Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
5/12/2004 10:22:59 PM
This is really nice. Great timing here. My dogs sniff things, too, but generally not flowers, unfortunately.
Photo By: Alan Orr
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
5/12/2004 5:09:46 PM
Lovely shot. I love the baby's eyes and expression.
Photo By: liling wee
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
5/12/2004 5:08:05 PM
I really like their expressions and it's nicely lit and composed. I do wish that tree trunk wasn't there behind the doggie on the left. Perhaps darkening it a bit would be a big improvement. Great shot! I know how hard it is to get two dogs to pose at the same time and you've done a fine job, as have Foa and Neko.
Photo By: Kim Culbert
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
5/12/2004 5:05:24 PM
You have some lovely work, André, and this is a beautiful shot. The person in the foreground is a perfect addition to the composition.
Photo By: André Bermak
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
4/9/2004 5:36:16 AM
Great shot, Danie. I like the composition with three bikes forming a diagonal. Those bike guys have to be crazy!
Thanks for your comments on the Carpentier shot. Yes, rear-curtain sync flash. And I agree about the framing.
Photo By: Danie van Jaarsveld
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
3/30/2004 10:32:07 AM
A really nice dog portrait. I can see why you're getting requests from people to photograph their pets.
Photo By: Laura Lee
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
3/14/2004 1:19:20 PM
Great expression, pose, and lighting and a very nice dog. Really a nice dog portrait.
Photo By: Christopher
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
3/14/2004 1:13:53 PM
A beautiful portrait. Great tones, background, everything!
Photo By: Kristina Kohut
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
3/12/2004 6:42:33 AM
Nice pan shot!
Photo By: Andrea Ranalli
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
3/12/2004 6:34:43 AM
I get a very nice sense of being there from this shot. Beautiful lighting and it looks like a beautiful day indeed.
Photo By: Rebecca Phillips
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
3/2/2004 10:27:32 AM
Yep, that's the Olive Garden Ferrari 550 ALMS car. Excellent shot of it taking the turn. Very sharp and good ligthing.
Photo By: Richard Fraginals
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
3/2/2004 10:23:13 AM
Nice dog and nice picture. You can see the anticipation in her face. Yorkies are great dogs.
Photo By: Gianfranco Bussalai
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
2/8/2004 6:34:31 AM
Fantastic picture! It looks like a painting. The S7 is one of the most beautiful cars, IMO, and this is an amazingly original capture. Congrats!
Photo By: Harry Eggens
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
2/8/2004 6:05:15 AM
Ah, this is the one you were telling me about. Nicely done. Even the leaf by itself would be quite nice, IMO. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Photo By: David Antoff
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
1/13/2004 4:35:08 PM
A lovely cat portrait. The position of the paws makes for a great composition. I like this very much.
Photo By: barbara
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
1/7/2004 5:20:38 AM
I'm not generally a fan of heavily filtered or otherwise manipulated images but I think this works very well. A nice composition, too.
Photo By: Kristina Kohut
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
12/13/2003 1:00:37 PM
Thanks, everyone. Good points, Leslie. The shot is cropped quite a bit (the original wasn't square) and I'll experiment with some other crops.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
12/13/2003 12:28:55 PM
Lovely portrait. Excellent lighting and pose and I like that backdrop, too.
Photo By: Johnpaul Soto
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
12/13/2003 12:25:22 PM
Beautiful cat portrait. Great lighting and symmetry.
Photo By: Jorge Jacinto
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
12/11/2003 5:55:05 AM
Amazing sky and beautiful photo, Jon.
Photo By: jon parsons
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
11/24/2003 6:28:01 AM
Very nice dog portrait, Kurt, and a beautiful dog, too. THe b&w works well and you've used the DOF very well to get his eyes and nose in focus but blur the background. Thanks much for your comments on my photo, too.
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
11/24/2003 6:24:15 AM
Thanks, Kurt. I definitely will check out that web site and I'll have a look at your portfolio. The fabric is corduroy from a big fabric store chain that had it on sale. I also got some green felt material. Both seem to be hair magnets so I'll have to be careful of that.
Dave, I was wondering if someone would comment about that. It bothers me a bit, too, because his darker fur does blend in a bit. I'm going to try to use the lighter-colored material for darker animals, assuming I have time to change between appointments. I tried that on one of my cats, who's a very dark gray, and it seemed to work well. A background light or maybe a hair light would help with the separation and I'm going to experiment with that on my critters this week but, as you say, that might be difficult because they don't sit still for long. I know what you mean about their expressions. We have two dogs and three cats and I have varying degrees of success with them. No doubt I'll encounter the entire range with the customers' pets.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
11/22/2003 10:26:10 AM
Very nice shot. Nicely composed, lit, and timed. Pedro really had them locked up!
Photo By: Harry Eggens
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
11/22/2003 10:08:04 AM
A very nice picture and a cute, unusual-looking bird. I like the grass in his mouth, too.
Photo By: Lorinda Millar
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
11/22/2003 4:47:33 AM
Thanks Elena and Carolyn. He held that pose for quite a while. It was getting close to nap time.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
11/21/2003 12:34:39 PM
Very nice portrait, Elena. Reminds me of an old-time Hollywood portrait.
Photo By: Elena Zabelina
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
11/16/2003 5:05:44 AM
I think the main problem here is the direct, on-camera flash (at least that's what it looks like was used). You're getting flat lighting and harsh shadows from the ear and snout. The composition's not bad, though maybe a bit tighter crop would help. Vertical works well for this sort of shot, too. Keep at it. Nice dog and nice camera.
Photo By: Ross Feickert
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
11/7/2003 3:32:15 PM
I feel guilty enough about the lines between the tile. I think we'll leave the dog with her natural expression!
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
11/7/2003 3:24:50 PM
You're right. They're easy enough to Photoshop out, of course, though I pretty much never modify an image beyond cropping, curves, and levels work. Here it is.
Photo By: Mark Scheuern
Critique By:
Mark Scheuern (K:1428)
11/7/2003 2:35:31 PM
Gorgeous lighting and use of selective focus. Wish that bluish area in the lower left wasn't there, but lovely image.
Photo By: ifte amjad