ah well, that's it then, I am, ....going back home....she will be pretty annoyed because we have been here for hours and I said we would be home by eight because her mother is coming to breakfast, breakfast for chris'sake, she'll never leave and the day will be gone.....c'mon Mildred, get out of the bloody water, what are you, a fish?.......not a bit hungry, let's go then....
....still pondering it, actually, I think your version is more lively....could send up a few that need 'fixing'!!...just trying to get a couple of b&w prints ready for an exhibition at Bellingen...what a circus...cheers, david.
....yes, that has a nice atmosphere, I didn't think of my old mate ps, but guess what, can you bring back the 'sparkle'in the mid ground on the original?.....you gotta have some 'sparkle', cheers Judi, david.
....funny you should spot that, when I read your comment I did a bit of a 'what's she on about' shuffle and then went in for a closer look....it does go a bit flat at the bottom doesn't it...not sure how to fix that, (?) sun right out front, it was f22 at 1200 I think, or thereabouts.......thanks Judi, appreciate your thoughts, cheer, david.
....like putting a story around the pictures, always wonder why people are where they are, actually this place is magic, the old sea baths in Newcastle, around dawn, practically nobody to see the beauty of it all, go to K-Mart three hours later and you can't move. Go to Google and put in 'Where is Newcastle'........today I put in 'Where is Cadiz' (has a nice ring to it) and now I know where you live! I can feel a limerick coming on......!! cheers, david.
Hahahaha, you're so funny!! David, I love patterns in the sand, and this is wonderful...and a perfect composition too with the patterns in the sand leading the viewer to the lone man, who btw makes a very good silhouette...hahahaha, just read your about again....funny...well done...:):)