Hope you can go back soon, Sarah. Afzal, the fences do make it tough (and even photographers with credentials can look forward to things like getting attacked by a Doberman like that poor guy at Spa this year). Shooting the crowd and the surrounding fun sounds like a good idea.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/15/2002 6:42:23 AM
I like the depth and the great feeling of height. I'm terribly acrophobic and the scary-height feeling is quite strong in this.
Photo By: Sarah Needham
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/15/2002 6:33:51 AM
Thank you, Sarah! I love Formula 1 and would like to attend the Indy race, though I probably won't be able to, unfortunately. Did you go to the British GP?
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/12/2002 12:05:12 PM
Thanks from both me and Bobby. For a cat, he's a surprisingly cooperative subject.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/11/2002 6:45:23 AM
What a happy picture! Reminds me that I've got to try some more cross-processing. Was this a scan from the negative?
Photo By: Rob James
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/9/2002 7:51:37 AM
Thanks, Steve. I've always wanted to do Long Beach. Looks like an especially fun race.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/7/2002 11:59:11 AM
Spectacular! The low angle and the way you've *just* fit the car within the DOF, along with the great lighting really combine to make a perfect shot. And the driver is clearly visible! (Hope the BMWs come back to ALMS soon.)
Photo By: Greg Suvino
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
9/6/2002 1:55:09 PM
Thanks John and Dawna. I certainly will be posting more. And greetings to a fellow physics person, John!
Photo By: Mark Scheuern