Esimado/a: Ellie. No es mi idea crear polemica sobre tu trabajo, tampoco menos preciarlo, al contrario, creo que esta web es una instancia para crecer. Lamento no saber ingles para poder escribir mas claramente. Pero no quiero que tomes a mal mis comentarios, solo quise decirte que tienes otras fotografias que encuentro extraordinarias y esta en especifico, se escapa demasiado de tu trabajo anterior.
Nuevamente te pido disculpas si por problemas de idioma no comprendiste mis ideas.
If I understand your meaning, you don't like the photo and you think the technique is bad... may I suggest reading what the technique is and thinking first before making a comment... it was taken with a cellphone of moving film, as far as I know there is no "technique" for doing this, it was an experiment and imo the result is beautiful and quite exciting.
I certainly made enough of an impression on you for you to make a rather long comment which made me laugh, so I guess I should be happy. You should try to expand your idea of what a photograph is or has to be, you will probably improve your photography by doing so.
La verdad me cuesta mucho entender tu fotografia, no tiene ningun interes, ninguna aplicacion y sinceramente una muy mala aplicacion de la tecnica, disculapa si mi comentario es un poco destructivo, pero creo que debes tener mucho mejores fotografias.