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Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/13/2005 12:45:37 AM

What a beautiful portrait! Creative lighting; excellent composition.
        Photo By: Pawel Topolski  (K:215)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/11/2005 12:12:18 PM

Oh I agree with you. This is so perfect in color and shape and form. Great use of the negative space as well. Did you know you have a visitor in your image? I think it completes it.
        Photo By: Brad Morris  (K:3307)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/11/2005 12:10:54 PM

Dramatic lighting. Crystal sharp focus. Great subject matter with perfect DOF. Nice treatment overall. Good perspective. Winner!
        Photo By: Carmem A. Busko  (K:48785)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/11/2005 12:05:25 PM

We will have to come up with a new category - skyscapes for your colorful and dramatic captures of the an almost forgotten portion of our environment. What a beautiful composition, Judi!
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/9/2005 1:01:33 PM

Great composition; grain is a welcome addition to the image. Nice work!
        Photo By: Mark Orchard  (K:110)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/9/2005 12:33:40 AM

I like it Thilo. You did a bang up job on straightening the shore line.
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/8/2005 7:26:33 PM

Thilo, I appreciate your comment. I thought about straightening the line but was concerned it might alter the skyview too much. Suggestions welcome?
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/8/2005 1:11:00 PM

Nice story as narrative to an already interesting image.
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/6/2005 6:54:12 AM

Thank you Thilo. It is those small details that make or break an image. I do not have the best film/slide scanner and have elected to go to DSLR instead. I appreciate your concise and helpful comments.
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/5/2005 7:22:17 PM

My first visit to your portfolio. I came because of the Donor recs. Am surprised by the subtle quality of your work. Do not leave...UF is going through some changes but all will settle soon. Luke

This is fun and entertaining. Almost like looking from a quiet hiding place and observing her. Great compositions with the massive columns.
        Photo By: Thilo Bayer  (K:50358)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/5/2005 2:20:49 PM

What a beautiful old truck, Paul. Is it a metaphor for the state of this union? Rusty, in need of some serious maintenance? All imagery aside, I concur that we have been too busy taking care of business and forgetting our infrastructure - the very things that have made us great. Time to get out the tools and start fixing what we have. Excellent photo and sharp commentary.
        Photo By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/5/2005 3:24:49 AM

Thanks everyone. Imagine my surprise when I saw the beautiful slide. It is even more detailed than you could imagine. The scan does not do it justice. Luke
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/4/2005 9:21:01 PM

Composicion y balanza son perfectos en la imagen. Tambien tiene un poco de misteria.
        Photo By: Fernando Ochoa  (K:10)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/4/2005 9:17:22 PM

Ying and Yang...simplicity and complexity. The simple is the background; the complex is the lighting and the composition. Excellent DOF, Claude. Once again, this beautiful model of yours excels in creating with you a timeless work of art. Tres elegant!
        Photo By: Claude Tenot  (K:9960)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/4/2005 3:03:37 PM

Great enviromental portrait. What wonderful lighting!
        Photo By: Rosario Esposito  (K:9796)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/4/2005 8:45:30 AM

Imagine, what a wonderful world it could be...Luke. I bet it would be something like this. Two children who can't be identtified ethnically or racially or probably SES-wise...playing peacefully with each other as the light fades away for the day. Sharing in joy and laughter with each other and nary a care in the world. Imagine...
        Photo By: Carmem A. Busko  (K:48785)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/4/2005 8:25:12 AM

What a light hearted whimsical image. It is coquetish! Luke
        Photo By: Tony Diana  (K:13396)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/4/2005 8:19:00 AM

Marion, this looks like a Japanese painting of the same subject. Incredible clarity and DOF.
        Photo By: Marion Luijten  (K:6141)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/4/2005 6:55:05 AM

Great period looking piece. Reminiscent of the portraits from the Big Screen era. Stunning sharpness.
        Photo By: Robert Farnham  (K:115)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/4/2005 6:53:58 AM

Excellent Andrew. Knew it was you when I saw the TN. Great feeling that transcends the two dimensions of the flat image. I feel better having seen Ken today.
        Photo By: Andrew Caldwell  (K:18307)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/4/2005 6:50:13 AM

Good because a wounded or crushed spirit can't take the chances that an artist must. Dare to dream your own dreams; not those imposed upon you. Dialogue is what important for artists. We need to talk about the light and hear what others perceive in our work. It is subjective by its very nature. Some will love it; many will not understand it; most will not see it. Keep shooting and working your way.
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/4/2005 6:46:49 AM

Yes, Judi. Sometimes we have to take that leap of faith and follow our hearts; our dreams. This is a beautiful visual simile for what you so aptly described regarding your image. I am ready to take the leap with joy and share in your joy. Great work. Luke
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/3/2005 7:49:17 PM

        Photo By: Tony Diana  (K:13396)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/3/2005 7:46:34 PM

Absolutely perfect!
        Photo By: Alex Rocchi  (K:5679)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/2/2005 8:17:43 PM

No boat...just me holding that 7D on the eastern shore of Medicine Lake. AS used of course as I panned the sky.
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/2/2005 8:16:35 PM

Thanks, Neal. It really is my favorite season. Warm days, cool nights. Brilliant bursts of color. That sums it all up for me.
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/2/2005 3:57:14 AM

The Heartland...where we give our sons and daughters for cannon fodder. The very "bread basket" that weans and then exacts the literal "pound of flesh" for compensation. Excellent. Keep shooting these Gayle. A potent reminder for me.
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/2/2005 3:54:38 AM

Amen, sister. The women were involved in the Civil Rights protests, the war demonstrations, and their own movement. Wonder what would have happened if they had simply kept their mouths shut. We all have a responsibility to fight tyranny even when it is on our own soil. Great image and title. Like that it is somewhat Out of Focus so we can be aware of how imposing and fast moving this can be. Reminiscent for me of the Sixties.
        Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  (K:91109)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
9/1/2005 8:02:18 PM

Thanks, Sergio. New camera first classic exposure. I was determined to nail this one. Luke
        Photo By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)

Critique By: Luke Luther  (K:14693)  
8/31/2005 9:46:20 PM

Wow! c'est tout.
        Photo By: Claude Tenot  (K:9960)

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