Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 8/13/2005
great Judi!! i do see teh difference... kinda like going from a 3 to a 3.5 contrast filter in the darkroom... very good thank you so muc for your time and info....
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 8/12/2005
I am attaching my version. It is only subtle but you should see what I mean. Try using the channel mixer and clicking on monochrome and then adjusting the three channels to suit your liking.

Cheryl Ogle
{K:24494} 8/11/2005
Beautiful shot! Love the curve of the body on this Bryan. Well done! On a side note: I wanted you to know I am taking down my "friend list" and adding everyone to my Associates list - I think that long list has stopped me from seeing more photos. Im doing this to all of my list so don't be offended - I will check in on you for sure! I just don't have the time right now but I love your work so I will keep up on you.
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 8/11/2005
Hi Judi... i know what ya mean... i really struggle when converting to b+w... and getting specatcular tones... what would be a suggestion? anything would help.... thanks again!! b
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 8/11/2005
thank you Calin for taking the time to comment and for your observations...
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 8/11/2005
thank you Lucas for your kind words!! b
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 8/11/2005
thank you Liz....
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 8/10/2005
Good image but I think the tones should be a little stronger.
Calin Hanchevici
{K:1459} 8/10/2005
excellent tones, i think it would be better not to crop her arm ans shoulder
Lucas L
{K:12145} 8/10/2005
lovely done! quite beautiful work!
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 8/10/2005
Excellent composition and tones Bryan...like the expression on her face...:) well done Liz