Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 6/4/2008
Thanks a lot for the additional info about the image and its making, Paolo! I know what you talk about. They see some poses in magazines and they think that they have to follow them and be "like him" or "like her". If you search the UF, about 90% of the such images are copies of a normalized look and style that they are eager to follow. That imitating behavior is such a ridiculous awful concept, but apparently they will never stop wanting to be somebody else in their minds.
In this sense it was a great thing that you did this image as you liked to have it. And your decision was good and refreshing. I guess this was the image she liked less from all, ey? ;-) Anyway, keep up doing your thing!
Paolo Stefano Amero
{K:5607} 6/3/2008
Dear Nick, this shot was the last one of a series of about 15 photos I have shot for this friend of mine and was the only one in "my style". The other ones were made like the friend wanted. Mostly poses she saw on some magazine The decision of the DoF was mine as well as to keep her right eye in a soft focus!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 6/2/2008
A very good portrait in a modern, right "up in your face" composition, and it has also that kind of silent expression that separates portraits from posing. The tonality is very strong! I would say that the DoF should include the whole face, but still the great difference in focus from the face to the shoulder is enhancing it quite a lot! The white-key-like appearance supports very well the fineness of the portrait too.
If I may ask, did you directed her, or rather made a series of shots just as they come?
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 5/18/2008
incredible eyes, very nice capture.
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 9/29/2005
Bellissimo ritratto, ottimo taglio, bellissima modella!! Ti ringrazio per la sincera critica alla mia foto Paolo Stefano, sei un acuto osservatore, in effetti la farfallina era stata fotografata in un altro contesto, l'ho applicata con P.S. sul "soffione", il cielo è un pò artefatto per la elaborazione e ho lasciato apposta sul fondo la leggera nuvolaglia per testimoniare lo scatto in "plainaire". Tutto questa per cercare di fare una foto abbastanza impattante dato che è molto difficile trovare una piccola farfalla su un cosidetto "soffione". Mi sono un pò dilungato al contrario delle mie abitudini e mi scuso, perchè io credo che un'immagine non ha bisogno di molte parole per spiegarla, ma in questo caso ho cercato di farlo rispondendo alla tua garbata e legittima critica.
Un caro saluto.
Giuseppe Vitali
{K:580} 9/29/2005
Occhi bellissimi... che hanno risvegliato in me vecchi ricordi ;-)
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 9/24/2005
great model, beautiful eyes, we can look at it for eternity
Paolo Stefano Amero
{K:5607} 9/23/2005
Thank you all
Lucas L
{K:12145} 9/23/2005
stunning eyes indeed.
Larry Monserate Piojo
{K:10780} 9/23/2005
hi paolo, such a wonderful portrait!!! love the eyes and lips... and yah! the crop is really effective!!! wish i cud get the same portraits soon..
b.rgrds, LarryM.P.
AdindA Gosal
{K:803} 9/23/2005
beautiful portrait...beautiful model... great DOF'...nice works sir'...: )
regards -dinda'-
tabi mahmoud
{K:2270} 9/23/2005
great portrait,good lighting &position &nice blue eyes