ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 8/9/2008
Cher peter ! Je suis heureux pour que tu aime la photographie de cette petite pauvre chienne. Ou tu as raison elle etait dans une situation tres difficile est painible. Mais maintenant elle a des moyennes plus meilleures. Merci pour ton visite et pour ta critique. Ali
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 8/8/2008
Super image en colour et n/b ! Mais le chien s'en fou .. c'est clair
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 8/4/2008
Merhaba Pınar! Ehe, Şey Yani İtiraf etmeliyim Fazla Saklamnın Anlamı yok. İnsanları Değil Hayvanları Seviyorum (hehehe). Evet sevgili Pınar, onlar sevginin sadakatin anlamını biliyorlar. İnsanlardan tekme yedikçe onlara daha çok yaklaştım. Yalan Söylemiyorlar En Önemlisi. Önceleri Kediciydim. Köpeklerden korkuyordum. Ama onları seviyordum. Bunun üzerinde çalıştım ve hallettim. İyi ki başarmışım. Köpekler müthiş. Dost ne demek ondan öte yaratıklar. Tanrı iyiki yaratmış onları. Burunlarını öpmeyi yanaklarını gıdıklamayı öyle çok seviyorum ki. Onlardan başka şu ara sohbet ettiğim kimse yok benim. En çok da bizim köyün sokak köpekleri. Max de çok yakışıklı. Her ikinizede sevgiler ve WooFFFF. Ali
pinar üründül
{K:2740} 8/4/2008
Merhaba Ali oncelikle comment lerin icin cooook tesekkurler:) Ben bu tatli seyin uyuyusunu severim harika!! cok guzel foto sanirim sende benim gibi hayvanlari cok seviyorsun:) Max benim canim ve ailemizin bir uyesidir... Sevgiler eline saglik:) Pinar
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/30/2008
Ma Chere Michele! As you said human is the unique creature who kills for pleasure. I am glad that you love it and you love the animals. Thanks for your kind visit and for your deep critique. Warm Hugs. Ali
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/29/2008
My dear ali - you are so right about 'humans' sad to admit - but we are the only animal who kills for the pleasure of it - except for I think the black widow spider - this is very sad :(( Excellent image and sad too.... Warm Hugs, Michele~
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/29/2008
My Dear Friend Biljana ! Thanks for you visit and for your kind naive critique. As you said some dogs life is hard like the some humans. Talk about that story to Mr. Hogar. He is a lucky boy for having a mama like you. Everything is ok. Probably that days I am in silence. Always I imagine for my future. And I try to earn the money. Thats the what I am doing. Warm Hugs For you and four boys. Your Cookie Friend.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/29/2008
This picture makes me sad,even this fellow look very peaceful and tranquil ....he has hard"dog's"life....
big hug my dear ali...hope everything is fine even you are very silence this days biljana
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/29/2008
Dear Darren ! My intention was not to break your heart. But its happen. I am sorry Darren. You right. Its so difficult, painful to see the animals, childrens, humans in that situation all around the world. Next week when I will go to see her I will give to her a bonus in your name. Thanks for visit and for your critique. And thanks to your heart. Warm Regards. Ali
Darren Arena
{K:2999} 7/29/2008
My heart breaks for this animal Ali. I hate to see this kind of thing, but it is just another reality we will have to live with for now! Thank you for sharing this with us all! -Darren-
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/29/2008
Dear Ania! Thanks for your visit and for your warm critique as always you done. As you said this is a thoughtful scene. I am happy that you love the animals. Warm Regards. Ali
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/29/2008
Dear Teresa! Thanks for your visit and for your warm critique as always you done. Warm Regards. Ali
Ania Blazejewska
{K:23981} 7/28/2008
what a sad story dear Ali... impressive and thoughtful scene great capture my dear, ania
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 7/28/2008
You are good photographer my dear Ali !!! Do not forget this ever !!! Warm hugs, Srna
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 7/28/2008
Excellent job, Ali. ciao teresa
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/28/2008
My Dear Srna! Everybody has own way of life. Thats the My Way As I understand on my 47 years old. To be a aged story teller. I am a not good photographer. Probably I am using the shots for decorating my little stories. Maybe that stories keeps warmer and charges my friends hearts with love, tenderness and trust which are absent in my life since my childhood. Probably Saint-Exupery initiated me to this way with his precious book Little-Prince. With that style probably I am filling those empty areas in my soul with the help of friends like you. Bigs Hugs For You and Kisses For Your Lovely Siam Cat. And Please Show To Him This Shot. Maybe He will be grateful for having a owner like you. Thank you for brillant words about me. Warm Hugs. Ali
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/28/2008
Dear Del ! Thanks for your visit and for your warm critique. And your love for the animals. Warm Regards. Ali
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 7/28/2008
Do adore this composition and your way of presenting the sad true my darling Ali, absolutely marvelous, so proud having you as a Friend !!!! :) Warm hugs, Srna
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/28/2008
My Dear Friend Arif! Felicitations for you that you have seen very clearly her food-pot is completely garbage. As you understand she works for nothing,for a content of garbage. For your info; after this shot Unfasten her, go to the fresh place with fresh water. I feed her with some good food. Next week I will be there and I will bring to her a good food. Maybe I can teach a little bit her owner about her natural needs. My Dear Friend Please Talk To Bangee about this Story and About The Other Dogs Situation.(hehehehe) I am Lucky that I have a friends who loves the animals. Warm Regards For You, And a Woovvf For Bangee Ali
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/28/2008
My Dear Master Nicole! Felicitations and big hugs for you that you seen very clearly her food-pot is completely garbage. As you understand she works for nothing,for a content of garbage. For your info; after this shot Unfasten her, go to the fresh place with fresh water. I feed her with some good food. Next week I will be there and I will bring to her a good food. Maybe I can teach a little bit her owner about her natural needs. My Dear Friend Please Talk To Sam about this Story and About The Other Dogs Situation.(hehehehe) Very very Big Hugs. I am Lucky that I have the friends who loves the animals. My Big Hugs To You, To Sam and For Fritzzii Ali
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/28/2008
My Dear John! Thanks a lot for your kind visit and for your deep-warm critique as always you done. I am glad you like it. As you said I try to point the her food-pot . Warm Regards. Ali
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 7/28/2008
I do like the way you used Black and white but left the food in color. It is sort of a mixture of a beautiful dog but a sad situation. Del.
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 7/28/2008
very good shot my friend! nice selective desaturation, this work is a great journalistic work as well, i wished this dog to live in better conditions because they are humans true friends! but unfortunately most of humans do not deserve this true friendship:( compliments my friend, arif
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 7/28/2008
Lovley cute dog and I feel sorry to see that the food is not more that garbage.When I do see how very spoiled is my Sam with his food!!!But the rest from him is cute and I hope that he will get better food in the future perhpas because of you my dear friend!!! The picture is great...I like the b&w tones and than the colorful "garbage"! Very well done and seen! Hugs,Nicki
John Hatz
{K:156973} 7/28/2008
Impressive shot and... well there is a great story here... it's so hot that even a hungry dog isn't in mood to eat anithing and left his food to the sun to rest into the shadow of that tree... you add a lot trying to isolate the food in color against the greyscale... absolutely excellent element that one. best regards!
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/28/2008
Dear Melek Hanımefendi! She was so cute and lovely as you said. And her food pot was like a garbage. With partial desaturation I need to point that reality in appearance. But As a symbolism I try to tell to my friends Love is worthless. Thanks for your visit and for your warm critique about this cute dog. Warm Regards.
Melek Kul
{K:3599} 7/28/2008
The dog look so cute when she is getting rest. Composed very well. Colour and B&W in the same frame that is wonderul. Elinize Saglik Melek