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Day shot of Fountain
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Image Title:  Day shot of Fountain
Favorites: 0 
 By: Robert Lewis  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Robert Lewis  Robert Lewis {Karma:491}
Project #30 Water Camera Model Canon Rebel XT
Categories Street
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Canon  75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 EF IS USM
Uploaded 8/6/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 453 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 4 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City -  Orlando
State -  FLORIDA
Country - United States   United States
About Taken during the day of the Fountain of light
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There are 4 Comments in 1 Pages
Robert Lewis Robert Lewis   {K:491} 8/8/2005
THank you so much for commenting. This is exactly what I am looking for. I never thought of using the polarizer for a shot, to be honest I didnt know exactly where i should use the filters. I agree about the sky being to bright and upon your suggestion of trying the shot ata later time of the day, I am going to return there and do just that. As for a different view, i found that to be a better choice of scenery for the shot, however I am going to take another look when I return there, maybe I overlooked a better shot. Thank you so much for giving me this help.



Mike George   {K:3429} 8/8/2005
Hi Robert, I was intriqued by your post under the forum "I just don't get it". As you wished for more critical/indepth I have come to your portfolio and looked for a shot that has few responses. I've always been a person who says, if ya can't say something nice, don't say anything. Well, I decided even before I pulled up your portfolio that you wanted to know ways to get better, so I decided to take a look and would find one to comment on. I am not a pro so take my views with that in mind.

I liked the idea behind this shot. It actually reminds me of the begining (or end) of the show Married with Children. It could use a bit of improvement in my eyes. I do like the way the sunlight lights the fountain spray. I think the best improvement is with the sky and buildings. The sky is a bit white to me and the buildings a bit underexposed ( a problem not to uncommon to my shots as well). So I began considering how I would have tried this shot. I think I would have shot a few with a polarizer. I think that would have helped with the sky and perhaps the buildings (although I am not too sure about what the polarizer would have done to the dark buildings). The polarizer might have even made the distant buildings silhoutte, which might not have been bad either. I am pretty sure the clouds would have shown up better with the polarizer. Another would have been to take the shot from a different view, moreso with the sun behind you. However, I don't know what the skyline or background was like so perhaps you did the best that was available with the circumstances that you had.

I am also curious what the shot would have looked like with a slow shutter speed, blurring the water. You know kind of like the blurred stream shots. I would also like to see what the shot would look like in the early morning or late afternoon with the gold tint from the sun. Just thinking aloud.

Good luck and keep shooting.......



Gabriel Fuentes Gabriel Fuentes   {K:6565} 8/6/2005
Excellent, especially on composition: love the way the top of that massive building on the left, and the top of the fountain's geyser-like column of water, and then the top of the church's spire LINE UP; also the choice of shutter speed that with just the right amount of blur shows 'action.' Quite a different scene from its nightime colors. Good work Robert ...Gabi


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 8/6/2005
Very nice clarity and off centered composition, this looks a lot different during the day....I like that the water is illuminated but the background is in shadow, really helps to focus the attention on your subject. I think that the night one appeals to me more because of the colors, but this is really nice too. I think you should straighten the tilt on that one and do a can leave the first one up or remove it and redo it, we do that all the time. And you might want to move this one to either the water project, or perspective, not sure myself, just a couple to think about. Very well seen and captured...kisses...:):)




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