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Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/29/2008 2:25:30 AM

My Dear Friend John!
Very fine colors. Exact timing. You really hunted it. Wonderful depth feeling on two axis which create the third axis. Wonderful POV with soft tones. Crystal clear details.
Thanks for your sharee my friend.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: John Hatz  (K:156973)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/29/2008 2:19:21 AM

Dear Melek !
WONDERFUL POV. Great idea to look from the bottom to the sky. Vivid colors. Veery nice composition.
Congrats. Melek.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: Melek Kul  (K:3599)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/29/2008 2:07:49 AM

Dear Ania!
Thanks for your visit and for your warm critique as always you done. As you said this is a thoughtful scene. I am happy that you love the animals.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/29/2008 2:06:03 AM

Dear Teresa!
Thanks for your visit and for your warm critique as always you done.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 10:18:34 PM

Dear Ivonne !
Absolutely amazing night shot. You imagine very for the lighting and for the colors. Wonderful scene decorated with colorful flowers. Perfect composition. Like a scene coming from the tales.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: Ivonne *  (K:8711)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 10:15:12 PM

Dear Julie!
Perfect composition with great POV. You very well cropped.
Very interesting shot. Very well seen.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: Julie Salles  (K:22654)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 10:10:16 PM

My Dear Srna!
Everybody has own way of life. Thats the My Way As I understand on my 47 years old. To be a aged story teller. I am a not good photographer. Probably I am using the shots for decorating my little stories. Maybe that stories keeps warmer and charges my friends hearts with love, tenderness and trust which are absent in my life since my childhood. Probably Saint-Exupery initiated me to this way with his precious book Little-Prince. With that style probably I am filling those empty areas in my soul with the help of friends like you.
Bigs Hugs For You and Kisses For Your Lovely Siam Cat. And Please Show To Him This Shot. Maybe He will be grateful for having a owner like you.
Thank you for brillant words about me.
Warm Hugs.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 9:38:17 PM

Dear Del !
Thanks for your visit and for your warm critique. And your love for the animals.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 9:35:34 PM

My Dear Friend Arif!
Felicitations for you that you have seen very clearly her food-pot is completely garbage. As you understand she works for nothing,for a content of garbage. For your info; after this shot Unfasten her, go to the fresh place with fresh water. I feed her with some good food. Next week I will be there and I will bring to her a good food. Maybe I can teach a little bit her owner about her natural needs.
My Dear Friend Please Talk To Bangee about this Story and About The Other Dogs Situation.(hehehehe)
I am Lucky that I have a friends who loves the animals.
Warm Regards For You, And a Woovvf For Bangee
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 9:29:56 PM

My Dear Master Nicole!
Felicitations and big hugs for you that you seen very clearly her food-pot is completely garbage. As you understand she works for nothing,for a content of garbage. For your info; after this shot Unfasten her, go to the fresh place with fresh water. I feed her with some good food. Next week I will be there and I will bring to her a good food. Maybe I can teach a little bit her owner about her natural needs.
My Dear Friend Please Talk To Sam about this Story and About The Other Dogs Situation.(hehehehe)
Very very Big Hugs. I am Lucky that I have the friends who loves the animals.
My Big Hugs To You, To Sam and For Fritzzii
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 9:17:50 PM

My Dear John!
Thanks a lot for your kind visit and for your deep-warm critique as always you done. I am glad you like it. As you said I try to point the her food-pot .
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 3:18:23 PM

Dear Melek Hanımefendi!
She was so cute and lovely as you said. And her food pot was like a garbage. With partial desaturation I need to point that reality in appearance. But As a symbolism I try to tell to my friends Love is worthless.
Thanks for your visit and for your warm critique about this cute dog.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 10:24:12 AM

Dear Ozhan!
Very interesting shot with perfect lighting. Well cropped. Colors temperature are perfect. Very clear and soft capture. But lighting is perfect.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: Ozhan Cakici  (K:624)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 2:32:44 AM

Dear Del!
Wonderful shot. Very well seen. A perfect scene with this little guy. You are so attentive. I love it.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: Del Metheny  (K:25617)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 2:27:45 AM

Dear Ivona!
Its so great pleasure to meet with a lady who knows the little prince and applies it on her daily life. Novadays Its so rare to find someone who initiated for the true sense of Little Prince. In UF I seen the first one is Srna and you are the second. Felicitations Dear Ivona.
Superb Composition With A Noble and Elegant Story.
I am happy to know Lady Ivona.
Warm Hugs.
        Photo By: Ivona Lozic  (K:6799) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 1:46:24 AM

Dear Peter!
Ça fait longtemps que je connais tes photos. Et je les admire vraiment. Et j'ai bien voulu laisser le premier critique avec celui la. J'aime bien les chemins de fer. Plus que ça. Peut etre une passion pour moi. POV at DOF sont parfait bien réglé. Franchement parfait.
Avec mes amities cordiales.
        Photo By: Peter De Rycke  (K:41212) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 1:40:15 AM

Dear Peter !
Thanks for your kind visit and for your critique. I am happy that you love it.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 1:30:30 AM

My Dear Friend Arif!
GREAT POV. Perfectly selected place and exact time.
Wonderful dark color-tones with soft red-orange tones.
Very well presented in wide format.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)  (K:27380)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 1:26:02 AM

Dear Ania !
First of All; Great Composition.
Very well seen. Imagined, planned and well taken. All the elements are very well selected. And your B/W tones are wonderful. As always Polish photographers B/W tones philosophy is adorable for me. I dont know Who Can Teach Me About The Technics of That Ecole.
Warm Hugs.
        Photo By: Ania Blazejewska  (K:23981) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 1:19:46 AM

My Dear Friend John!
I know this street. But Your presentation has a wonderful and mystic influences on me. Wonderful texturized work with grand perspective and great sky colors.
Superb work.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: John Hatz  (K:156973)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 1:16:11 AM

My Dear Friend Srna!
I loved her. Probably she is a one of the girl friend of your handsome David. She looks so beautiful and she has very impressive head angle with innocent looking.
You right they are the symbol of innocence.
Warm Hugs.
        Photo By: Srna Stankovic  (K:172232) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 1:12:19 AM

My Dear Nicole (The Master) !
First of all; you selected a wonderful contrast colors. Very sharp and soft crystal clear details. Very well focused on butterfly. Well presented. And very nice blur leafs.
Warm Hugs.
        Photo By: Nicole Besch  (K:72664) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 1:08:34 AM

My Dear Friend Biljana !
Very nice work for reverse light. And you obtain a nice silhouettes and wonderful colors of clouds and their shapes.
Good Work with interesting angle.
Big Hugs.
Your Cookie Friend.
        Photo By: biljana mitrovic  (K:48110)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 1:04:52 AM

Dear Erland !
Thanks for your kind visit and for your warm critique. I am glad that you like it.
warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/28/2008 1:02:49 AM

Dear Ozhan!
Thanks for your visit and for your kind critique. This is a home studio shot. Post worked on it. For that purpose there is no PS. But I tried to shot this scene for a several times. I made a choice for the best one.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/27/2008 7:07:57 PM

Dear Erland !
Thank for your visit and for your kind critique. I am glad that you like this street scene.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/27/2008 6:49:07 PM

My Dear Friend Biljana!
Probably you know very well and as I said to Michele; Always I am looking for the images having a love and tenderness in it. I love to register special moments and their stories. Thats my way to talk the stories to the friends like old boys.
Thank for your visit and for your kind critique as always.
Big Hug For You.
Your Cookie Friend Who Lives At Next Patisserie.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/27/2008 6:41:46 PM

Chere Michele!
I like so much to take the street shots. Including childrens, animals, humans. Shortly all images having a love and tenderness in it. I love to register special moments and their stories. For that reason my eyes always looking for that kind of my scenes of our daily life.
Thank for your visit and for your kind critique as always.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/27/2008 6:35:38 PM

Dear Ivona!
Thank for your visit and for your kind critique. I am glad that you like this close up.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
7/27/2008 6:33:47 PM

Dear Ivona!
Thank for your visit and for your kind critique.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

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