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Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/30/2008 10:46:44 PM

My Dear Master Nicki !
As you know very well like Marian; my main focus object was that cross-eyed cat. I am glad you like it technically also. Thanks for your kind and sincere critique.
Be well my dear master.
Big Hugs for you and for Sam
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/30/2008 10:40:39 PM

My Dear Friend Michele!
First of all please excuse me for my delay to your critique. This is my mistake. Because I didnt see it in my box. Now I read it between old critiques. Thanks for your kind visit and constructive critique as you done always without interrupt. I am happy you like depth, details and POV of this shot.
Excuse me again. With my warm Hugs
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/30/2008 10:34:13 PM

My Dear Friend Marian!
Wonderful perspective and perfect depth and you adjusted very well POV in the center of the frame. Supported with natural colors in poor lighting.
A perfect street shot. Thanks for your share.
Warm Hugs.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: Marian Man  (K:80636) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/30/2008 3:25:52 PM

My Dear Master Nicki!
You cant how much I like this shot. Perfect composition, perfect moment and supported with crystal clear details. Is there anybody who knows somebody capable to capture the animals in their environment better than Nicole ?.
My warm hugs my dear Nicki.
Your friend Ali
        Photo By: Nicole Besch  (K:72664) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/29/2008 5:18:51 PM

Dear Gustavo!
What a superb portrait. A pair of talking mixed with a hidden smile. Perfect crop. Natural colors.
Best Regards.
        Photo By: Gustavo Scheverin  (K:164501) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/29/2008 5:09:59 PM

Dear Anne!
Thanks for your visit and for your warm critique.I am glad you like it. And I understand very well you like the animals.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/29/2008 5:08:13 PM

Dear Anne!
Thanks for your visit and for your warm critique.I am glad you like it.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/29/2008 12:20:00 AM

My Dear Friend Arif!
What a beautiful POV. You are a clever for enriching the composition. Excellent tones of B/W. And magnificent depth. All the objects very well placed and tuned.
Your are the great my dear friend.
My warm regards to you.
Your friend Ali
        Photo By: Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)  (K:27380)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/28/2008 11:32:56 PM

My Dear Friend Ozhan!
Wonderful shot specially with an GSM phone camera. If you still continue to take that kind of perfect shots. I am gonna smash my Nikon camera. perfect crop excellent dof and angle.
Your friend Ali.
        Photo By: Ozhan Cakici  (K:624)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/28/2008 11:29:00 PM

My Dear FRiend Ozhan!
I am happy you like it. Thanks for your kind visit and for your warm critique.
Best Rgards.
Your friend Ali
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/23/2008 9:12:35 PM

Sevgili Arkadaşım Arif!
Zaman zaman senin karelerine anadilimizde yazıyorum. Fakat senin öyle karelerin varki anadilden başkası yetmeyecek. Buda onlardan biri; YALANSIZ-DOLANSIZ-KARŞILIKSIZ-HAKİKİ sevgi. Ben hiç karelere ilk olarak teknik açıdan bakmadım. Hep ilk anda bana söyledikleri duygulara ve onları iyi ifade edip edemediklerine baktım. Muhteşem yakalamışsın bakışlarını ve onun bakıilarında ki duyguları. Öyle temiz ve masum bakıyorki.
Yanaklarından ve burnundan öp benim için. Ellerine sağlık.
Arkadaşın Ali
        Photo By: Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)  (K:27380)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/23/2008 9:05:57 PM

Bonjour Ma Chere Michele!
I hope you are fine. And you are magical girl for taking a shot of this metal goose. I know very well this airplane.
Very well taken. And thanks for your share.
Warm Hugs To You From Turkey.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: Michele Carlsen  (K:146013)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/23/2008 9:01:23 PM

Hi My Dear Friend John!
I like this landscape with olive trees. Like in my country. And I know very well the difficulty of taking a shot under the fort lighting like under the Aegean Sky.
Very nice landscape with natural elements.
Thanks for your share.
Warm Regards.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: John Hatz  (K:156973)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/23/2008 8:50:04 PM

My Dear Friend Srna!
Thanks for your visit and for your sincere critique as you done always with your full heart. I am glad you like the cat. As you pointed your friend Ali is a poor story teller for his friends.
Warm Hugs.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/23/2008 8:44:26 PM

My Dear Marian!
First of all I am sorry for the delay of response. Because my father is so sick. I dont know but maybe the time. Thanks for your visit and for your sincere critique as you always done with your noble heart for your friend Ali. I am glad you like the details of this work. As you discover very properly my main focus was cat. I know me very well my dear Marian. You right; maybe the little Ali feel him self like a cat.
Warm Hugs.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/23/2008 8:39:42 PM

My Dear Friend John!
Thanks for your visit and for your sincere critique. I am glad you like the composition of this work and its elements.
Warm Regards.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/23/2008 8:38:29 PM

My Dear Friend Arif!
Thanks for your visit and for your sincere critique. I am glad you like the perspective of this work.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/18/2008 6:51:15 PM

My Dear Master Nicole!
I know I am a little bit delayed for the felicitation of SRNA s birthday. But Since firstday of this month I am far from my town for the reason of health problems of my father. I was 1000km far from my town. And I had a no Internet abilities. Please accept my excuses.
What a beautiful color of rose as a gift for our naive friend SRNA.
Dear SRNA Happy birthday for you and my best wishes for you.
Warm Hugs for Both of YOU
Your friend Ali
        Photo By: Nicole Besch  (K:72664) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/11/2008 1:56:46 PM

My Dear Friend John!
For most of the our friends this shot is unusual. But regarding my profession its usual. But I never imagine to take a this composition. Perfect. Another wonderful angle and focus understanding with very soft and clear lighting.
With my best wishes.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: John Hatz  (K:156973)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/10/2008 11:29:13 PM

Dear Siamak!
Perfect composition and crop. perfect lighting and focus regarding the soul of this shot. perfectly presented in soft B/W tones
warm Regards.
        Photo By: siamak jafari  (K:20075) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/10/2008 11:26:10 PM

Hi Zoltan!
Very impressive shot. First of all the meaning; the hammer as you strike to the parents heads. Childrens emotional situation of divorced parents. The depth and cool internal situation of the childrens who stays between their parents.
Excellent and supersoft definiton. Perfect depth of field.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: Zoltán Nagy  (K:26)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/9/2008 11:47:49 PM

Sevgili Arkadaşım Arif!
Super bir sahne. Nerden aklına geldi bilmiyorum ama mükemmel düşünmüş ve gerçekleştirmişsin. Enfes olmuş. Bende oyuncakların ve bu tür küçük objelerin resmini çekmeyi seviyorum ama pek hoşlanılmıyor diye bıraktım.
Ellerine sağlık çok iyi düşünmüşsün.
Arkadaşın Ali
        Photo By: Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)  (K:27380)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/9/2008 7:19:18 PM

My Dear Friend Marian !
You are a such a noble and naive and sensible girl. A wonderful gift for your and for our friend Srna. I wish you to Srna a happy years in the future.
Wonderful flowers with a very nice lighting.
Bigs Hugs. And I am happy you come back.
Your Friend Ali
        Photo By: Marian Man  (K:80636) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
9/9/2008 7:15:09 PM

My Dear Friend Srna!
How you are beautiful in your interesting pose.
And and Happy Birthday To youu. I wish you a wonderful and healty happy years. My best wishes for your new period of life.
With Warm and Big Hugs To You.
Your Friend Ali.
        Photo By: Srna Stankovic  (K:172232) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
8/29/2008 10:58:36 PM

Dear Friend!
First of all I must tell the truth; If I can be good photographer like you specially for B/Ws. Your every shot became my favorite. This is my first time I am leaving a critique. What can tell a poor guy like me for your shots. Your shots like this one are PERFECT and FANTASTIC. If I can decide for my birthdate It will be a in 40-50s. For that reason Your shots is unique for me.
Thanks for your share.
Be well. Ali
        Photo By: A. W. Osnafotos  (K:6373)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
8/29/2008 10:52:24 PM

Dear Baha!
Wonderful composition with very soft colors. Very pastoral shot. I am sure our friends Srna, Biljana will deeply happy to see you in Serbia instead of this bird.
Be well
        Photo By: Mahmoud Baha Sadri  (K:19634)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
8/29/2008 10:48:14 PM

Dear Stan!
Very interesting portrait angle for this beautiful lady with very soft colors and very elegant frame.
Be well
        Photo By: Stan Ciszek  (K:56854) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
8/29/2008 10:43:01 PM

Dear Dan!
Thanks for your visit and for your critique. I am happy you admire this shot with FANTASTIC word.
Warm Regards.
        Photo By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
8/29/2008 2:36:47 AM

My Dear Srna!
Such a beautiful flowers with wonderful vivid colors like you. Very sharp, clear and soo soft shot. Good focus and very nice composition well adjusted.
Big Hugs to You, Hello For David and Miaaoouuss For Him
        Photo By: Srna Stankovic  (K:172232) Donor

Critique By: ali ikizkaya  (K:11418)  
8/28/2008 11:29:36 PM

Dear Dan!
As I am a cat addict I can say I never seen ever that kind of shot which define curiosity of the cats. Perfect perfect and Perfect I love it. I love the MILO. It goes to my favorite.
Say Miaauu for him. And warm regards for you.
        Photo By: Dan  TDFoto  (K:8618) Donor

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