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Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 6:41:32 PM

Mimicry...the way all children learn by our examples and they have this incredible knack to get stodgy adults to do the most inane things. Great composition with excellent balance between the right and left half of frame.
        Photo By: g Difarnecio  (K:542)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 6:37:06 PM

This is the place I want to be...if not physically then through mental teleportation. Quite awesome perspective with rich saturated colors.
        Photo By: Dave K  (K:-171) Donor

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 6:35:59 PM

This does deserve an award. Perfect framing and wonderful lines with excellent backlighting!
        Photo By: Galal El Missary  (K:84569)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 6:32:45 PM

Nice kid portrait, Jeno. This might be better with a bit more light so his face can be seen better, but then you know what your intention was when loaded to UF. Excellent composition here with the main subject sharp in focus and the foreground and background blurred. Luke
        Photo By: Jeno Apu  (K:1318)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 6:29:06 PM

just can't get a cow to cooperate...maybe he did not like the deal you had...always can renegotiate. nice light and great silhouette here. very moody.
        Photo By: Hermen Pen  (K:9168)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 6:23:29 PM

all the special details...that make a simple photograph wonderful. the repeating pattern of blocks in the sidewalk, the droll background punctuated by the red garment of a child who happens to carrying a pink umbrella.
        Photo By: Gaute Bruvik  (K:1156)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 6:20:24 PM

        Photo By: Daniel Willmann  (K:132)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 6:19:35 PM

i see these reflections in buildings all over town, but i am usually in my car at the wrong time. the lighting is what makes it wonderful. the reflections are also spectacular as they create an amazing abstract image of a very concrete subject. nicely done.
        Photo By: Jeff Cartwright  (K:52046)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 6:13:31 PM

Might be one of the best examples of flower photography I have seen in quite some time. Beautiful texture and color saturation. Nice isolation of primary subject as well. Gets 7!
        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 2:08:12 PM

Very nice, Janet. Do not think you need my help with lights. You have captured this child oh so well. great soft lighting and wonderful expression. eyes doing what they should as well.
        Photo By: Janet B  (K:16139)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 5:12:56 AM

Not sure who your Amen was directed to, but that simple guttural response is an indication of your reaction to something that happened here. Appreciated.
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 5:11:22 AM

Randy, the contrast boost was a good idea. Not sure I like the rotation as much. Thanks for the ideas and the comments. Every viewpoint has merit here. I was not thinking of a political discussion but an ideological one about freedom and what great responsibility it carries.
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 5:08:45 AM

Your encouraging words also appreciated, Jim. The discussion generated here should not be a simple dualistic polemic, but a discussion launching into honest dialogue. What if this were another country's flag. What would it represent?
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/23/2005 5:06:26 AM

David, I understand and appreciate your comments. If you read what the symbol represents then you might be more willing to hear that beyond what the FLAG has been traditionally represented as I think we as individuals also have to respond to the tyranny and indifference. I agree that there is much to be fought in terms of evil here. But we can't wait for others to start that fight. We have to look our own evils in the eye in order to combat it. We also can't simply ignore the good that this represents. I want people to see flag as a symbol that requires action, not simply words. Actions to right the wrongs - both here and abroad. I want the flag to be a dynamic image that represents freedom to all. Hope this makes sense.
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/22/2005 11:14:17 PM

Very well done. Great catch lights in her eyes make her really look alive and beautiful. Thanks for the comment on my image.
        Photo By: Janet B  (K:16139)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/22/2005 11:09:20 PM

Brilliant Gayle. Graphically simple but pure.
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/22/2005 11:07:27 PM

Thanks, Neal. She liked it so will probably do more posing for me if it means she gets to dress up and/or have lots of photos.
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/22/2005 10:54:43 PM

What a refreshingly simple portrait!
        Photo By: Donald Hanson  (K:460)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 11:16:54 PM

i like this. a kind of horizontal portrait.
        Photo By: Wayne Harridge  (K:18292) Donor

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 11:14:52 PM

Very expressive, Martin.
        Photo By: Martin Ziaja  (K:504)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 11:10:31 PM

bold and beautiful like the sun that nourishes them...and the water droplets that enable all life.
        Photo By: Sameh Odeh  (K:4717)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 11:04:29 PM

simple wonderful...the bare essence of subject and shadow detail.
        Photo By: Dominic Daigle  (K:641)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 11:02:33 PM

i saw the other one first and i thought i liked it. this one however is excellent. the folded arms held one could conjecture just under the breasts that we do not see. the strong defined shadow there as well. nice work.
        Photo By: Tom Ross  (K:6453)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 10:59:17 PM

an alternate prespective on an ordinary object. how different they look out of the normal context. thanks for such a well composed sample.
        Photo By: Eduardo. B  (K:330)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 10:51:49 PM

very well done and nicely captured...the composition and lighting and DOF make for a great image here.
        Photo By: Felipe Souza  (K:1499)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 10:50:04 PM

you did a good job here of capturing her beauty...a fashion portrait for sure, but also quite intimate.
        Photo By: Simon Pang  (K:-41)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 10:49:11 PM

composition is good, but seems too soft, Nicole. i think you need to either have a wrinkled backdrop of a pressed one. the fold lines are distracting. pull your subject away from that background and put more light on it. that should help the model pop right out because of the separation.
        Photo By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 10:46:13 PM

great light, Nikki. creative and brave composition with the lighting you did have. sometimes we fight the light instead of embrace it. this light makes for an interesting composition. kudos to you and your subject. Luke
        Photo By: Nikki M  (K:290)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 10:44:33 PM

Nice glamomr shot. Lighting is very flattering!
        Photo By: Pradeep B  (K:2235)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/21/2005 10:41:58 PM

beautiful shot, Hana. Nice abstract of the entire flower. i like the lighting and the water droplets that reflect the light back so well.
        Photo By: Hana Tamimi  (K:1320)

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