Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
9/10/2008 11:26:10 PM
Hi Zoltan! Very impressive shot. First of all the meaning; the hammer as you strike to the parents heads. Childrens emotional situation of divorced parents. The depth and cool internal situation of the childrens who stays between their parents. Excellent and supersoft definiton. Perfect depth of field. Warm Regards. Ali
Photo By: Zoltán Nagy
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
9/9/2008 11:47:49 PM
Sevgili Arkadaşım Arif! Super bir sahne. Nerden aklına geldi bilmiyorum ama mükemmel düşünmüş ve gerçekleştirmişsin. Enfes olmuş. Bende oyuncakların ve bu tür küçük objelerin resmini çekmeyi seviyorum ama pek hoşlanılmıyor diye bıraktım. Ellerine sağlık çok iyi düşünmüşsün. Arkadaşın Ali
Photo By: Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
9/9/2008 7:19:18 PM
My Dear Friend Marian ! You are a such a noble and naive and sensible girl. A wonderful gift for your and for our friend Srna. I wish you to Srna a happy years in the future. Wonderful flowers with a very nice lighting. Bigs Hugs. And I am happy you come back. Your Friend Ali
Photo By: Marian Man
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
9/9/2008 7:15:09 PM
My Dear Friend Srna! How you are beautiful in your interesting pose. And and Happy Birthday To youu. I wish you a wonderful and healty happy years. My best wishes for your new period of life. With Warm and Big Hugs To You. Your Friend Ali.
Photo By: Srna Stankovic
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/29/2008 10:58:36 PM
Dear Friend! First of all I must tell the truth; If I can be good photographer like you specially for B/Ws. Your every shot became my favorite. This is my first time I am leaving a critique. What can tell a poor guy like me for your shots. Your shots like this one are PERFECT and FANTASTIC. If I can decide for my birthdate It will be a in 40-50s. For that reason Your shots is unique for me. Thanks for your share. Be well. Ali
Photo By: A. W. Osnafotos
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/29/2008 10:52:24 PM
Dear Baha! Wonderful composition with very soft colors. Very pastoral shot. I am sure our friends Srna, Biljana will deeply happy to see you in Serbia instead of this bird. Be well Ali
Photo By: Mahmoud Baha Sadri
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/29/2008 10:48:14 PM
Dear Stan! Very interesting portrait angle for this beautiful lady with very soft colors and very elegant frame. Be well Ali
Photo By: Stan Ciszek
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/29/2008 10:43:01 PM
Dear Dan! Thanks for your visit and for your critique. I am happy you admire this shot with FANTASTIC word. Warm Regards. Ali
Photo By: ali ikizkaya
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/29/2008 2:36:47 AM
My Dear Srna! Such a beautiful flowers with wonderful vivid colors like you. Very sharp, clear and soo soft shot. Good focus and very nice composition well adjusted. Big Hugs to You, Hello For David and Miaaoouuss For Him Ali
Photo By: Srna Stankovic
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/28/2008 11:29:36 PM
Dear Dan! As I am a cat addict I can say I never seen ever that kind of shot which define curiosity of the cats. Perfect perfect and Perfect I love it. I love the MILO. It goes to my favorite. Say Miaauu for him. And warm regards for you. Ali
Photo By: Dan TDFoto
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/28/2008 11:22:49 PM
Dear Andreas! Perfect focus and perfect grainy portrait. Well composed. Be well. Ali
Photo By: Andreas Droussiotis
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/28/2008 10:54:01 PM
Dear Greg! Extremely perfect colors in that difficult situation light. Perfect again. I really love it. So smooth and soft shot. Congrat. Be well. Ali
Photo By: Greg Sava
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/28/2008 10:51:47 PM
Dear Nino! Very well observed and titled. Very nice street shot. Perfect composition with good clarity and soft colors. Be well Ali
Photo By: Gaetano (Nino) Aievoli
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/28/2008 10:23:08 PM
My Dear Marian! Its to short to see you with two shots. But I must a little bit more patient. While you will have a sunny days, romantic autumn moments. Very nice relaxing place and moments. Bee well and happy Your Friend Ali
Photo By: Marian Man
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/28/2008 10:15:10 PM
My Dear Marian! I am happy happy happy and glad to see you you. How much I miss you my dear friend. Wonderful sunset which brings you into the dreams with this couple. Very peaceful beach with soft colors and high level sharpness. I am happy again to see you. Warm Hugs. Your Friend Ali
Photo By: Marian Man
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/28/2008 7:49:49 PM
My Dear Friend Arif! As Michele Said: One Day the beauty is everywhere even to the end. Clarity and sharpness is perfect. The mood maybe 'an ending ' but there will be a new begining because nothing lost in the nature- so it is the cycle I like the lighting , tones, and DOF. Warm Regards. Ali
Photo By: Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/28/2008 2:26:34 AM
Dear Stan! Such a beautiful portrait with perfect tones of sephia. And you done perfectly desaturation. Roses looks so beautiful. Lighting and simplicity is perfect. I like it a lot. Thanks for your share. Be well Ali
Photo By: Stan Ciszek
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 12:07:01 PM
Ma Chere Michele! Perfectly seen and imagined. Wonderful texture and very well done abstract. And your title is Great. Who is the owner of the divine chemistry. Very deep meaning shot. Thanks for your share and for your poke. warm Hugs. Your friend Ali.
Photo By: Michele Carlsen
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 11:32:43 AM
My Dear Srna! What a beautiful gift for Michele. And I wish long and happy years to Michele. Wonderful colors of this lovely sunflower. And your angle perfectly selected. Details are so clear and so soft. Warm Hugs. Ali
Photo By: Srna Stankovic
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 11:27:59 AM
My Dear Melek Hanım! Very nice waterfalls. And well presented. Very fresh atmosphere while we are living very hot days in Turkey. Kisses and Hugs to You From South of Your Country. Ali Abi
Photo By: Melek Kul
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 11:23:03 AM
Dear Yashar! Completely perfect shot. All of the elements are "Comme Il Faut". You perfectly discover the title and scene emotion. very well observed and presented street shot. Be well. Ali
Photo By: Yashar G
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 11:19:15 AM
My Dear Friend John! Say Cheeese for Mr. Cheeese. A Nice macro John, origina and attractive with those big eyes
. Great details compatible with your lovely title Warm Regards. Ali
Photo By: John Hatz
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 1:34:42 AM
Dear Alexandre! Thanks a lot for visit and for your warm critique. I am glad you like this tenderness shot. Be well. Ali
Photo By: ali ikizkaya
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 1:21:13 AM
Dear Jorge! perfect angle selection. And Great composition with clever crop. perfect depth feeling. All elements Well balanced in the shot. Bee well. Ali
Photo By: Jorge Meira
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 1:18:02 AM
Dear Barry! Extremely impressive capture and portrait for this lovely smoky cat. Beautiful eyes and great crop. I like it. be well Ali
Photo By: Barry Walthall
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 1:16:07 AM
Dear Stan! How much I miss that kind of cloudy sky. Its approximately impossible to see that kind of sky in my town. For that purpose I am so fascinated. Extremely beautiful sky. You captured very well with lovely silhouettes. I like it. Thanks for your share. be well. Ali
Photo By: Stan Hill
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 12:38:53 AM
Dear Violetta! Wonderful sunset scene with light and color saturation. The reflection on the water is really nice. Silhouette is well placed in the composition. Perfect I like it Be well. Ali
Photo By: Violetta Tarnowska
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 12:25:42 AM
My Dear Master Nicole! Wonderful title and superb sharpness, clear details and high level softness like a butterfly. Wonderful composition. Well framed and cropped. Perfect my master. Warm Hugs. Ali
Photo By: Nicole Besch
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/27/2008 12:22:30 AM
My Dear Frien Arif! As usual. As you love deeply you are walking always around Pera. And you offer us a unique shots from my lovely city Istanbul. How much I miss it. Very nice angle and wonderful depth feeling from bottom to the sky. And as you always do a great timing for seagull. Excellent clairity. Perfect. Your Friend Ali
Photo By: Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
Critique By:
ali ikizkaya (K:11418)
8/26/2008 2:33:01 AM
Dear Julie! Thanks for your kind visit and for your warm critique. And I am happy you like her and the story behind this scene. Warm Regards. Ali
Photo By: ali ikizkaya